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Spell/Ability Requests

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Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
I have very little on my agenda at the moment so if anybody has any spells/abilities that they want well-made I am volunteering my services. There are a few things to take note of, and a few rules as well. I code in vJass which means you'll probably have to (if you don't already have it) download the latest version of JassNewGen pack from wc3c.net/resources.php. In addition to downloading this, you'll have to be sure your version of JassHelper is the most recent one (because of syntax changes that I will be up-to-date with).

  • JassHelper (most recent version)

  • Please be descriptive when you're explaining what you want, I will probably skip the ones I don't understand at first.
  • I will typically complete the easier ones first, so if you have a very complex spell request then it will probably take longer for me to complete and upload it.
  • Please try to request useful spells that can be re-used by others if necessary. Certain abilities are just lame and if I happen to think your request is lame, I will probably skip it but I'll say its lame so you know I am skipping it.
  • If your spell/ability requires a special library (more complex spells) that I need to download to simplify things then it will be downloaded from here or wc3c.net.

Rules can be added/removed as I see fit, in case there are issues that arise with the current list.

  • Completed terrain for the request test-map file.
  • Implemented my Custom Projectiles system into the test-map, however it is not to be used (in time).
Berbanog said:
"I will try to distribute ability requests in maps of their own for the users who request them, but I am pretty lazy and I may not always get around to taking them out of the "parent" map which is titled "ability_request_dev.w3x" and will contain the work I've done up to the most recent spell request I've worked on."

ArmageddonRequested by Japut3h @ Thread PostCompleted
Quick AttackRequested by Undead_ted @ Thread PostCompleted
RabiesRequested by Darkness-4ever @ Thread PostCompleted
Wavy Trigonometric FireballRequested by overload119 @ Thread PostPending

I will try to keep the most recent version of the map file attached to the title-post.


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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Well, since I would like to learn vJass, I am going to request a 'simple 'spell (I'm inventing this on the spot, so let's see where I end up xD).
I like learning things by messing with them, this is probably going to be such a case ^^ (and yes: I have JassCraft and JNGP, for JASS-purposes).

Spell Description
Name: Anonymous ( o_O )
Type: Unit Target

When cast, the targetted unit will be surrounded by... creatures (let's say flames), the flames will send firey waves towards the target, which will spin around the unit at a high velocity, sending firey waves to him (or her, you never know).
After a certain amount of time, the flames extenguish (or explode) and their remains will trigger a small burst of flames (uhm... so when they die, a few smaller missiles appear, moving outwards of the explosion).

If possible: I'd like to have as much flexibility as possible (so I can easily change the spell's effects and don't need to know vJass to a certain extent).[/td]

Thanks in advance ^^
Level 6
Jun 11, 2009
Spell Description
Name: Quick Attack
Type: Point Target

Miska runs quickly to a point, if he runs past any Heroes he will slice them dealing damage, making them take 20 damage per second. Last 6 seconds.

Level 1 - Deals 100 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 130 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 160 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 190 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 320 damage.
Level 6 - Deals 350 damage.
Level 7 - Deals 380 damage.
Level 8 - Deals 410 damage.

Note: Only targets heroes
Note: the range of how close heroes are to be sliced are 250.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
apocalypse said:
When cast, the targetted unit will be surrounded by... creatures (let's say flames), the flames will send firey waves towards the target, which will spin around the unit at a high velocity, sending firey waves to him (or her, you never know).
After a certain amount of time, the flames extenguish (or explode) and their remains will trigger a small burst of flames (uhm... so when they die, a few smaller missiles appear, moving outwards of the explosion).

This sounds utterly ridiculous.

Miska said:
Miska runs quickly to a point

Any model you had in mind so I can specify the animations?

T4COBELL said:
A 'slam' spell would be nice. A unit casts the ability, slams the ground, and multiple trees are fired out of the ground in a ring with nice dirt effects to become destructibles.

Well unfortunately Warcraft III doesn't have much for dust effects other than the Impale dust effect. Do you want the trees to circle the caster or just kind of like a "bent line"?
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Undead_ted said:
(They have all the same animation)

Yea if you're using an animation string, which I'm not. Instead I like to use the SetUnitAnimationByIndex native, it functions how I typically like to setup my animations. Different units may have the same animation ("Run", "Walk", etc..) but they won't necessarily have the same animation index.

