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Sunken Isles of Vash'al Tuna

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Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
[Updated]Sunken Isles of Vash'al Tuna


4-8 players required


After Deathwing entered the world of Azeroth destroying everything in his way, many changes have taken place. In the far west of the Lost Isles, a mysterious gem was found. Vol'jin, the Hexer Lord, used his voodoo magic on it, but the gem had different plans. He captured the mind of Vol'jin cursing him to listen to the gem's will. Using the dark voodoo magic combined with the gem's mystic magic, Vol'jin raised a lost temple from the deeps and took the gem there. Behind the greater walls, mysterious magic sacrifices and rituals take place. Worried about Vol'jin, The Horde leader Thrall send a group of warriors to search for him.
Meanwhile Vol'jin used his powerful voodoo spells to take control of most of the sea creatures he could find around to defend him and his troll acolytes.
You and your fellow friends need to find Vol'jin and put an end to his torture. Venture into the mysterious island of Vash'al Tuna and find Vol'jin. But be careful, cause there is no telling what awaits you there.
"Lok thar ogar !"


The game-play is very simple. It's like a survival map, just like an World of Warcraft Instance. You need to enter and explore the isles, defeat bosses, and finally you need to save Vol'jin from the mysterious gem that mind controlled him.

:carr:BETA Features

- 1 epic boss to fight with
- in BETA version I will use Blizzard heroes (even humans, even if it doesn't match the storyline)
- explore 25% of the map
- custom models (for units & doodads)
- custom spell effects
- a view of most of the terrain of the map

:carr:v.1.0.0 Features

- only 2 bosses (next bosses will be unlocked threw updates)
- custom heroes (only from the horde races -> Orc, Troll, Tauren, Undead, Blood Elfs, Goblins)
- custom high-quality items
- more lore & story (scrolls will be dropped in different places to tell you the story for those who like reading)
- custom models (units & doodads)
- custom spells / spell effects
- many more

:carr:Progress (until v.1.0.0)

Terrain :
100% (Finished)
Units :
35%(currently working on)
Tiggers :

:carr:In-game Screenshots (2 new screenshots)







:carr:Extra Info

I am currently working hard on version 1.0.0 so no more BETAs.
Also leave comments, feedback, suggestions & bugs.
The 1.0.0 will show up soon, with much more improvements than in BETA version

One more thing, I'm not a good terrainer, so please take it easy with the comments about that subject .

If someone can make me a loading screen that would be great (awarded with reputation of course and mentioned in my map).
Another thing, if someone can give me an link with a loading screen tutorial that would be also great (awarded with reputation of course).

Thanks for taking the time reading my new project ! Stay tunned.


  • Sunken Isles of Vash'al Tuna-opt.w3x
    1.8 MB · Views: 118
Last edited:
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009

BETA map released

Vol'jin knew that he needs defenders so he controlled the naga that populated the island...

i await suggestions, feedback and bug reports

and i would like to remind everyone that there are a lot of things that need to be added, so no hard critics.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
use [*hidden=titel] ...put text/images here... [/hidden] for images. I like how you made the desciption (the yellow/black arrow looks good). What bugs me though is that you didn't write at all something about the gameplay (not the features, but what kind of map it's etc., e.g. aos, td, rpg, rts etc.). If people can't see what kind of map this is in an eyeblink (for most people, since people tend to be lazy), I doubt you'll get many downloads (I don't want to be rude btw, just help you).


sry for triple post.
, I don't think the moderators mind that since you have atleast ~24 hours between your posts.
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
first of all thanks for reply. i took your advice and used the hidden command, i wanted to use it at start but didn't knew it so thanks.

and second, i just added the game-play description and 2 new screenshots.

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Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Good work, looks better now.


