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Should Blizzard Make WC3 Free 2 Play?

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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
I just want to add something up. Warcraft 3 is currently being supported by Classic Games team, they are in charge of patching the game and providing support. Hive has contacted them, we have given them suggestions and they have listened.
listening is good, but I see no effect at that. I have tons of request, most of which are MUST HAVE requires, yet nobody cares. they have unknown goals and unknown managers to rule all things. Do you see any possibilities of a good patch? I dont. Thats why mem hack will be a real patch for the rest of WC3 world. blizz could never provide anything better than that
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
I'm out of time will review later

the game belongs to a company that could actually do something for the game

This new company is a train wreck & has done nothing other than give us more problems, be careful what you wish for.

I have tons of request, most of which are MUST HAVE requires, yet nobody cares. they have unknown goals and unknown managers to rule all things. Do you see any possibilities of a good patch? I dont.



Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
what is legality anyway? people who dl custom maps arent violate eula
The discussion went towards Warcraft III's Battle.net 1.0 which @JaysProjex says it's improper due to many reasons. I'm saying Battle.net 2.0 could repair that but he says the current BlizzEnt is an evil company and it would be probably better for someone else [god(s)?] to fix it so I suggested a utopia where the Hive or a philanthropist would acquire the Warcraft III rights.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
I'm saying Battle.net 2.0 could repair that but he says the current BlizzEnt is an evil company and it would be probably better for someone else [god(s)?] to fix it so I suggested a utopia where the Hive or a philanthropist would acquire the Warcraft III rights.

I'll explain

Let's say Activision Blizzard gives us a new update, in this update all problems associated with hosting & channel bots are gone completely. If this happens & does not go free to play, the population count on battle net will drastically drop meaning less players to play with online in return we all get what we wanted to see hosted games by players once again but with a lesser community.

As a map author I find it hard to believe that players would purchase it since there are more popular free to play model games out there. You can argue with this however you like but take note that LAN is supported & players who obtain the game for free would just flock over on something like Game Ranger to continue to play. The only backdrop to Game Ranger is that it doesn't monitor for 3rd party software.

There's thousands of people who wouldn't to pay for it, I find this difficult to work with because I would rather play retail servers, however there is a major problem with retail servers, a few examples are those who use 3rd party software cannot be permanently banned while using Garena or ENT, remember that these 2 are shown to work on retail battle net servers. Anyone on retail servers that uses 3rd party software gets detected & eventually will be permanently banned. If you want to continue to play retail servers you must then re-purchase the product for a new c-d key. Garena or ENT on the other hand get a free pass with the advantage of using 3rd party software without being banned & without purchasing it at all while still connecting to retail servers.

Honestly with all of this going on including the hosting bots, unless you want to play for ladder seasons, you would have to be really stupid to buy this game. I purchased the game (along time ago...far far away...) but I cannot enjoy the online community because of these problems. For what it's worth I only see value in ladder seasons which I could really careless for as I much rather enjoy custom games, so do you find the value of this game for ladder games? I'll leave that up to you to decide, for me it's not worth it & even I who paid for the game will admit to this.

If Activision Blizzard takes the wrong turn & decides to disable LAN with a update (I've seen this happen to games) they would be in for a wild shit storm.

If Activision Blizzard were to make a update that follows hives recommendations of a update, there is a slight possibility that it could work as a pay to purchase model but I fear the worst of things would happen

#1 I could see a increase of popularity for the Warcraft 3 (wait there's more...)
#2 Increasing popularity drifts the attention of Activision Blizzard towards Warcraft 3 (wait for it...)
#3 The problem (they may go out of their way to update the game how they want it) creating updates we don't like & completely sabotaging the game we all enjoy
#4 There is absolutely no guarantee that they will listen & will depend on pure luck to get a great classic team together
#5 There is a less chance of it becoming the Warcraft 3 dream if it's not made free to play.

If Activision Blizzard were to make a update that follows hives recommendations of a update with a free to play model, I could see a better vision of this game.

Free to play games attract players, Activision Blizzard can use ads on Warcraft 3 (like they do now...) to pull players towards their other games for those who don't know about their other games (which cost money) will lead to $profit$ then everyone is happy. That's why they say "advertisements" pay for the cost, the ads will pay for Wc3 servers.
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
If this happens & does not go free to play, the population count on battle net will drastically drop meaning less players to play with online in return we all get what we wanted to see hosted games by players once again but with a lesser community.
More people with a free game would be better because why? The server has to be maintained. At least 10 bucks for WcIII, some respect even if it's lousy respect.
Also, why do you think people (that currently pirate[d] the game; they wouldn't care anyway for the fixes because they'll probably still play through the emulator they're using) won't buy the game if those fixes will be implemented?
You can argue with this however you like but take note that LAN is supported
Even a better reason to buy this game than SCII for instance.
I find this difficult to work with because I would rather play retail servers
Big deal. They should just unban their CD-Keys so they won't have to buy the game again.
so do you find the value of this game for ladder games?
Well, I'm not a fan of ladder games, I mostly play singleplayer maps (+the game's campaigns) and create maps. Played only a few times through Battle.net. Never liked the interface and all that as it was pretty much close to the LAN's. As I've said, it's easier for me to play through GameRanger because it has decent chat rooms and you basically play through LAN. Also, I play with friends (scheduled games) which means I don't really care for random people or bots coming in.
If Activision Blizzard takes the wrong turn & decides to disable LAN with a update (I've seen this happen to games) they would be in for a wild shit storm.
No. That's not what they should do. I won't support that.
There is a less chance of it becoming the Warcraft 3 dream if it's not made free to play
Actually making it free to play might increase the chance of minitransactions policies which disgust me, usually.