I am almost done with your ability too, by the way. I based it off of Blink so that when you're casting it, it will inherit some of the unique properties of the Blink ability mechanics.
Level 6
Jun 11, 2009
They do have the same animation, but just to be extra clean I like to use the SetUnitAnimationByIndex which will prevent me from having to constantly overlap animations. I'm almost done the ability now, here is the code so far.

Note that 'A000' must be an ability based off of Blink. This is very important due to how unique Blink is as a spell. I thought you would want the ability to act like Blink (with some perks) so I decided I would just edit the Blink ability so that certain background-mechanics stay the same.

I guess it would be like blink, but he runs to the point ><
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Yea I know, I move the unit back to the casted point after a 0-second expiration timer (as if he didn't even blink). There is something else I wanted to ask you though. How do you want the casting unit to handle blips in pathing/terrain while he is "running"? At the moment I have it set to just ignore everything and move in a straight line (ignoring all pathing) and damaging heroes.

As for your obvious terror that this ability is going to suck or something. The ability will function a lot like the "Leap" spell from DotA. I believe the hero that has it is "Mirana" the Priestess of the Moon. The only exception is that it won't be able to get you stuck inside a tree or some shit. To fix a little bit of a glitch (when normal units try to walk over you) I add the ability "Ghost (Visible)" to the casting unit so that other units can walk through him as he walks through them.
Level 6
Jun 11, 2009
Yea I know, I move the unit back to the casted point after a 0-second expiration timer (as if he didn't even blink). There is something else I wanted to ask you though. How do you want the casting unit to handle blips in pathing/terrain while he is "running"? At the moment I have it set to just ignore everything and move in a straight line (ignoring all pathing) and damaging heroes.

As for your obvious terror that this ability is going to suck or something. The ability will function a lot like the "Leap" spell from DotA. I believe the hero that has it is "Mirana" the Priestess of the Moon. The only exception is that it won't be able to get you stuck inside a tree or some shit. To fix a little bit of a glitch (when normal units try to walk over you) I add the ability "Ghost (Visible)" to the casting unit so that other units can walk through him as he walks through them.
Thats fine :)
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Okay, here is a test-map with all of the code/objects included. The terrain is a work-in-progress, I honestly didn't think I would be getting requests this suddenly so I thought I would have some time to finish it up, but apparently it will have to be put on low priority.

I am still going to fine-tune the code to your specific preference, but I wanted feedback on how you think the ability operates (in terms of smoothness, functionality, etc...). Anyways, the test-map is attached to this post.

"I will try to distribute ability requests in maps of their own for the users who request them, but I am pretty lazy and I may not always get around to taking them out of the "parent" map which is titled "ability_request_dev.w3x" and will contain the work I've done up to the most recent spell request I've worked on."


  • ability_request_dev.w3x
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Level 6
Jun 11, 2009
Okay, here is a test-map with all of the code/objects included. The terrain is a work-in-progress, I honestly didn't think I would be getting requests this suddenly so I thought I would have some time to finish it up, but apparently it will have to be put on low priority.

I am still going to fine-tune the code to your specific preference, but I wanted feedback on how you think the ability operates (in terms of smoothness, functionality, etc...). Anyways, the test-map is attached to this post.

"I will try to distribute ability requests in maps of their own for the users who request them, but I am pretty lazy and I may not always get around to taking them out of the "parent" map which is titled "ability_request_dev.w3x" and will contain the work I've done up to the most recent spell request I've worked on."

Well I kinda have an idea, since I'm making a hero arena I don't want heroes flying off and running around the map, so maybe after a random 2-4 seconds he will move back to the original spot maybe dealing 150 dmg and stunning all nearby units within 350 range for 3 seconds? :D

offtopic: Also add a command on your testmap too create test heroes.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
What your suggesting seems worse than the original idea to be honest. Here is the new test-map with a "!more" command in-game to create a unit of a default type. The test-map itself is in very early construction I haven't even added commands to it as you can see.

Updated the test-map once again with a few upgrades to the spell code. Now if the caster dies while running he will be stopped immediately (or if he's stunned). There were some appearance glitches in the older code that occurred when the casting unit died after casting the spell.


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Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Hi, I'd like a spell done, if it's not too much trouble.

