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ShadowDragon by Forgotten_Warlord

Bone Dragon I've been working on for thew contest.... finally got internet acccess.... :/ not sure if I missed the deadline but here it is enjoy if I forgot something let me know...

Updated anims and added portrait

Bone, Dragon, Shadow, Black, Forgotten, Warlord

ShadowDragon by Forgotten_Warlord (Model)

13:27, 31st Jul 2010 General Frank: Quite cool and well done. Works ingame. Approved.




13:27, 31st Jul 2010
General Frank:

Quite cool and well done. Works ingame. Approved.
Level 8
Jun 26, 2010
awsome idea but could use better anims =)
The flying should be smoother, more natural. Also, the torso should move a bit. Take a look at dragon in the movies, game cinemactics etc so you have a start.
Level 2
May 30, 2009
Animations need work greatly,

The Attack Animation is one of the big issues I see.

The Walk seems a little ok.

The stand needs more work.

And finally the Death animation looks good for the time being.

Update on the :Attack: / :Stand: Anims.
And improve on the :Walk: / :Death: Anims.

Great model nontheless, very great.
Animations need work. 5/5
Level 9
Aug 18, 2008
I would have liked a ground animation to this model and yeah, the walk animation could be given a bit more love.

Anyway 4/5 from me, will raise it if the walk animation is given some more love further on.
The model is nice and all but seems like it's lacking something.
A portrait camera.

And yeah, the mesh is pretty awesome, the texture is quite awesome, but the animations are terrible.
Open WC3 Viewer and look at the dragon anims in slow motion, you'll get the idea well, then redo all the anims from scratch.