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Steel Saviour Episode I

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Steel Saviour is dynamical an action-arcade with which you help the doomed people. And what to do, if gold mines aren't enough for military budget? Here also it was necessary to rely on heroes like you, without looking at a sad condition of your "ship". So, dress a helmet faster not to become deaf from own motor, and move forward for the sake of justice. It is necessary to tell about good avoidance of your fighting helicopter, and also super-modern weapons which can be established by the helicopter. And all has begun that humans have decided to expand the territory for the account of undead, but, apparently, wanted to indulge the same. Only an occasion wasn't. However humans had a whole squadron of helicopters of fast reaction. Though your reaction is necessary too.

Console commands

  • 'farzlow' - setting camera view distance to low and increasing performance (use this if you have low FPS)
  • 'farzhigh' - setting camera view distance to high





  • Fixed some bugs
  • Fixed all bugs
  • Decreased difficulty
  • Damage of 'Extra Pulse Gun' is raised
  • Added Help menu


Game Music
The game music has been taken from 'Jets&Guns' video game
  • Track name - Megascorcher
  • Group - Machinae Supremacy

This map has been created using World Editor Unlimited.

This map is not protected.

Next episode http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/steel-saviour-episode-ii-203712/


Steel Saviour Episode I (Map)

19:50, 17th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved Update: Re-moderating with review and rating! Date: 2011/Oct/16 14:49:36 Vengeancekael: VM // PM: Rep Received: 0Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator...




19:50, 17th Aug 2010
ap0calypse: Approved
Update: Re-moderating with review and rating!

Date: 2011/Oct/16 14:49:36
Vengeancekael: VM // PM:
Rep Received: 0
If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator, make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation
If you think the moderator's judging is unfair or you have overall complaints, make a thread here: Admin Contact
Please read the rules thoroughly: Rules

Comment: Review:
I suggest you add a preview image, so it'll look better.

The description doesn't look good either, use these BB codes.

Also mention if the map is protected or not.


Review by Kael

Steel Saviour
Medieval / Warcraft

Hiveworkshop Rules:

You are not breaking any of the hiveworkshop rules, however you could improve the description by using these BB codes.
Also please do mention in the description, if the map is protected or not.


I love the background terrain and all the effects, but you could improve it by adding moving units in the background, this would make it look a lot better.


The gameplay is excellent, it features custom music, "powerups", different enemy types,... This game would be recommended to anyone who likes such a map type.


There are quite a few "powerups" (pick ups), for example better projectile, or energy or bomb.


You have not imported any custom models as far as I know, but nonetheless, not really necessary for this map.

Replay Value:

There is a high replay value, because the map is just too much fun.


I'd say this is the best mini game I've ever played and even better than real mini games and not warcraft 3 mini games. All the powerups, the custom controls, the music, but there is still some space for improvements, for example as I said, add moving units to the background terrain.

Rating: 4/5
Status: Approval
Level 31
May 3, 2008
@Barathrum, why exactly?
It may not look so good, but it does contain the really necessary things and this map is just too good to be rejected because of minor things.
He just needs to use some BB codes and also mention if the map is protected or not. He does not need to post credits.

No matter how good a map could be, we simply cannot gives exception over it as long as it break the rules.

For example, mod/admin cannot approve a map that promote racism like "Kill the Nigger" no matter how well the map was done.

The same goes to this issues for not having appropriate description.

1 wall of text that look like a complete mess was hardly called a description.
My point is, I was sure that the author would have updated the map after I posted, so it didn't have to be rejected.

Edit: Also I don't like the new Upload page, because it doesn't contain "Must have an acceptable description", there's just a link to all the rules, if that rule would be added to the Upload page, then people would actually read it, because I'm sure that not everyone would click the links.
Hello DENJ, I saw comments above and I guess that you still need some time to find how all works here!

Here, let me help ya a little!

Few words about THW:
The Hive includes many talented Warcraft III modders of all skill levels among its users. New members (especially friendly ones) are always welcome. Take a look around and enjoy your stay, may it be long and productive!