Every second, 3/4/5 flaming boulders will fall from the sky at random locations in a 700 area around the caster for 10 seconds. Each boulder deals 75/125/175 damage.
The damage area of each meteor should be small, around 175.

The spell is basically like a starfall, only it's not channeled and follows the caster around for as long as it lasts. When a meteor hits the ground, the stuck area should burn for a bit, maybe like liquid fire, but not deal any damage.

It would also be very nice if you could make the meteors in a single wave never strike at a same point, because the strike locations being random could cause this problem.

Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
I'll get on it right away. I'm trying to think of a really good way of making sure the meteor-strike locations are spaced apart appropriately.

Well after a lot of debugging it seems that triggering the whole spell is going to end up better than using Burning Oil and unit attacks. This is a minor set-back but it may take a little longer.

Okay, here is a preliminary version of the spell, Armageddon. At the moment it spawns 3 meteors every second. The code contains some configuration constants that will allow you to further customize it if you want, but there are still a few things I need to complete in the spell before it is done. I just want you to see the progress so far.

By the way, I modified the DemonHunterMissile.mdx file into a model called "mini-meteor.mdx", which you can see in the Imports. You can take this model if you want, and use it as your own. The attachment map contains both spells that I have done for this thread so far, as well as some updates for the terrain.


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Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Well you're description is jumbled and unorganized.

apocalypse said:
Name: Anonymous ( o_O )
Type: Unit Target

When cast, the targetted unit will be surrounded by... creatures (let's say flames), the flames will send firey waves towards the target, which will spin around the unit at a high velocity, sending firey waves to him (or her, you never know).
After a certain amount of time, the flames extenguish (or explode) and their remains will trigger a small burst of flames (uhm... so when they die, a few smaller missiles appear, moving outwards of the explosion).

If possible: I'd like to have as much flexibility as possible (so I can easily change the spell's effects and don't need to know vJass to a certain extent).

Just so that we don't have to keep flipping pages.

Okay so you target a unit, he's surrounded by flames that shoot fire at the target and the flames that are surrounding him will spin violently, sending more fiery waves (I don't really get this part at all). Now, after all of these fiery waves have come to an expiration, they explode, creating more smaller flames that explode outwards.

Do you repeat yourself or are there really a complete abundance of "fiery waves"? Just one instance of this spell would (by the sounds of your description) require like 30-some units, at best being updated by a single timer. Not to mention, if you don't have a 256mb video card your computer is going to lag beyond belief. This spell is just poorly designed. I told you I would say when an ability idea is lame and I think this one is just too "all over the place". There is no focus. You have fire coming out of fire coming out of fire as it spins around and then the fire blows up into more fire. The spell tooltip wouldn't even be able to handle the essay of a description this would need.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I have made a table for it, I said it was a unit target spell and the actual spell description is pretty clear, unless you've got some problems with reading.

  1. You cast the spell on a unit.
  2. A few dummies will spawn and circle around the targetted unit
  3. Those dummies will shoot waves at the enemy (while still circling around the target).
  4. After X amount of seconds, the dummies that were circling the caster will explode, creating a few smaller missiles.

When I said "the targetted unit will be surrounded by... creatures", I was talking about approx. 4-6 dummies circling around the target.
Let's say they create 5 dummies when exploding, that gives us a max of 30 dummies indeed.

My video card is good enough and I have created a GUI spell where 72 dummies spawn and move, I sent it to someone with a relatively bad video card and he didn't lag.
vJass is supposed to be the most efficient triggering method there is, if 30-some units are going to "lag beyond belief", you are doing something seriously wrong!
I can't believe you even mention lag in a spell with 30 effects...

And I've got fire coming out of fire (ever seen a fire? It can jump over to other things, you know...).
Or should I suddenly get electricity coming out of it? Or water? OF COURSE I pick fire!

I don't even need the spell anymore... just go do some other spell, this was a waste of time.
Thanks for nothing.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
apocalypse said:
the flames will send firey waves towards the target, which will spin around the unit at a high velocity,

Your exact words suggest different. "flames will send fiery waves towards the target, which will spin around the unit". From this one would say that you want the fiery waves to spin around the target unit rather than the flames that emitted the fiery waves.

apocalypse said:
My video card is good enough and I have created a GUI spell where 72 dummies spawn and move

That's awesome, for you, but I'm not making a spell request that spawns 72 units. Say you have two units with this "72-unit spawning" ability, that quickly becomes 144 units. Add two more units with a different ability that "only spawns 30". That's 144 + 30 + 30, which is 204 units. Even if it were four different abilities that spawned an average of 40 units that is still 160 units for a mere 4 spells. The reason I am not going to create it is because its like creating a really really high resolution model for someone as a request. Nobody is going to be able to use it themselves. Look over the abilities I have created so far, they are usable in plenty of situations. Yours requires too much.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Your exact words suggest different. "flames will send fiery waves towards the target, which will spin around the unit". From this one would say that you want the fiery waves to spin around the target unit rather than the flames that emitted the fiery waves.

