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Short Story Contest #4 Poll

Vote for your favourite entry!

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Level 9
Apr 20, 2008
Entrants (that is all of you), I recommend not to use adverbs for speech attribution. Since everyone made that mistake except for TWIF, I won't deduct points for it, but yeah. No self-respecting writer uses adverbs for speech attribution.

That's right, not even minimalist writers. D:<

I agree in principle, but I also feel that there is some sort of unwarranted crusade against adverbs. True, if overused, they really weaken writing. Used (very) sparingly, however, they can be alright. They just have to be used properly.

I googled this out of curiosity and on one forum, someone said it best: they're like toffees. Here and there is fine, but have too many and you ruin your taste.

EDIT: I think I understand now. Yes, I agree that using adverbs for speech attribution (he said happily or she snapped bitterly) does weaken writing. However, what's your opinion on using other words for said? (i.e. "I do not!" he snapped)
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Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I agree in principle, but I also feel that there is some sort of unwarranted crusade against adverbs. True, if overused, they really weaken writing. Used (very) sparingly, however, they can be alright. They just have to be used properly.

I googled this out of curiosity and on one forum, someone said it best: they're like toffees. Here and there is fine, but have too many and you ruin your taste.

EDIT: I think I understand now. Yes, I agree that using adverbs for speech attribution (he said happily or she snapped bitterly) does weaken writing. However, what's your opinion on using other words for said? (i.e. "I do not!" he snapped)

Using other words for "said" is okay. See here, the thing about adverbs in speech attribution is that they work like sloppy shortcuts (they're fine pretty much anywhere else though. Don't ban the word "bitterly" from your vocabulary!). I could find a weird comparison, but I think I got my point across just fine.
Level 9
Apr 20, 2008
Using other words for "said" is okay. See here, the thing about adverbs in speech attribution is that they work like sloppy shortcuts (they're fine pretty much anywhere else though. Don't ban the word "bitterly" from your vocabulary!). I could find a weird comparison, but I think I got my point across just fine.

Then I understand your point and agree wholeheartedly :)
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Ok... So I don't respect myself?
Alext, The Danish, Lightskin, Tharkas and Lateris don't respect themselves?

You really should watch what you say, that's a key lesson for you. Know your audience. We've all tried very hard in this and have spent a lot of time on said submissions and your actually suggesting we don't have pride or knowledge of our own worth? Of our submissions worth? So we all think our submissions are bad? Incapable of winning? -_-

I'm not arguing with your adverb point but I do hope your second to last sentence is a case of 'not thinking before you post'.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
I'm really torn between Tharkas' Clockbreaker and The Danish' story... It all comes down to the grammar and vocabulary, I guess.

Also... I love ya', TWIF, but I honestly don't see why your story has so many votes. Don't get me wrong, I love your choice of words and correct spelling here burns a lot of the other contestants, but it's not much of a great war story, instead we get some beast-mounted beings of some sort rampaging through a forest attacking critters every-so-often, the intelligent winds observing, and a near-ripoff of the Trolls from The Hobbit.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
I'd be happy to judge, if you'd have me. I have a few days to kill anyway. <.<
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Lol the other stories aren't that original either xD

Ugh... I disagree... With that! :(

I like to think mine is fairly original - if nothing else.

What other story do you know that has a bunch of stupid orc soldiers (with guns) in a jungle who have absolutely no idea why they are there but go around causing and getting into trouble anyway :p

TWIF's isn't rly that similar, don't hobbit trolls freeze in sunlight? Or something... ? *scratches head* :O
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
I mean, their attitude is basically the same, but if he's never read it, bravo for his originality, since that was the one part I found unoriginal. And I wasn't saying I disliked it, I'm just pointing out that it didn't follow the theme for this contest... If you didn't like to follow the theme, you shouldn't have bothered joining this contest. You just pointed out that your story isn't even that close to the theme, do you really think that an off-topic story deserves to win a contest about 'Great War Stories' or whatever?

Yeah, a lot of the stories are a tad bit unoriginal, but only a few were really steeped in cliché.
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Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Yes, I did say several times that you're story is very much original >.<
This contest wasn't really organized, eh?
Level 6
Feb 5, 2008
Also... I love ya', TWIF, but I honestly don't see why your story has so many votes. Don't get me wrong, I love your choice of words and correct spelling here burns a lot of the other contestants, but it's not much of a great war story, instead we get some beast-mounted beings of some sort rampaging through a forest attacking critters every-so-often, the intelligent winds observing, and a near-ripoff of the Trolls from The Hobbit.