The game-play is very simple. It's like a survival map, just like an World of Warcraft Instance. You need to enter and explore the isles, defeat bosses, and finally you need to save Vol'jin from the mysterious gem that mind controlled him.
, I would have rather called it a rpg if it plays like WoW. I will play the map later (when I got free time), and give you feedback on it if you want.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Ok played it a bit, and feels like a simplified yet very hard Warchasers. Here are my suggestions:
*Make custom heroes, the heroes now are just the default ones which are rather boring (only 4 abilities). You should also make custom abilities or even triggered abilities if you can.
*You begin at level 10 and you can't level up anymore, you should not do this since it makes the map way more repetive than if you can level up.
*Monsters are way to hard to fight alone, you should make a difficulty system based on the amount of players there are (just use upgrades for this one).
*I played till the first boss and only item drops I got were +attribute books, kind of boring.
*Talking about the boss, he looked quite good but was extremely boring to fight, he has so much health. You should give him some spells and add triggers to it and such.
*Add something special, e.g. some cool features like hirelings or pets or whatever, it is just to plain atm.
*Add info and quests in the quest log.

I do like the terrain, so gj on that.
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
okay, thanks for review

- as i said, for the BETA version it will be only blizzard heroes, but when version 1.0.0 will show up there will be custom heroes as well as blizzard heroes with modified spells (removing the unusefull spells like Far Seer's Far Sight)
- as for the difficulty system, i'm not such a good triggerer so it will be kinda hard, the map is made for 4-8 players, i played it with 5 heroes to test it and it wasn't that hard, you just need 1-2 healers, 1 tank and some hard damage dealers.
- as for the boss, i added a spell to him based on flamestrike with a nice effect, since you played it alone i guess he didn't use it...but in 1.0.0 there will be high-quality bosses with events when you fight them, custom spells etc.
- as for the features, there will be some trolls and special units around the map selling different things, or helping you in some way, and special event locations when you'll probably be able to summon some allies, or empower yourself etc.

in this BETA i just threw some naga units guarding the place and gave them some simple abilities, but in 1.0.0 i will use custom effects, spells and other stuff like that :)

thanks again for review, i wish i could add you rep but i need to give to another user first :)
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
- as i said, for the BETA version it will be only blizzard heroes, but when version 1.0.0 will show up there will be custom heroes as well as blizzard heroes with modified spells (removing the unusefull spells like Far Seer's Far Sight)
, sorry, overlooked that part.

- as for the difficulty system, i'm not such a good triggerer so it will be kinda hard, the map is made for 4-8 players, i played it with 5 heroes to test it and it wasn't that hard, you just need 1-2 healers, 1 tank and some hard damage dealers.
, I can give you the difficulty triggers I've from one of my maps if you want.

in this BETA i just threw some naga units guarding the place and gave them some simple abilities, but in 1.0.0 i will use custom effects, spells and other stuff like that :)
, I understand, but if you want my advice: don't do it like this. It's better to deliver a little part of the map completely (/mostly) done in the beta and later deliver more gameplay so people will get a good impression the first time they play the beta. This way, you'll also get more comments in the time you've posted the beta.

thanks again for review, i wish i could add you rep but i need to give to another user first :)
, don't mind it, I'm glad I could be of help.
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
, I understand, but if you want my advice: don't do it like this. It's better to deliver a little part of the map completely (/mostly) done in the beta and later deliver more gameplay so people will get a good impression the first time they play the beta. This way, you'll also get more comments in the time you've posted the beta.

okay, i was thinking to not release another BETA, only the 1.0.0 version, but after what you said i will work on a new BETA that will contain more features, better-worked units, bosses (i think i will place the 2nd as well).