That "which" should've been an "and".
But the fact that you mention lag in a spell with 30 dummies, written in vJass says enough for me, so forget it.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
You don't know the first thing about vJass, so how can that "say enough for you". I'm not making an ability that eats through computer resources for no reason. Having spinning fireballs doesn't constitute as a good enough reason. The entire idea for this spell doesn't even make sense. If you read the other requests, they're all plausible in fantasy. Your idea is a bunch of randomly occurring events with no direct purpose or cause.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
You don't know the first thing about vJass, so how can that "say enough for you". I'm not making an ability that eats through computer resources for no reason. Having spinning fireballs doesn't constitute as a good enough reason. The entire idea for this spell doesn't even make sense. If you read the other requests, they're all plausible in fantasy. Your idea is a bunch of randomly occurring events with no direct purpose or cause.
If I can make a lagless spell with 72 dummies in GUI and your spell would lag with 30 dummies in vJass ("the most efficient language in the world editor"), that says a lot...
Or was that a typo as well?

I think that it does make sense... fireballs that spin around the target and shoot waves at him, it's not random at all.
I also said that it was for me to learn vJass, if that reason isn't good enough for you, then so be it.

You should stop whining about it though, since I don't care anymore.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
apocalypse said:
("the most efficient language in the world editor")

You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

apocalypse said:
I think that it does make sense... fireballs that spin around the target and shoot waves at him, it's not random at all.

Well then you've been tripping on shrooms a little too often lately.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Everyone says it is.
I honestly admit that I do not know vJass, but I do believe people who say that it is more efficient...
At the very least, it's more efficient that GUI, you cannot deny that.
My spell was GUI and had 72 dummies within a timer, it did not lag.

Well then you've been tripping on shrooms a little too often lately.
I don't do drugs, it just makes sense...
Can you also please not troll?
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
This is my thread, you're the one trolling. I'm not even going to keep replying because you have no idea what you're even talking about. Now go away and let me continue my business in my thread.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Well here's one for you, I've tried my hand at a spell similar to Rabies from Diablo II, in short the target unit of the spell is hit with a damage over time ability, then units close enough to the target also become "infected", it spreads until it all eventually dies when the "infected" are killed or a timer runs out to end the infection entirely (hopefully the latter), the reason I am requesting this is because I was unsatisfied with how mine was handled in crowds of 30 - 40 units. The damage, art, and infection timer is up to you, and one more thing, "infected" units can't be "infected" again until their current one subsides. Thanks in advance.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Darkness-4ever said:
The damage, art, and infection timer is up to you, and one more thing, "infected" units can't be "infected" again until their current one subsides.

Does giving the unit a buff work for you? For example when any unit is infected by Rabies they cannot be infected by another "instance" of Rabies.

I know exactly what you are referring too because I played a lot of Diablo II, but what kind of "distribution art" did you have in mind? I'll try to find a YouTube video of it.

Wow. I just saw some videos of Diablo II from the new patch. It makes me want to play it so(ooooooo) badly.

Back to the matter at hand, the distribution of Rabies in Diablo II is actually kind of poor looking. Can you give me a better picture of how exactly you want it to mix from unit to unit.
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Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
I agree the method of how it gets distributed to other units is poor, so the only thing that comes to mind that would look logical and nice in game would be if the art was of flames, since its something that can damage over time, spread and wouldn't look as poor in terms of how Diablo II rabies looks where units simply turn green like the Incredible Hulk. A buff would work perfectly in this case, whether or not the spell will engulf allied units as well is up to you.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Well I was still going to keep the theme of poison. If minor model edits are necessary to get a"truly" nice effect, then I have no problem walking the extra mile. If you look at the uploaded map (in first post) you'll notice there is a "mini-meteor.mdx", which is a modified version of "DemonHunterMissile.mdx".