And people not buying the game, it's mostly because it has outdated graphics. Most of those that still play it will surely buy it.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2014
What the heck is "!="? I've seen it in a previous thread. Wouldn't =/= be better suited?

It's programming notation. It's just the standard.

Let's say you want to make a parody, satire. It's a human right. And they would still be released as maps because SCII hasn't got a campaign system for the Galaxy Editor.

The right to create satire is not a human right. The right to freedom of speech is a human right, and that is what satire relies on. I am not sure... exactly how far the excuse of freedom of speech gets you... maybe... maybe... you could like sue them if they took down your parody game based on the sc2 campaign idk I have no idea. But they would (probably) take down your game, so you would have to sue them (crazier things have happened). Like in SC2, there was like this game called Sex on the Beach or something, it got taken down I think so it got renamed Procreation on the Beach. Maybe they could sue Blizzard for denying them freedom of speech? Who knows. Probably not.


The thing I want to repeat is that I don't see Warcraft 3 getting a huge boost just because it is made free to play. Some people might, but the thing is that wc3 is a stupidly old game, and RTS games are losing popularity, so the only people interested in it would be the guys who go back to play it for old times sake, and those are the guys who already own the game. Truly new people aren't going to go play wc3 whether it free or it is paid for. That is a simple fact.

Also, there are two things that Blizzard cares about. They care about creating great games. And they care about making money.

They are not going to make wc3 free just because it will attract more people. Would that make it a better game? Not necessarily. Would it allow them to make more money? Certainly not.

So why should they make wc3 free? Popularity != Quality, look at league of legends.


The only real advantage of making the game F2P that I can see is that it might get some of the gaming media's attention. I don't really know if it would get that much attention though.
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Like in SC2, there was like this game called Sex on the Beach or something, it got taken down I think so it got renamed Procreation on the Beach. Maybe they could sue Blizzard for denying them freedom of speech? Who knows.
That's maybe because they have a set of rules, a code of conduct and that kind of stuff (maybe erotic or pornographic, IDK) is not allowed. A satire respecting the code of conduct wouldn't be the same. Also, I doubt it was only because of the word sex that they then allowed the map renamed to procreation. It's basically the same thing, not exactly though. The right to speech doesn't allow you to go nude on the streets.
They care about creating great games. And they care about making money.
I dare say that the second one has been put above for quite some time now (you know, since microtransactions for a game that's not free to play to begin with but was forced into becoming one at some point).
They are not going to make wc3 free just because it will attract more people. Would that make it a better game? Not necessarily. Would it allow them to make more money? Certainly not.
I don't think they even made the first two Warcraft games or even Blackthorne and the Lost Vikings free so I wouldn't go that way. Even if they decide to make it "free" they'll go the SCII way because that's how you do business nowadays and it's about earning not being a philanthropist or anything the like. That's why it would be fair for it to be bought for the low price it has now with the addition of porting the game to Battle.net 2.0 and solving the issues of multiplayer and hopefully those that were mentioned in:
Warcraft 3 patch wish list
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Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
I don't think they even made the first two Warcraft games or even Blackthorne and the Lost Vikings free so I wouldn't go that way. [...]
Official free download page for Blackthorne, The Lost Vikings and Rock n' Roll Racing:

Hope more will follow soon :wink:

At the very least, free official downloads of both the diskette and CD-ROM version of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans would be so very nice, please Mr Blizzard Sir...

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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Official free download page for Blackthorne, The Lost Vikings and Rock n' Roll Racing:
I had no idea...
At the very least, free official downloads of both the diskette and CD-ROM version of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans would be so very nice, please Mr Blizzard Sir...
If they would also make the multiplayer more than 1v1. That would be amazing.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2014
I never played the game "Sex on the Beach", So I don't know whether it was pornographic or just meant to be funny or ironic or something. I honestly don't really know anything about it, I just brought it up because I thought it was relevant. I could see people trolling by bringing people in due to the title and then letting them down, but idk anything about it. Really I don't even know if it was taken down, or if the name was just changed. But it was up for several days I think, I would have thought that it would have been taken down earlier if it was really pornographic.


I do agree that would be awesome if Warcraft 1 & 2 were available for download off the blizzard site (for free or not for free), although I don't think they work on modern computers so maybe that makes it difficult to do.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
I do agree that would be awesome if Warcraft 1 & 2 were available for download off the blizzard site (for free or not for free), although I don't think they work on modern computers so maybe that makes it difficult to do.

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994) is a diskette and CD-ROM MS-DOS game. Warcraft II (1995) is a CD-ROM only MS-DOS game. Therefore, both should run in DOSBox.

Also, a modern cross-platform RTS game engine such as Stratagus can use the converted games' assets. But it is not the original 'Warcraft experience' anymore imho.

(more or less back on topic): Should Blizzard make these two classic DOS games freely available for download, they would still be unsupported. I also doubt such a release would attract new players / map makers / modders. They would quickly develop maps / mods for Wargus instead, but not for very long imho.

Warcraft II works on Win7 with the latest patch.

Warcraft II BNE (Battle.net Edition, 1999) is a Windows-only CD-ROM game. Latest patch is 2.02. It is my guess it does not remove the CD-Check, because Blizzard has no plans for any WCII:BNE digital download afaik (same goes with Diablo, btw).
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