, I can give you the difficulty triggers I've from one of my maps if you want.

if you can share them that would be great :), i will give you credit in my map if I decide to use them :).
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
if you can share them that would be great :), i will give you credit in my map if I decide to use them :).
, ok here it is, this is from my Darknesschasers II map (you should note that it also increases exp each monster gives with more players and monster difficulty is an upgrade [like e.g. forged swords], this trigger is for 4 players but is really easy to modify):

  • Difficulty Set
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Player 7 (Green) slot status) Equal to Is playing
        • Then - Actions
          • Hero - Make Player 1 (Red) Heroes gain 240.00% experience from future kills
          • Hero - Make Player 2 (Blue) Heroes gain 240.00% experience from future kills
          • Hero - Make Player 6 (Orange) Heroes gain 240.00% experience from future kills
          • Hero - Make Player 7 (Green) Heroes gain 240.00% experience from future kills
          • Player - Set the current research level of Monster Difficulty 2 to 3 for Player 12 (Brown)
        • Else - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Player 6 (Orange) slot status) Equal to Is playing
            • Then - Actions
              • Hero - Make Player 1 (Red) Heroes gain 180.00% experience from future kills
              • Hero - Make Player 2 (Blue) Heroes gain 180.00% experience from future kills
              • Hero - Make Player 6 (Orange) Heroes gain 180.00% experience from future kills
              • Hero - Make Player 7 (Green) Heroes gain 180.00% experience from future kills
              • Player - Set the current research level of Monster Difficulty 2 to 2 for Player 12 (Brown)
            • Else - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (Player 2 (Blue) slot status) Equal to Is playing
                • Then - Actions
                  • Hero - Make Player 1 (Red) Heroes gain 120.00% experience from future kills
                  • Hero - Make Player 2 (Blue) Heroes gain 120.00% experience from future kills
                  • Hero - Make Player 6 (Orange) Heroes gain 120.00% experience from future kills
                  • Hero - Make Player 7 (Green) Heroes gain 120.00% experience from future kills
                  • Player - Set the current research level of Monster Difficulty 2 to 1 for Player 12 (Brown)
                • Else - Actions
                  • Hero - Make Player 1 (Red) Heroes gain 60.00% experience from future kills
                  • Hero - Make Player 2 (Blue) Heroes gain 60.00% experience from future kills
                  • Hero - Make Player 6 (Orange) Heroes gain 60.00% experience from future kills
                  • Hero - Make Player 7 (Green) Heroes gain 60.00% experience from future kills
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
since the starting level is 10, i don't think the experience status is necessary. if you fear about the players using the same spells until they finish the map, i think i will place some spellbooks around the map..

and also can you explain what does the trigger do? cause it's really hard for me to understand.

thank you very much.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
and also can you explain what does the trigger do? cause it's really hard for me to understand.

thank you very much.
, ok use this one without experience changes. Here is how it works; this isn't perfect since it actually doesn't increase the difficult based on the amount of players but actually on which player slots are used. It begins with an if, then, else function. It says this: if player 7 slot is used then enemies will begin with monster difficulty tech 3 (in my map monster difficulty increases life and dice damage), if this is not the case it runs the else function which consists of another if/then/else. This if/then/else says, if player slot 6 is used then enemies will begin with monster difficulty tech 2, else another if/then/else is runned this time it check player 2 slot and than in the else function even another if/then/else function is runned which checks player 1. It should be noted that the name of the upgrade is monster difficulty 2.
  • Difficulty Set
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Player 7 (Green) slot status) Equal to Is playing
        • Then - Actions
          • Player - Set the current research level of Monster Difficulty 2 to 3 for Player 12 (Brown)
        • Else - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Player 6 (Orange) slot status) Equal to Is playing
            • Then - Actions
              • Player - Set the current research level of Monster Difficulty 2 to 2 for Player 12 (Brown)
            • Else - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (Player 2 (Blue) slot status) Equal to Is playing
                • Then - Actions
                  • Player - Set the current research level of Monster Difficulty 2 to 1 for Player 12 (Brown)
                • Else - Actions
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
after some thinking i have decided to not implement this system yet. i want the mobs to remain at the same hp/mana/damage etc. cause if players want a challenge they will play in smaller amounts (4) and try to do there best to win.

