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Silithid Tentacles

well due to the higher vote on a poll, i've decided to upload this (poll is here http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/modeling-animation-276/model-worth-uploading-148068/ )

its one of those tentacle things you see around silithus in WoW, pictures are in the 'poll thread' if you want to see any in-game pics. pretty simple but very needed for any silithus terrains and such

give credits

1.1made a minor change, it went crazy in game due to certain things

1.2 fixed everything dondustin said to fix, if you dont like the bony-like texture set the tint to 180 (red) 130 (green) 160 (blue) for a really nice look to it, you can make it darker or brighter to your tastes.

1.3 okay, deleted every single unused bone and stuff

silithid, world of warcraft, silithus, tentacles, hives, gooey, bugs, squishy, sticky, ugly, disgusting, weird, c'thun, updated, v, version, 1.3

Silithid Tentacles (Model)

22:16, 2nd Nov 2009 DonDustin: I have always been a fan of nerubian/faceless one like models, but right now I see various issues that should be improved: 1. remove the unused helpers,bones, textures and materials from the model 2. change the...




22:16, 2nd Nov 2009
I have always been a fan of nerubian/faceless one like models, but right now I see various issues that should be improved:
1. remove the unused helpers,bones, textures and materials from the model
2. change the internal name of your model
3. I took a look at the WoW screenshots you have provided and I noticed 1 thing that it still looks pretty different to yours. The main point is the texture you are using. Your's looks more like a bunch of skeleton tentacles, but your concept looks very fleshy and has webs attached to some parts of it. Changing the texture to a more fitting one and adding some more cosmetical details should do the trick. 1 reason why I want this part to be changed is also the fact that you actually only edited the Ziggurat model which is not a bad point on the first view, but when it comes to a model submittion it gets too simple :/
4. You should even consider toadd some particles for the birth and death animation. But this point is rather optional, but recommended :)

Edit 1: there are still some bones and helpers that are not used. If you remove them the file size will be 8kb instead of 16. They can be removed with magos model editor under node manager. But do not remove the bone if you see following warning message"Some geoset matrix list groups still references this bone!Deatach?" because those are the bones that are used by your model. Others that do not give you a message can be removed without any problem

changes made. But I still suggest to add some effects to it.
Level 8
Mar 10, 2009
I still..


.. the skittering...

... the endless hives.. droning buzzing.. all around us...

.. we needed more sillithid carpace... needed more.. never.. never enough...

.. the scarab gong must be rang.. the scarab gate had to be opened.

....... only one may rise.

... *eyetwitch*

This was one of the best events in the history of WOW, imao - the most epic ever.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
I still..


.. the skittering...

... the endless hives.. droning buzzing.. all around us...

.. we needed more sillithid carpace... needed more.. never.. never enough...

.. the scarab gong must be rang.. the scarab gate had to be opened.

....... only one may rise.

... *eyetwitch*

i know, that buzzing still haunts me D:

the event was pretty fun though

also, this is my first approved model :D

thank you everyone who commented and thank you everyone you gave +rep :)