Some good places to start include:
Searching the site using the above link always helps, you can learn a lot that way: just reading and learning is usually the best place to start, especially if one feels overwhelmed.

Likewise, the tutorials can really teach ALL of us a thing or two.
The chat room is cool: lots of people can answer questions there.

A few other tips that might help too:
-Always search first! Did I already mention THAT?
-When creating a new thread, make the title VERY specific: so the site's search engine (and we users) can easily understand just what the thread contains.
-Post your new threads in the proper forum: read the descriptions of each one so that you know what to post there.
-If all else fails, just send me a private message! I'll try to do whatever I can to help.

For new users:
If map isn't finished jet, use Map Development forum for that! You can make thread there upload your map so people can tell you what they think just like here! Also for any help with triggers or how to clean memory leaks post triggers and create threads here Triggers & Scripts! Btw if you need any help with WE we have World Editor Help Zone here on THW! And at the end if you need any resource from icons to loading screens check this out Requests!
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
As an owner and big fan of Jets'n'Guns Gold the computer game i shall take it as a basis for my review.

Bad things:
-Game is resource-intensive, i keep having low fps even without high quality settings
-I find it pretty hard, even in "very easy" mode, but then again maybe it's because of the above.
-Nothing in quest menu to tell you the list of weapons available, their strong/weak points, how energy is spent and how it depends on the type of bomb you're using.
-You can't choose your weapons, neither your ship.
-Hotkeys are not customizable.
-When you die you wish you were near the ground because you fall awfully slow and you're missing frags while doing so.

-I have no clue if difficulty is recalculated when there's only 1 player, but if not, it should.
-I didn't see any shop to upgrade your stuff at, but then again since nothing is customizable maybe you didn't want that.

-Terrain is good-looking, and doesn't distract you too much from the action.
-Interface is pleasant, intuitive, and doesn't feel like it's taking up much space.
-Custom (great) music.
-Map is damn fun, just like J'n'G the game, and side scrollers are pretty rare around here.
-No bug detected.

+Rep for the good work, originality, taking in account feedback from players/reviewers, and J'n'G music ;-)
Take a look at the list of bad things and fix them for higher rating.
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
i like this map... it is both challenging and unique, even if i cant beat the game if the difficulty is higher than Very Easy
Level 7
Jan 22, 2010
Dj0z, thank you for your commet and for + to Rep. But I want to say a few words:
1) About low fps. Is my english-speaking so bad for understandig? In the description there are console commands and there is command 'farzlow' witch increases performance. The only reason about low fps is very high farz of player camera (the warcraft 3 engine is not so good) and not powerful enough videocard.
2) About chosing weapons, ship(if you want to chose an other helicopter play as a player 2), about shop. Sory but you want just too much, this is a classic game so Im not planing to do such things, besides there are people that want to get right into the action without losing the time for bying weapons and customising the 'ship' and there regulary drop weapons from the monsters.
3) About hotkeys, slow falling of the helicoptep. I'l think about this.

Kael, I used WEU only to set map size to 128x480, to create skybox and to create loading screen, I dont use other features of WEU. I know about JNGP and I think that JNGP is useless.

Sory if my english-speaking is so bad.
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Level 31
May 3, 2008
WEU sucks as there is many bug about it.

You're welcome to use it, but don't cry if it corrupt your entire map cause if that does happen; you better pray you did a backup of your map.

as for credit list, there is no need for it if you do not use a single custom resources that are not belong to you.

from the look of the file size, it seems you does use a custom resources.
Level 6
Oct 21, 2009
I'll try it, then maybe I could find a suitable minimap image too :D

Still looking...
Anyway, pretty fun map! Although add some powerups like spread fire and rapid fire too. And when there are huge clusters of floating things along with the giant frost wyrm that pops up every now and then and the stupid land dwellerz that CONSTANTLY aim you, you've turned easy into hard for me. I think it's jsut me though...

Couldn't find one suitable, so I made one from scratch. WEE!!! If you wanna see it, just tell me, either here, through a VM, or a PM.
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Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
This is a great map! I LOVE IT :) But it's too short :(
can you make or update to more stages??? or bigger map ..