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Simple Orc Ram

Simple Orc Ram
used to crush wall
not sure if it is too simple

Here's Another Variation
Advanced Orc Ram

added cover
Relocate the Smoke (I guess Minimage Miss this)

ram, orc, wall

Simple Orc Ram (Model)

08:42, 21st Nov 2014 MiniMage: Approved out of sheer usefulness. Personally, I would've preferred if you gave the top of the model some more love, but it's still at an approvable stage as it is.




08:42, 21st Nov 2014
MiniMage: Approved out of sheer usefulness. Personally, I would've preferred if you gave the top of the model some more love, but it's still at an approvable stage as it is.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
This is actually really cool, really useful, and surprisingly un-done as of yet.

I love how you removed the projectile & simply made it a big slamming log. Genius.

My only complaint/suggestion would be to modify the 'angle of attack'; right now it's Ram would probably hit towers & town halls, but farms & other short buildings might be too low... Besides, a battering ram would generally hit the base of a building, not the top, to destroy it.

Change that and you're solid gold. : )
This is actually really cool, really useful, and surprisingly un-done as of yet.

I love how you removed the projectile & simply made it a big slamming log. Genius.

My only complaint/suggestion would be to modify the 'angle of attack'; right now it's Ram would probably hit towers & town halls, but farms & other short buildings might be too low... Besides, a battering ram would generally hit the base of a building, not the top, to destroy it.

Change that and you're solid gold. : )

will do that when i have time
Level 9
Feb 16, 2011
Looks nice but in my opinion it feels somewhat unfinished The Roof could actually be it's upgraded form And arrows could shoot from it or something while the normal form is just a plain ram.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Ummm there's a smoke coming out in its back and it doesn't seems right this is a pure wooden ram,not powered by a machine that need gasoline or kerosine and blows a smoke. You should remove it dude.