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Structure 12 races in object editor?

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Level 6
May 31, 2008
Some1 got a nice tip on how to keep lots of races organised in object editor, i got 12 teams which are different "races", they are all located in custom object list, only thing that's differing between teams are if they are considered, human, orc, undead or night elf. But for an example i will get 3-5 races in human list where atm i only have 1 race, but when all races are done it will be a nice mess. So if some1 got an idea on how to organise? or do i have to just realise i have to keep it like this.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Race 1: Human
Race 2: Human (campaign)
Race 3: Orc
Race 4: Orc (campaign)
Race 5: Undeath
Race 6: Undeath (campaign)
Race 7: Night Elf
Race 8: Night Elf (campaign)
Race 9: Neutral Naga
Race 10: Neutral Naga (campaign)
Race 11: Neutral Hostile
Race 12: Neutral Hostile (campaign)
Level 6
May 31, 2008
There's only a suffix and it won't help for changing the alphabetical order. However, you may add it in order to differ between the races.

would you recommend me to use this? If i say my standard number of units and buildings is units: 15 and buldings: 10. Is it useful then?

Somehow. You can also add '(Editor Prefix)' Which only shows up in the editor. There you can write the race.


And sry for doublepost, i'm a bad person cause i acted then looked xD
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Level 7
Apr 15, 2006
Eleandor is dead on the line organize them as

Race 1: Human
Race 2: Human (campaign)
Race 3: Orc
Race 4: Orc (campaign)
Race 5: Undeath
Race 6: Undeath (campaign)
Race 7: Night Elf
Race 8: Night Elf (campaign)
Race 9: Neutral Naga
Race 10: Neutral Naga (campaign)
Race 11: Neutral Hostile
Race 12: Neutral Hostile (campaign)
Race 13: Neutral Passive
Race 14: Neutral Passive (campaign)

Or In extreme cases uses the custom folders as well
Race 15: Human
Race 16: Human (campaign)
Race 17: Orc
Race 18: Orc (campaign)
Race 19: Undeath
Race 20: Undeath (campaign)
Race 21: Night Elf
Race 22: Night Elf (campaign)
Race 23: Neutral Naga
Race 24: Neutral Naga (campaign)
Race 25: Neutral Hostile
Race 26: Neutral Hostile (campaign)
Race 27: Neutral Passive
Race 28: Neutral Passive (campaign)

Suffixs do help but I find it a more efficient system to organized them into folders. Be careful if you have a hero in a campaign folder it will uses its name not title. (ex. Grom Hellscream instead of Blademaster)
Level 6
Oct 26, 2007
Make use of the special categorization.

Human Race subdivided into Human (Men) faction and Dwarven faction:


  • ex.JPG
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Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
For sorting the units inside their folders:

If you extract the UnitMetaData.slk file from War3patch.MPQ (use War3Model Editor found on this site or there won't be an appropriate listfie) to "<Install Directory>\Units\" and add the following line to the end of the file, you will get the field that the World Editor uses to sort units.

ucls unitClass UnitUI -1 editor Sort String (Reload Object Data module to take effect) string 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

You will end up with a field inside every Unit/Building/Hero labeled "Editor - Sort String (...)" with a value such as "HUnit01" (meaning Human Unit 01). If you alphabetize this field on all your units they will show up in this order the next time you refresh the Object Module. To refresh, either run the Sort Object By Name command twice, change to another map and back or close and reopen the map.

I did this myself after getting overwhelmed with my ridiculous number of race and unit edits and needing to keep track of where they all are.

Note: if you get a yellow error in the bottom of the world editor main screen saying unknown field Type, then you need to change the type field's slk reference from UnitBalance to UnitData inside the UnitMetaData.slk file. The change occurred between patches and older copies try to reference the wrong thing.
Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
On a different note, I would LOVE it if someone could figure out where the World Editor is getting it's race list for the folders in the tree from so that I can find a way to edit it in the files and add/remove races so that it can all be in it's own folders without having to use a different races folders.
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