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[Campaign] Tales Of The Alliance

Which campaign should I start work on next

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Level 1
Jun 16, 2014
That's good, but any news on Conquest of an alliance it's at 96% so what is left to do on it and when do you think it will be done?
Well I'm thinking of bumping CoI back to 90% due to the whole remaking of the third interlude and the fact that I'm making it according to Blizz standards which means I need to go back through a couple of missions and change a few things.

When I started making the campaign I sucked really badly at making stuff but now I know exactly how to do things professionally and it's the standard to which I'm improving all the maps. Kind of like how Tomoraider released the original rotb then made the v2.0 I'm not going to do that I'm going to release CoI to the highest possible standard at release without the need for major updates.

I also want to release CoI and LL at the same time so that the stories begin to run together.
Yes and no, I've stopped working on it but I'll probably pick it up again. It's in a weird state of limbo not helped by the fact that I've moved onto other things from Warcraft 3, I've not left it and I'm not gone from Warcraft 3 but I'm doing/playing other things.

I'll probably get back on to this some day but not soon, so sorry. I'll see what I can do maybe come March, I'll have gotten a lot of personal things out of the way then and I've got a few holidays then so we'll see.
So, it's been 5 years, I would still love to play the full campaign tho xd
Well then you'll be happy to hear that work on the sequel to Lordaeron's Legacy, Lordaeron's Destiny is proceeding steadily and only has 3 missions left to finish before it can be released (along with a lot of polishing).
Level 7
Nov 17, 2020
Well then you'll be happy to hear that work on the sequel to Lordaeron's Legacy, Lordaeron's Destiny is proceeding steadily and only has 3 missions left to finish before it can be released (along with a lot of polishing).
Hoping someone makes a Youtube playthrough of it. :ogre_love:
Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
I forgot about this and was surprised to get a notification from this thread!
I'm glad Footman is still working on it and I'll play the demo to remember what the project is
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
I've updated the first page since it was massively out of date, I still need to change some more things about it but hopefully it'll give a better idea of the direction the project is now going in.
It's out of date again, but you done so good! I made it until the end. I was a bit disappointed, because I expected to be more than 10 chapters, but who I am to judge? After I seen what you & others are made in the Lordaerons Destiny... I was amazed. I really liked the Zombie chapter, where the limit was only 500 zombies to escape, more of that means Chapter Failed. Thank you very much for the campaigns, and amazing works. It was a pleasure to play.
It's out of date again, but you done so good! I made it until the end. I was a bit disappointed, because I expected to be more than 10 chapters, but who I am to judge? After I seen what you & others are made in the Lordaerons Destiny... I was amazed. I really liked the Zombie chapter, where the limit was only 500 zombies to escape, more of that means Chapter Failed. Thank you very much for the campaigns, and amazing works. It was a pleasure to play.
Yep, I'll need to update it again, the OP looks horrendous lol!

Thanks, it took a long time to make the chapters as a lot of the missions featured complexities that might not be initially obvious and that took a long time to make, even if the end result still has a few bugs unfortunately.

Chapter 8 is one of my favourites, the Zombie objective I did feel was unique and added some more flavour to it. Chapter 6 is another one of my favourites :)
Level 6
Jan 29, 2023
Howdy, Footman16.
After replaying the campaign, i have been thinking about how story would unfold.
You mentioned your next campaign is about Stromgarde and will also have story progression in MOP timeline.
Perhaps, you consider continuation of our rightful King Candor's story in BFA timeline?
Lore after Legion can be quite messy, but BFA can be opportunity for reborn Lordaeron storyline.
With destruction of Undercity and forsaken army in Trisfal, their grasps on Hillsbrad, Silverpine and Plaguelands will be weakened.
And then it will be perfect opportunity that Candor can reclaim some of the former Lordaeron's lands from the forsaken remnant's forces.
You can go link with BFA timeline by Candor's forces sending help to Alliance in reclaiming Stromgarde etc.
Howdy, Footman16.
After replaying the campaign, i have been thinking about how story would unfold.
You mentioned your next campaign is about Stromgarde and will also have story progression in MOP timeline.
Perhaps, you consider continuation of our rightful King Candor's story in BFA timeline?
Lore after Legion can be quite messy, but BFA can be opportunity for reborn Lordaeron storyline.
With destruction of Undercity and forsaken army in Trisfal, their grasps on Hillsbrad, Silverpine and Plaguelands will be weakened.
And then it will be perfect opportunity that Candor can reclaim some of the former Lordaeron's lands from the forsaken remnant's forces.
You can go link with BFA timeline by Candor's forces sending help to Alliance in reclaiming Stromgarde etc.
So Candors story is on hold for now after Lordaerons Destiny. The Stromgarde campaign takes place during the Third War and will show what happened to Stromgadde during that time period.
Level 7
Nov 17, 2020
So Candors story is on hold for now after Lordaerons Destiny. The Stromgarde campaign takes place during the Third War and will show what happened to Stromgadde during that time period.
I do admit I'm hoping for a better victory. I admit the campaign itself could use a little work story-wise and gameplay wise, but it's a product of real dedication, and I'm happy with that. Though if you need help with writing a better story, I can help with that.
I do admit I'm hoping for a better victory. I admit the campaign itself could use a little work story-wise and gameplay wise, but it's a product of real dedication, and I'm happy with that. Though if you need help with writing a better story, I can help with that.
In what ways do you feel the story and gameplay could use a little work? I'm happy to hear suggestions and feedback :)
Level 7
Nov 17, 2020
In what ways do you feel the story and gameplay could use a little work? I'm happy to hear suggestions and feedback :)
Right, so with regards to the story, there could be more work in the dialogue, cause there are parts that feel slightly cut-off or lacking, like the dialogue could be fleshed out a little more. The cinematic dialogue still tends to be overly long for short sentences, though it's an improvement over the previous campaign.

