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Star Wars war v.1.1


Star Wars war v.1.1 (Map)

Level 3
Nov 3, 2004
What is wrong with you people?! LEAST GIVE THE PERSON CREDIT FOR TRYING.

Grow up and find a girl friend.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2004
Great work on the map, I just got done playing it and i would say...I cheated it lol... I just had to because of all them tomes and I just had to make my sith warrior more powerful! 500 gold..kinda alot for me but its all good.

Terrain, (Could be improved).
Units, 5/5
Game play, 3/5
Only 10 levels to character...Hm, 1/5, I like more levels than just the normal 10. But, if it has to stay then its good.

Map Overall, 4/5 because I know you can improve it, because you got that far in making it. Far as spelling, I have not seen nothing spelled wrong but yet I am not a great speller my self but I don't be a dick to anyone who has spelled something wrong I just try my best in my mind to figure out what your trying to say and just let you know its wrong.
Level 2
Sep 17, 2005
This map might be a 1/5 at most, not a 4/5. It looks as if all you did was coppy the map layout of Tank Wars, and then added a few models and skins. None of the spells are custom (all of them are the exact spells used in the normal frozen throne games). I agree that if the map was improved it might be a fun game, but as it stands right now, my 11 year old sister could improve upon it. I hope to see finished version of this game some time in the future. Perhaps it will then resemble Star Wars.