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Soulchess: V.:1.22e

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
Soulchess 1.22e (contact: LaoshRa@Northrend; www.clancbs.com)
A mix between turn based strategy game, arena battles and other miscellaneous possibilities (it’s de facto NOT like normal chess). Consider the game to last about one hour if played with 4 players.

Main Features:
Unique game play.
Long lasting fun due to 8 completely different races.
8 different arenas to fight in.
A tutorial and a detailed info section (F9) to understand the rules.
A well thought-out system for collecting Soulpoints.
Customized units with changed attack/armor types, a LOT of different level 1/2/3 abilities and Field Attacks.
Board Abilities.
Global spells with extravagant cinematics.
Certain changes to prevent the players from “hiding” at their starting positions.
Various just-for-fun extras, including music change, renaming, retinting, random taunts and a third-person-camera.
Player 1 (Red) can easily change the terrain of the board.
Playerlevel (PL) with -save / -load for additional privileges.

1-4, they can pick out of 8 completely different races.
1: To get a first impression. Creeps will spawn but they won't move at all.
2: Works. Not recommended though – some races have big advantages here.
3: Big disadvantage for the player in the middle.
4: That's the way it's meant to be played.
All games are FFA. If you want to play 2on2, talk with the other players before you start.

Select one of your own units during your turn to let circles appear on the ground. The gray ones are blocked, green ones to move, red ones to attack an enemy or to use a Field Attack. Selecting your king or pressing ESC during your turn will show up a menu for different actions.
The unit’s hotkeys are: Q W E and R (depending on the position of the abilities).

General info / Progress of the game:
The board is shaped like a cross (so the forces don't overlap in the corners), there are 4 healing fields in the middle. Each player has 10 units and loses if his king-type unit dies. The players take turns to move their units.
During your turn you can EITHER
-Move a unit
-Attack a unit (Arena)
-Attack a unit (Field Attack)
-Use a Board Ability
-Skip your own turn
-Increase the level of one of your units by paying 10 Soulpoints
-Cast your race specific Soulpower
-Do unrelated stuff until the turn time runs out (default: 1:30 minutes)

-Attack a unit (Arena)
Instead of killing a unit directly an arena fight is triggered (both units become unpaused and transported to a random arena). The attacker has +25% attackspeed and +10% movementspeed. The winning unit will reach a higher level (maximum is level 3) and gather 3 Soulpoints; the loser will acquire 5 Soulpoints.

-Attack a unit (Field Attack)
Some units (averagely 2 per race) have Field Attacks. Instead of triggering an arena fight the attacker will attack once or cast a single spell to hurt / weaken the victim.

-Use a Board Ability (Requires PL2)
Similar to Field Attacks, Board Abilities end your turn after usage. However, they don't require a hostile target like Field Attacks do.
All Soldier-types have "Soul Release":
Sets the soul of this unit free: it gains 20% bonusdamage, +1 armor and instantly restores 2 manapoints. The effect lasts for the duration of the next battle of this unit. However, you won't gain any Soulpoints from this battle. Using this ability multiple times won't make the bonuses stack, only the manarestoration does.
All Archer-types have "Fortify":
Attackers won't have any Attacker's Advantage (attack&movespeed bonus) against it. Lasts until the unit uses a Field Attack, attacks another unit or until it moves onto another field.
All Caster-types have "Meditate":
Restores 1 Manapoint to this and all nearby allied units (covers 9 fields).

-Levelup / Soulpower
As mentioned before you gather Soulpoints by fighting. But you also gather Soulpoints by occupying the king fields (+1 Soulpoint per round) and the healing fields in the middle (+2 Soulpoints per round). Those Soulpoints can be spend to increase the level of a unit for 10 Soulpoints (neither a king nor Aznereth) or to cast the race-specific Soulpower. Both options can be found in the menu which shows up if you select your king or press ESC.
Soulpowers are extremely powerful and may change the tide of the battle. Some drain all Soulpoints beoming more effective with each point, others have a static cost.

NEW: Playerlevel (PL)
You gain play Playerlevel points for arena battles and eventually gain a higher Playerlevel (PL):

initial: [PL1 Newbie]: +0 initial Soulpoints
50 points: [PL2 Decent]: +0 SP; Board Abilities
150 points: [PL3 Experienced]: +1 SP; Rename Command
500 points: [PL4 Professional]: +3 SP; Tinting Command
1500 points: [PL5 Elite]: +5 SP; Random Unit Command
5000 points: [PL6 Master]: +10 SP; Beast starts with level 2
15000 points: [PL7 Legend]: +10 SP; Get your own avatar

Before leaving, you should always type "-save" to get a password which contains your points.