I've got a pretty good idea of how it will look when its done, but thinking it over I'm not really sure where you may have had troubles with.

Frunck said:
I'm not sure if you take requests like these, but would you rewrite gui spells into vJass?

It really depends on the context I suppose. Care to explain yourself a little further?
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
I see. Well you were honest enough to tell me before requesting them, but mind you I'll put them on a low priority and do other requests first. At the moment I'm working through Rabies waiting for a response on the other 2 requests as to whether or not they are satisfied with what I am doing with the ability at the moment (97% finished, specifics).
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
No, but between answering questions on the forum, school, producing, and other things sometimes I lose track.

**Especially when I'm taking requests from other sources too lol
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Okay, so I've uploaded the "Rabies" spell. Tell me what you think of it so far. The distribution of the disease was pretty difficult to get working properly, and even still it seems that there are units that should be enumerated by GroupEnumUnitsInRange but are not.

Anyway, just so you know I've been working, its been updated in the first post.

I'm also awaiting word from the guys who requested the first two spells. For now I've marked Quick Attack as completed but I need some more information on Armageddon.
  • Undead_ted
  • Japut3h
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Nice job on Rabies, though the duration is a bit confusing, does it mean that rabies will spread to units until 8 seconds pass, because if its not and its instead supposed to be the duration it lasts on the enemy then its broken because it never wears off, which makes it pretty overpowered and makes the amount of damage it does a bit irrelevant as it will ultimately kill an enemy unit in less than a minute, but well done on the spell, except for the small spike at the start which is always to be expected, it was nicely done. +rep.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Well what I have done right now is made it so that after 35 seconds Rabies will completely wear off on all infected units. Other than that, the buff completely controls the status of Rabies on each unit. If the "Shadow Strike" spell has a duration of 0, then it will last for ever. If you want Rabies to simply stop spreading after the 35 seconds, I can fix it up so that it does that instead.

The damage dealt by Rabies is controlled by:
    method getDamage takes nothing returns real
        return 5.0*this.abilLevel

You can play around with the constants to achieve different effects, this is how I thought you'd like it.

If you only want Rabies to last for a certain period of time then change the duration of the buff on the shadow strike abilities. As I said, I currently have it set as 0.00 which means it will never wear off (unless Purged).
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
I'll get on it right away. I'm trying to think of a really good way of making sure the meteor-strike locations are spaced apart appropriately.

Well after a lot of debugging it seems that triggering the whole spell is going to end up better than using Burning Oil and unit attacks. This is a minor set-back but it may take a little longer.

Okay, here is a preliminary version of the spell, Armageddon. At the moment it spawns 3 meteors every second. The code contains some configuration constants that will allow you to further customize it if you want, but there are still a few things I need to complete in the spell before it is done. I just want you to see the progress so far.

By the way, I modified the DemonHunterMissile.mdx file into a model called "mini-meteor.mdx", which you can see in the Imports. You can take this model if you want, and use it as your own. The attachment map contains both spells that I have done for this thread so far, as well as some updates for the terrain.

Thanks a lot. Sorry for my absence, I had some major internet issues here, I couldn't reply for a while. Helped me out a lot.

Oh, and the spell looks great so far, though meteors seem to deal no damage, and there's too many of them per wave. Could you try reducing the number of meteors, but make their size and AoE larger?

Also, if the caster dies, and the spell is still lasting, I'd like it to stop. Could you do this too?

Thanks again.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Well the meteors for sure do damage, I tested out that part many many times. You said you wanted a burning effect on the ground where they landed, do you mind if I use a library I made for timed special effects?

Other than that I'll fix the issue with it remaining active even if the caster is dead. I actually knew about it but kept it there for testing purposes, just forgot to remove it from the upload version.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Okay, updated a few things:
  • Added TimedEffects library to the map.
  • Added burning effects to Armageddon meteorites.
  • Armageddon stops when the caster dies.

The first post has the updated version of the map.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention. I also added Shadow Hunter heroes (for Neutral Hostile) all over the map so you can test out the abilities. They appear in solos, duals, trios, and quadruples. Wow I almost feel like I was speaking a different language there.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Depends on context, I feel its interchangable, for example in shooters you single or dual wield, single can also be used as the starter for single->double->triple as well.
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