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Starcraft II Second Beta Phase – Patch 16 (v0.19.0.15976)

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Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
i dont care about if bnet works or not, but if it would be atleast online i could authenticate my account and use the editor... but like this i cant do anything. i hope this evening it will be online ~~
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008

Oh my, they added so much portraits! Even campaing ones! Even the Tauren marine! And some terran robo-dog! And... some crazy marines with animals masks... well, probably those are members of some elite marines quad or something...

Edit: Okay, since I noticed Pyritie already mentioned that I'll tell what I really wanted to say: Fucking Furry Marines!

Oh, anf those achievemnt icons can be used as just icons too, so that colourful or one-colour icon problem is solved!



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
That's one way of looking at the situation, DSG. They could also be treating us above America; the Americans get to eat the bugs first and we Europeans will have it working just fine when it's open for us.
But, like I said, the reason they haven't opened our server yet is most likely because the storm of complaints they're getting is already big enough. Open the other servers, and here's a tornado.
I know the cons succumb to the benefits, but see things for their positive side: at least Battle.Net will be functioning better by the time we're allowed to use it. Which shouldn't be so long; if they're indeed trying to avoid more complaints, they probably don't want to face a typhoon for noticeable unfairness.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Oh my, they added so much portraits! Even campaing ones! Even the Tauren marine! And some terran robo-dog! And... some crazy marines with animals masks... well, probably those are members of some elite marines quad or something...

Not a robot, I think that's one of Mengsk's bulldogs. I have a desire to see portraits animated. Plain picture isnt fun.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
It would be lame if I required an internet connection to edit/make maps. Sometimes when my internet is down all I do is work on a map :/ Meh...

Same here. If there's only a need to verify it once it shouldn't be a problem.

Yup, vertification just once doesn't sound SO bad. But I still have a weird feeling about all this...
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
It probably IS a driver problem, Rui. I'm on Linux, however. There aren't any newer NVidia drivers (yes, NVidia makes official linux drivers), however I could try a temporary rollback to a slightly earlier version and see if it even loads.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Here are some of the unlisted balance changes:
Some guy on the Blizzard forums said:
Taken from another SC2 forum

Creep Tumors take 30 seconds before it can create another Creep Tumor, up from 15. bug?

lololol posted that:
Zealot buildtime increased from 33 to 38 and cooldown increased from 23 to 28.
Reaper buildtime increased from 40 to 45.
Psi storm cooldown decreased from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds.

Units get trapped by Force Fields considerably easier it seems (confirm?)

BUG: Changelings appear red to opponents after morphing to "blend in" with enemy.

Neural Parasite lasts about 12-ish in-game seconds.

Roaches can no longer move under Force Fields while burrowed!!!!

The 2 Roach Warren upgrades, Glial Reconstitution and Tunneling Claws have had their hotkeys swapped. it's now T and G, respectively. argh

Infested Terrans lasts 30 seconds (up from 20).

Infested Terran spell can now be cast while Infestor is Burrowed.

Stalkers can no longer blink up cliffs blocked by rocks without vision, nor are they able to blink across unpassable terrain (i.e. can no longer blink to islands)

Replays speeds are now Normal-Fast-Faster-x2-x4-x8 (before I think it was Slower, Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster, Faster x3, Faster x6. correct?)

Cybernetics Core now has a research animation.

Larvae no longer count as a Unit (doesn't show up in the Unit display tab while watching replays or Observing)

Overlords (and i'm assuming the other race's dropships) now move to pickup units. Meaning, if you have some unit/s selected then Right-Click an Overlord, both the units and the overlord will meet up to Load, rather than just the unit/s moving, just like SC1.

Critters now roam the maps.

Attack Cooldown values listed in tooltips, when mousing over weapons.