When starting a new game, you can "-load XYZ" whereas XYZ is your code. You can only load before all players have picked their races and you can only load one code per game.

Those Playerlevel points gained in arena battles depend on many factors: many players, a tough battle, an opponent with high PL... those things will increase the amount of points significantly. You gain most by draws, and a lot by winning the battle. Losing it hardly gives you any points.
Winning a game also adds some points, depending on the duration of the game. Even if you didn't win, staying until the end of the game also adds a small amount of points.

Ice Arena.
All Beasts units are done.
Various misc improvements.

For a version without custom music, click HERE.

Soulchess, Soul, Chess, Turn, Turns, Turnbased, Roundbased, Round, Rounds, Mix

Soulchess: V.:1.22e (Map)

13:05, 4th Oct 2008 VGsatomi: This map was originally awarded Director's choice on Wc3sear.ch. That award carries over here.
Level 4
Aug 27, 2008
I know, but the Dragons "Touch of Decay" is on melee range, and the are ranged, so its only good vs melee units.
The necros was good against the most units, but not the enemys with AoE dmg (like "Flashbang").
Now they arent so good against anything, (even with mana).
The skeletons invs was good with 7 sec cd, now it is not a big chance to use it twice in a fight
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Load codes appear to be screwed up in the new version. I loaded 15 points, loaded the new code next game and had 5 points. Same thing happened to a friend of mine, 80-3. :/

And yes, I made an account just to say that.

Edit: Just found that it only bugs if I save after the game ends so problem solved I guess.
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Level 4
Oct 17, 2008
Can you give every unit some baseline ability to use ?

Lvl1 vs. Lvl1 is really just a check of HP and crap. At the very least boost HP so it takes longer, or something.

Kinda just seems... meh. Not much skill can do.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Well I'm guessing that you shouldn't get into fights you're not sure you can win. Just a guess though. *Cough.*

Long story short, you use skill on the board, not in combat.

It's meant to be that way. You play with skill on the board rather than in combat and you win.

Dunno whether Hive or moderators ate my last post but if the latter I'd like to know why.

EDIT: I'm really confused now. The post just vanished and turned up again? <.<
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Level 2
May 12, 2009
Just thought i'd let you know the save function isnt working, at first i thought it was because of my old code but ive played a few games now, went from 513 to 52 to 127 to 20. somethings up.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2010
Map looks nice.
I tested it but I have a feeling that you should balance the ultimate abilities because I played 1v1 and owned with the orcs
Otherwise the map is great and I can cast a 5/5 vote
I really recommend this map :)
Good Job to the creator.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I've a bug to report.

I was playing a full match with friends. I was goblin, and the others were demon, elemental and lo'ga in no particular order. I saved up SP all game, and finally used Chrononuke at like 200. I took 95% of all enemies' health. Lo'ga player proceeded to use his soulpower to heal afterwards. I kept saving SP for another nuke, and when I used it, elemental and demon kings died - but only demon lost. Elemental (red) could keep on playing even after I killed all his soldiers.
Level 16
Jun 24, 2009
awesome map but there is a very irritating bug at the playerlevel system
if you gain 110 points in the battle you gain 11 player points that's okay but if you have loaded a code with 15 points and you save this code you don't get 11 additional points but your points will be overwritten :S
the blood orc's soul power is too cheap for that power
when i casted chrononuke with more than 220 soul points it killed everything on the map except my king
also there was a little bug that when a battle started both of the units remained paused
aznareth is a little bit weak
at the battle place what is looks like a pub or something if i attack from the ground to the top it will never miss
Level 3
Mar 3, 2012
Epic map, 5/5, no bugs (for me at least)
However, i have a question, in your description it says when you load a saved code, you get the point from last game, and the current game will "Add" point, but in reality, i loaded 122 point, and then losing, tried to save, the next game i load it only load 15 point (and im downgraded to PL1), instead of adding point to my 122, it is replaced (i guess)
is this a bug or you really meant it that way?
Level 6
Mar 18, 2005
I passed Soulchess to Melth so he can continue working on the project, releasing new updates. The only condition is that I will always be mentioned as original Creator in the map.
This post acts as reference. @Moderators: please allow him to upload other versions of this map, he has my approval.
Level 1
Mar 23, 2012
hey do you know guys where's most update to date maps located. I can't seem to go on clan website unless it's a out dated link or something is happening and I need to contact that guy some reason my save codes are not working unless my putting it in wrong plz and thank you.
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