As for gameplay, I feel like Candor's faction could use some more uniqueness in terms of appearance, mechanics and playstyle. It feels like a copy-paste of the Human faction, to be honest. And then there's the part where Candor enlisted the aid of the Elves and the Dwarves, yet I don't see them being featured at all in the gameplay, whether as additional units in Candor's faction or as allied players.

And for the final part, with Sylvanas's troops severely depleted in the Battle of Andorhal, I think it would make sense for the Blood Elves to start questioning her war policy with the Humans, wondering if it's really worth it. At least in the sense that they would doubt they can easily win against Candor's Kingdom. If possible, politics could see Sylvanas and the Forsaken being painted in an increasingly bad light by the Horde, such that they may move to restrict its privileges and make it isolated.

Anyway, it's just my suggestions here.
Right, so with regards to the story, there could be more work in the dialogue, cause there are parts that feel slightly cut-off or lacking, like the dialogue could be fleshed out a little more. The cinematic dialogue still tends to be overly long for short sentences, though it's an improvement over the previous campaign.
I see, well I'm a firm believer in show not tell as well as to trim unnecessary dialogue, generally less is more and you use as much as you need to convey the points that you want to i.e. interpersonal conflict, plot progression and yes sometimes even exposition when necessary. I'd need more specific examples to be able to see what you mean in these regards :) There is a fine balance I feel between too much dialogue and too little. Gameplay should always be front and centre imo and the story/dialogue etc is a tool to invest the player but to also move between each set piece. There are a couple of weaknesses, for example Istan being sent to Kalimdor only to be sent to the Eastern Kingdoms was a bit dumb and could've been done better. But generally I feel like the story is cohesive and well-rounded in terms of establishing characters and plot ending in a climax and a resolution.
As for gameplay, I feel like Candor's faction could use some more uniqueness in terms of appearance, mechanics and playstyle. It feels like a copy-paste of the Human faction, to be honest. And then there's the part where Candor enlisted the aid of the Elves and the Dwarves, yet I don't see them being featured at all in the gameplay, whether as additional units in Candor's faction or as allied players.
I am also a firm believer in not changing things for the sake of change :p therefore I wanted to keep a lot of the original Human tech-tree but add and change some aspects for more flavour and to represent the Alliance as it is in WoW, so Draenei, Gunships etc. The Elves and Dwarves do appear tho, Candor doesn't use Elven and Dwarven units until after that mission before that he just has Footmen and Spearmen. Literally every Elf and Dwarven unit in the tech-tree comes from that mission ;)
And for the final part, with Sylvanas's troops severely depleted in the Battle of Andorhal, I think it would make sense for the Blood Elves to start questioning her war policy with the Humans, wondering if it's really worth it. At least in the sense that they would doubt they can easily win against Candor's Kingdom. If possible, politics could see Sylvanas and the Forsaken being painted in an increasingly bad light by the Horde, such that they may move to restrict its privileges and make it isolated.

Anyway, it's just my suggestions here.
These campaigns are confined to the Alliance so it would feel out of place to suddenly introduce Horde politics in the background; its why I decided to exclude Sylvanas' appearance in the Battle of Andorhal and her interactions with Koltira as I felt it would be too out of place and detract from the focus on Istan, Candor and Pyraelus.