Well, lets just say that its a good thing the poll was changed to 25%, with a contest like this one, people tend to not read all the stories. Hell, I think the judges are having a hard time reading all the stories... No offense to TWIF of course, I actually haven't even read all the stories to be able to decide which one is best.

I admittedly haven't voted, because I just can't find the right time to sit down and read all of this deeply :xxd:.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
It's not so hard to read all of them, they're surprisingly rather short... and they don't contain too much, I'd say respectfully.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Its a poll can i write a story anyway and get that judged or would i have no chance since i didnt realise there was a story contest in first place cause i had been offline for a month getting my cpu fixed?
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Its a poll can i write a story anyway and get that judged or would i have no chance since i didnt realise there was a story contest in first place cause i had been offline for a month getting my cpu fixed?

I recommend you to start including proper grammar in your forum posts before you ever try to write a short story in English.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
AWwwwwwwwww That suks
Tyx for replying so quick
Also i dont use grammar or punctuation in post blogs or message cause im too lazy
Oh wells/ When is next competition?

And, it is a short story contest Cthulus, so ofc they lack in horrible ways. i personally hate short stories. the shortest story i write naturally is usually 22 thousand words. if you ask me, THAT is a short story. But i cant see the hive acually putting the effort into reading that kind of shit.

All short stories, especially with this rediculus 5000 word limit, are inherently lacking, especially in charachter development, and, well, in most other forms as well. The best you can really do with 5000 words is some prose work.

I guess my point is that this contest is a short story contest, and all stories should be judged as such. its hard to be original, its hard to develop, when you only have 5000 words in which to do so. People should jude stories upon the premise of the writings being inherently flawed, and not judge upon what they did apart from those flaws, but judge what they can do with those flaws.

I mean sure, there are some people who can write somthing beautiful with 5000 words, but thats not a STORY, its more of a prose.

Thats my oppinion.

Also, i've never heard somone taking points off for dialects and high fantasy themes such as ogres. Its like saying that Tolkein was unoriginal because he stole some concepts from arthurian legends. i mean, it would be like calling about 90% of all fantasy unoriginal shit because they use orcs, its the style, its the genra. original nowadays is taking an exsisting form and pulling a new shape from it.

Even though tolkien, in many of his writings, borrowed heavily from others, it doesent mean the shape he spun from exsisting archetypes wasnt original or great.

Thats my oppinion anyway, not that manyy of you probably care.

By the way, hows judging going? ^^
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
TWIF's right. I wrote a CHAPTER to a story of mine recently, and it's 4.6k words long. Oh, and it's entirely dedicated to introducing one single character. As TWIF said, it's impossible to fit character development into five thousand words. Thus it should honestly not be a factor in contests such as this one.
Level 5
Mar 26, 2010
There's no length enough to develop a character during the story, but it's much shorter to make references to its past. That way you increase the character's depth easily.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
There's no length enough to develop a character during the story, but it's much shorter to make references to its past. That way you increase the character's depth easily.

I realise, and that is what I do. Back story is pretty much required in my kind of writing. I'd post the chapter if 1. it wasn't a terrishit first draft and 2. it wasn't just one small chapter in a larger story, meaning it wouldn't make sense without the rest.
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Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
I never said that their dialect was the problem, TWIF... I didn't even say that is was bad. I just pointed out that it reminded me of the trolls from Tolkien's writings. Maybe I didn't word it correctly enough for someone of your vast intellect, which completely topples my own, and mastery of the fine art of literature to grip, but don't pounce on me, okay?

Have a nice day.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
It's alright, plus now I've come to respect you as someone who cares.. deeply for what they do. Don't be sorry, it's all fine.

Hope we can see some results soon :(
Argh shit, now I need to finish my reviews fast xD
4 stories reviewed so far :
The World is Flat - Breeze
Grey Nightmare - Just like Old Times
lateris - The Endless War
Lightskin - The Battle of Stirling

2 more to go, ALSO I already said The Exile's Stand is not accepted!!!!! Why did you guys vote for it.
Edit: Reviewed The Clockbreaker, only "Who art from heaven" left.
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