Overlord Generate Creep sound effect seems much quieterLast edit: 2010-07-08 19:45:51

Not listed but also noted in the thread

Spawning pool build time decreased by 5

Barracks build time increased by 5
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Lol. for NA, everything is working except leauges. Loll. if any1 wants2 add, my no. is 672
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
'Oh noes, what will i do w/o reapers as if i use them so much' >_<

We have critters, nice. They are playing volleyball with the Infested Terran ability it seems. I cant make any associations using numbers for identifiers, maybe will be my bday

If the servers are that screwed up, it is possible they won't open the Europe and Asian servers so soon.

So maybe it is the same old blizzard doing delays, something tells me EU bnet must have started and something went wrong ^.^
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Infested Terran is lolwut. At first it was good, then they made it suck, and now they are buffing it so that it is even better than before they originally nerfed it?

On a side note, the way Terran units load/unload from Medivacs now is pretty awesome.

Also, they added a bunch of new animations for some units. For example, Ghosts have a "spell" animation which is basically the ghost attacking with a lightsaber or some shit. I'm pretty sure marines got a new animation, but I don't have the editor open for me to check.

Another note: screenshots have a different naming format. Pretty sure its timestamped or something now.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
It's not a driver problem, it's a problem in WINE. I updated my drivers, and it got worse. It wouldn't even open in the first place. I suppose I have to wait for retail with OpenGL rendering.
Level 10
Aug 25, 2004
Ye, blizzard rlly likes europe. 1st getting us excited about the new updates and then keeping us 3 days without World Editor, because u need to use a login that doesnt work.
I also dont care about BNEt so much, but i do have a deadline in few days for our team map, and we are all use the GB servers.
Good to know that I must not update if wanting to use editor further.

its not that,

you can still use the editor, it's just that some of the data editor values that you may have preset in one of your maps you have been making before could have gotten fudged up.

luckily i didn't make tooo many, and i fixed everything. the editor still works.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
its not that,

you can still use the editor, it's just that some of the data editor values that you may have preset in one of your maps you have been making before could have gotten fudged up.

luckily i didn't make tooo many, and i fixed everything. the editor still works.

You need to log in to Battle.net to use the editor. Battle.net is out of service on 2 out of 3 servers so you can't log in and therefore not use the editor if you update if you aren't on the right server.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
Yea, of course. But what if I want to make maps in a train without internet access? Or in a cottage for example? I especially do maps when I'm out of "internet reach".

Same here. That's why I'm hoping it's only needed once to activate it.
Can anyone able to use the editor confirm this for me? :p
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
This version doesn't have it either. The only reason you would not be able to edit maps offline is if you had no access to the internet ever. I mean, you could probably walk into an internet cafe and validate it there or something >__>
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
Some people are having trouble connecting to the Europe server. Either the server's having problems or they're simply restarting it periodically, like the message informs.
I have been able to connect. Took me a few minutes though to do so.

kk can i log into your DSStudios acount? and if not named can i name is DSStudios
What is this I don't even?



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
The server is definitely going offline once in a while. Interestingly, people who are already online do not get disconnected. The menus (achievements, game invitations, portraits...) are loading quite slowly at the moment.
We have also experienced a strange bug. We created a 3vs3 game as a party, and after the game ended and a few people left the party, I attempted to create a game but it wouldn't allow me. «0 players ready» it said.

EDIT (11:10 AM): The server just TOSSed me out :xxd:
Everything was running slowly. Perhaps they disconnected me for inviting someone more times than necessary. ;P

EDIT 2 (11:50 AM): Battle.Net displayed this message a while ago (for Europe):
There is a temporary outage of the Battle.Net service. Please try again later.

EDIT 3 (11:55 AM): Debode reports having a «GLOBAL_INTERNAL_ERROR». It seems it's just Battle.Net's way of saying it's unavailable. I attempted to log on again and it said Battle.Net is temporary unavailable.
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Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Infestors are a bit imba now, by the way. Though I don't really think zerg need it, its nice to have 4 or 5 burrowed infestors dump 32 IT's on a guys mineral line simultaneously. Gotta love retarded Terran players that don't build Ravens.

EDIT: Also, I can't even login via the editor, I just logged in on bnet instead and that validated it.
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