EDIT: The last thing I'll say is that there's a difference between a bad story and a story that doesn't do what you want it to. But in the case of the latter I think that should always be a great incentive to make you're own works and to produce your own stories so people can enjoy your vision. After all you say you can write a better story so I hope you go out and make your own custom campaign for me to play and enjoy :)
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Level 7
Nov 17, 2020
EDIT: The last thing I'll say is that there's a difference between a bad story and a story that doesn't do what you want it to. But in the case of the latter I think that should always be a great incentive to make you're own works and to produce your own stories so people can enjoy your vision. After all you say you can write a better story so I hope you go out and make your own custom campaign for me to play and enjoy :)
I'm not a campaign editor, I admit, but thanks for your suggestions.
Small update, Act 1 of the new Stromgarde campaign is finished and I'm now working on Act 2, I foresee this campaign to be around 10/11 playable missions with a couple of interludes.

The title for the campaign has also been finalised as:

I might have some images to follow but the first three missions and interlude are all fully finished!

Here's a little hint as to what Act 2 will contain
Screenshot 2024-05-18 134343.png
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Looking forward to new stories, I'd like to know when this campaign will be in Beta.
There probably wont be a beta tbh and I'll look to release the entire campaign once its finished, right now Act 1 is finished and Act 2 is progressing nicely with the first map of the second set nearing completion :)
Level 8
Oct 6, 2021
Small update, Act 1 of the new Stromgarde campaign is finished and I'm now working on Act 2, I foresee this campaign to be around 10/11 playable missions with a couple of interludes.

The title for the campaign has also been finalised as:
View attachment 473642

I might have some images to follow but the first three missions and interlude are all fully finished!

Here's a little hint as to what Act 2 will contain
Wow, very charming, I hope the campaign is an RTS model like "Lordaeron's Legacy" but as difficult as "Lordaeron's Destiny" :plol:
Wow, very charming, I hope the campaign is an RTS model like "Lordaeron's Legacy" but as difficult as "Lordaeron's Destiny" :plol:
Yeah don't worry all my campaigns stick to the Blizzard formula of a mix of dungeon-crawler/no-base (whatever you want to call it) missions as well as base missions. Some of the objectives within those missions might be unique like the Culling or A Symphony of Frost and Flame but in general I try and make my campaigns as "Blizz-like" as possible :)

In terms of difficulty it's something that's never going to be perfect, I could add variable difficulty but that's even more work so yeah instead I try to aim for something a little harder than the standard blizz campaigns but not too difficult with enough practice and time :)
Level 8
Oct 6, 2021
Yeah don't worry all my campaigns stick to the Blizzard formula of a mix of dungeon-crawler/no-base (whatever you want to call it) missions as well as base missions. Some of the objectives within those missions might be unique like the Culling or A Symphony of Frost and Flame but in general I try and make my campaigns as "Blizz-like" as possible :)

In terms of difficulty it's something that's never going to be perfect, I could add variable difficulty but that's even more work so yeah instead I try to aim for something a little harder than the standard blizz campaigns but not too difficult with enough practice and time :)
Oh, there's a little suggestion, maybe if there are enemy heroes in each chapter, it's a good idea to make them as tough as the heroes we have, whether in terms of HP or in terms of inventory, you can give them lots of permanent inventory, if necessary, the slots are filled.
Level 4
Jan 11, 2020
Incredibly hyped for your Fall of Stromgarde campaign. I think I have ranted about Stromgarde and its mishandling in WoW in the other thread before. I had more discussions on the topic elsewhere since.

Stromgarde was supposed to have more of an actual role and presence in WoW. But unfortunately, due to engine limitations, most of that zone and the surrounding regions like Hinterlands got nuked during the final stage of development of WoW. They had to be redesigned from scratch, and as a result, these zones are very barren/empty both quest-wise and even more so design-wise. As such, unfortunately, Stromgarde in WoW looks like someone haphazardly erased the entire kingdom. The maps of the alpha Stormgarde looked so good too.

At any rate, it's great the campaign is going to explore Stromgarde during one of the most fascinating and unexplored periods of the setting. You can't go wrong with exploring the south-eastern portion of the Lordaeron subcontinent during the Third War.

Would be cool if the campaign starts off pre-fall of Dalaran with Thoras sending men north to fight the Scourge. And then later playing "Under the Burning Sky" mission from the human side with the Stromgarde army coming in defense of Dalaran. It would be somewhat canon too.

The Chronicles books clearly indicate that Stromgarde sent their armies to fight the Scourge, and then there's that plot point with Thoras being involved in Terenas' tomb as well. You even had a Stromgardian general as one of the leaders of the early Scarlet Crusade as per their pre-retcon lore in vanilla WoW.

