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Silvermoon - Exile of the Sin'dorei

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hello everyone, thanks for waiting, it is finally updated.
This map was originally created by Elven_God, he did not continued the proyect, so i asked for it and he gived it to me.
If you are not sure about what i said, you can ask Elven_God that i have permission to update the map.

Silvermoon 3.01: Exile of the Sin'dorei is an altered melee map that allows you to play with one more race: The Blood elves. The map also allows AI, so it can be played with the CPU. This version fixes some grammar mistakes and changes some icons, units and new triggered abilities.

-Changed Ranger-Captain name to Blood Ranger.
-Changed Blood Ranger model to a male one. Also changed it's icon.
-Changed Light bolt ability from the Blood Knight to Forked healing, a triggered ability. Althought i tested it, it may have some errors, please tell me if you find one.
-Changed Blood Knight model.
-Changed Multiple arrows ability to Poisoned arrows, reduces MS and AS while dealing DPS.
-Increased the percentage of Arcane volatily from 5%/10%/15% to 7%/12%/17%. If you are agreed with this just tell me please :).
-Added some drops to creeps that didn't had one.
-Changed Crusader aura model.
-Elven art mana cost is now the same at all levels.
-War call mana cost is now the same at all levels and increaes armor by 1/3/4.
-Changed the name of the town hall from Arcane hall/Arcane watch/Arcane's citadel to Magic halls/Mystic watch/ Arcane citadel.
-Changed town hall (Magic halls) model.
-Added a unique tecnology: Kael's will. This upgrade gives to all BE units magic damage reduction (15%). Due to it's outstanding power, this upgrade is the most expensive and it requires the most upgraded buildings and tecnologies. Also it is completed after 70 secs.
-Changed Eversong barracks name to Palace.
-Changed Palace model to the observatory model.
-Changed the name of the Wood elf to Rogue.
-Changed horse-mounted unit model.
-Added to some warrior units the Mana bane ability (burns mana).
-Increased Colission of the Magic halls.
-Changed Elven lumber mill model to the human lumber mill, just a little red.
-Changed the Blood mage to a new hero for the humans, i did this because i think the term "Blood mage" is more BE than HE so it's name and model has been changed.

Blood elf, Blood, elf, Altered melee, Silvermoon, Quel'thalas, High elf, Sin'dorei.

Silvermoon - Exile of the Sin'dorei (Map)

12:22, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 3
Feb 13, 2009
For those ones who knows nothing about this map, it was uploaded a time ago by Elven_God, i just continued the proyect with his permission. If you look out, you will find the old map, there is the descrption. Please do not post things like "tell more about your map instead of just changelog" if you do not know about the old map.
Level 3
Feb 13, 2009
Added a little better description, is the new one ok? Or i need to put more information?
Please test the map, it would be very awesome if you do it.

Oh and i forgot something, Next update will be Silvermoon: Fury of the Illidari

Please comment and rate, i really need to hear something about the map (errors, bugs, spelling mistakes, etc.
Last edited:
Level 2
Feb 21, 2009
Much better and much polished. However, I think most of the hotkey errors I pointed out in the earlier version still persist.

Original Quote:

- Change the hotkey of the Sun Sorceress' (or whatever it's name is) Mind Control ability from [M] to [C]. [M] is the hot-key for the Move order.

- Change the hot-key of the Wood Elf's ability, Poison Arrow from to [R]. is for Patrol.

- Sin'dorei Academy still has as its hot-key not [C] as its tooltip says. Probably better change it to instead to be more intuitive. Then you could have Eversong Barracks to for the same reason (capital letters seem to be more easily guessed), although [g] is pretty good too.

- Altar of the Fallen uses [A] and not . (Keep this but fix the tooltip so that A is highlighted.)

- Arcane Vault and Nether Void both use [V] as hotkeys. Make Nether Void use [N] instead of [D].

- Workshop and Tower -> [W]. Use [T] for Tower.

- Probably not needed since the tooltip is fine, but... change Energy Well's hotkey to [E].

- Add Random in picking your race. This is important. ^^

Except Sin'dorei Barracks is now Palace but it still uses [G] as a hotkey, and both Arcane Vault and Nether Void have proper hotkeys now.
Level 3
Feb 13, 2009
Thank you for telling me those erros i'll fix them soon, could you tell me if you see errors on the triggered spells or the units? Ah and if you want you could tell me some suggestions for the new race: The Illidari. i would like that a lot.

Ah one more thing, could you send me private messages in spanish? i think you speak it well, don't you? if not just forget it.
Level 2
Feb 21, 2009
I don't speak Spanish, sorry, the name's just random. :p I would love to help, although I can only play on the weekends at home as I'm at university from Monday/Tuesday to Friday. When I do get back, I'll send you what I find.