also, thanks again for your help and taking some of your time to show me this triggers
i will give you reputation when i can :)
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
after some thinking i have decided to not implement this system yet. i want the mobs to remain at the same hp/mana/damage etc. cause if players want a challenge they will play in smaller amounts (4) and try to do there best to win.
, and that's where my trigger shines ;P, say you play with 4 people but you want to play a really hard game like there were 8 players in it, all you have to do it open slot 8 and set it to 'computer'. Trust me, a difficulty system will make you map better. If you don't want it like this you can also add 'codes' (/cheats) which simplify the game or make it harder, but my trigger is less work.
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
okay, i will think again and maybe will put it in my 1.0.0, but my "enemies" are the neutral hostile, if that is not a problem with the trigger :)

also, some updates, you told me that the boss fighting was kinda boring, well i can assure you that in 1.0.0 bosses will be much harder and more fun to fight with. You will see...

one more thing, i update-ed the thread :) terrain is finished.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
okay, i will think again and maybe will put it in my 1.0.0, but my "enemies" are the neutral hostile, if that is not a problem with the trigger :)
, doesn't matter, just give the neutral hostile units the upgrade 'monster difficulty' in the object editor (the editor where you can modify units etc.) and change the "player 12 (brown)" in the trigger to "neutral hostile".
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
If someone can make me a loading screen that would be great (awarded with reputation of course and mentioned in my map).
Another thing, if someone can give me an link with a loading screen tutorial that would be also great (awarded with reputation of course).
, this may help http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/loadscreen.php, though before you add a loadscreen, see if it's worth the space/weight it takes (it can make your map a lot larger).
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
i used Warcraft III Image Extractor II from the tutorial, and i converted to blp, and imported as it said in the tut..i hate loading screens
, post me the image you want for the loading screen in tga or jpg and than I will convert it for into the right size and blp. If it than even won't work we know that something goes wrong with importing/selecting the loading screen.
Level 5
Dec 7, 2008
Ok i tested it the idea is great congratulations for ya but i must say this:
-my sugestions:
-you should make more playable area
-you added trees but you need more other doodads like flowers and etc...
-it will be good if its 12 players and make it like dungeon you need teamplay like 2 tanks 2 healers 2 dps etc...
-you should use more raise its really more realistic with raise realistic like real mountain.


GOOD LUCK...!:thumbs_up:
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
Ok i tested it the idea is great congratulations for ya but i must say this:
-my sugestions:
-you should make more playable area
-you added trees but you need more other doodads like flowers and etc...
-it will be good if its 12 players and make it like dungeon you need teamplay like 2 tanks 2 healers 2 dps etc...
-you should use more raise its really more realistic with raise realistic like real mountain.


GOOD LUCK...!:thumbs_up:

thanks of feedback :D yes it's gonna be a dungeon map, and about making more area playable i am working on version 1.0.0 which will contain 2/3 bosses, new heroes and new items and it will be MORE interesting that this BETA version, trust me :)

@spectre - np, i was inactive in the past week so.. :D, i'll wait for it :D thanks


i was thinking to rename the map to "Vol'jin's Sin" to draw more people, cause the actual name is kinda confusing :D. what do you guys think?
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Here is your loadingscreen, I tested it and it worked. If it still won't work on your map, see the testmap how I imported the stuff and set the loadingscreen. Your loadingscreen is kindy blurry though, you might want to take a higher quality/resolution screenshot (e.g. 1680 x 1024, don't ask me since I can't run that with my monitor :wink:).


  • FullScreen.BLP
    268 KB · Views: 52
  • LoadingScreen.mdx
    1.3 KB · Views: 70
  • testmap.w3x
    282.3 KB · Views: 51
Level 6
Aug 1, 2009
If you only used vex. optimizer, the map is still vulnerable to MPQ Extractors like MPQ Master or RMPQEx that is also available at hive.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
If you only used vex. optimizer, the map is still vulnerable to MPQ Extractors like MPQ Master or RMPQEx that is also available at hive.
, is not really that these maps (maps on map development on the Hive) are stolen that often (atleast not the fairly new ones like from myself and this one from magIc_seeKer). Maps like Dota (and other popular maps on the battlenet) are often stolen. I myself don't protect maps so people can learn from my maps.
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