It's pretty clear that Stromgarde/Thoras had a decent bit of involvement in the EK during the Third War and in the 4-year interim period between WC3 and Vanilla WoW before his assassination. Should be very interesting whatever you manage to do.

There's a decent number of plot beats to work with. Stopping the Legion invasion that shatters the Thoradin's Wall, the intrigue of Galens' inevitable betrayal, the Syndicate, who are allied with a Shadow Council splinter cell - Argus Wake, looking to bring down the kingdom, the Hinterlands Amani led by the Withernbark tribe and the Boulderfist Ogres seeking to conquer Arathi Highlands, helping out the newly established Scarlet Crusade under Alexandros Mograine (if you're using the pre-retcon SC lore) or the newly reformed Order of the Silverhand (if you're using retconned SC lore) right next door, etc.
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Stromgarde was supposed to have more of an actual role and presence in WoW. But unfortunately, due to engine limitations, most of that zone and the surrounding regions like Hinterlands got nuked during the final stage of development of WoW. They had to be redesigned from scratch, and as a result, these zones are very barren/empty both quest-wise and even more so design-wise. As such, unfortunately, Stromgarde in WoW looks like someone haphazardly erased the entire kingdom. The maps of the alpha Stormgarde looked so good too.
Do you know if these maps of the alpha Stromgarde or pictures still exist? They could be cool to see :)
Would be cool if the campaign starts off pre-fall of Dalaran with Thoras sending men north to fight the Scourge. And then later playing "Under the Burning Sky" mission from the human side with the Stromgarde army coming in defense of Dalaran. It would be somewhat canon too.
So it starts probably sometime during the RoC Human Campaign and by the time the Undead become the main threat Dalaran will already have fallen.
The Chronicles books clearly indicate that Stromgarde sent their armies to fight the Scourge, and then there's that plot point with Thoras being involved in Terenas' tomb as well. You even had a Stromgardian general as one of the leaders of the early Scarlet Crusade as per their pre-retcon lore in vanilla WoW.
Both those points will be covered in the campaign don't worry :)
It's pretty clear that Stromgarde/Thoras had a decent bit of involvement in the EK during the Third War and in the 4-year interim period between WC3 and Vanilla WoW before his assassination. Should be very interesting whatever you manage to do.
I don't think it's established exactly when he was killed so his assassination does serve as a plot point.
There's a decent number of plot beats to work with. Stopping the Legion invasion that shatters the Thoradin's Wall, the intrigue of Galens' inevitable betrayal, the Syndicate, who are allied with a Shadow Council splinter cell - Argus Wake, looking to bring down the kingdom, the Hinterlands Amani led by the Withernbark tribe and the Boulderfist Ogres seeking to conquer Arathi Highlands, helping out the newly established Scarlet Crusade under Alexandros Mograine (if you're using the pre-retcon SC lore) or the newly reformed Order of the Silverhand (if you're using retconned SC lore) right next door, etc.
The Scourge trying to breach Thoradin's Wall will be a big part of the story, the Syndicate, Witherbark and Boulderfist also serve as major parts of the story. Unfortunately I won't be able to cover the Scarlet Crusade or Reformed Silver Hand within the outline of this campaign/story but I hope that what is covered will satisfy you as Orman is one of the major playable characters ;)
Level 4
Jan 11, 2020
Do you know if these maps of the alpha Stromgarde or pictures still exist? They could be cool to see
Eastern Kingdoms during Alpha WoW. The alpha version of world map was drastically different. Much more faithful to the RTS-era geography.

But unfortunately, they ran into engine limitations. The Eastern Kingdoms got too tall, so they had to make them shorter but wider. That's why for example, Khaz Modan got fat in the final release.


Their early production map below. The map on the official Town Hall website and the vanilla WoW manual followed this layout as well.

As you can see, it's much more akin to the RTS geography. The Arathi are further south and lead directly to the Aerie Peaks (aka the Hinterlands) in the north. Thoradin's Wall is on the northern border with Hinterlands, dividing it from the rest of the Arathi Highlands.

Which is much more logical than the Wall pointing West at Hillsbrad, a human territory, instead of north towards the Troll-controlled Hinterlands. Since we know the Wall was specifically built to defend against Troll incursions, not humans.

And then the Aerie Peaks/Hinterlands leads to the much larger Alterac Mountains proper. Lordamere still has its old triangular shape. And there is also the Greenrush River leading from Zul'Aman to Darrowmere.

All this stuff got changed very late in development too. Hence why many of these zones having so little content.

Orman is one of the major playable characters
Nice! Great to hear that he's gonna be playable.
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