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Secret Rooms - Escape 3

The final part of my trilogy. New things: shops, logic and skillful rooms, hidden coins (copper, silver, gold). Monster are new too. I think this is the best episode of the Secret Rooms Trilogy.
- olofmoleman /model/
- Mc ! /icon/
- apaka /model/
- FrikY /models/
- D. O. G. /model/
- Traxamillion /model/
- Hatebreeder /model/ /not from THW/
- DonDustin /models/
- 13lade619 /skin/ /not from THW/

The not credited custom resources are mine.


secret, rooms, trilogy, ordworse, maze, escape, puzzle, logic, intelligent, skill, labyrinth, gold

Secret Rooms - Escape 3 (Map)

This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under...




Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Map Review

[+] Author & map name
[+] Map description
[+] THW rules & regulation
[+] Map in English language
[+] No Error/Crash/Fatal error
[+] Quality are acceptable
[+] Not stolen/hack/de-protect map

Status : Approve
Condition : Good
Review : 1

Note : Well done, this map terrain seems to be superb and been carefully set up by you.

As for the trigger, it seems like the entire trigger was leaking. Since this map ain't a multiplayer map, I would give a exception for it. However, I notice some trigger are partically useless as they could be merge into 1 simple trigger instead of making a multiply trigger of it - which it execute the same function.

Here is where you did the wrong setup.

  • Troll2
    • Events
      • Unit - Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0077 <gen> Is selected
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0077 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0076 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0079 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0078 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (PoisonStalker) 0080 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (CryptScorpion) 0075 <gen>
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 2.00 seconds the text: Sorry. It hasn't go...
      • Wait 1.00 seconds
      • Item - Remove (Random item in Coinkilller <gen>)
  • Soul1
    • Events
      • Unit - Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0079 <gen> Is selected
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0077 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0076 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0079 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0078 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (PoisonStalker) 0080 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (CryptScorpion) 0075 <gen>
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 2.00 seconds the text: Sorry. It hasn't go...
      • Wait 1.00 seconds
      • Item - Remove (Random item in Coinkilller <gen>)
You could have just merge them into 1 trigger like this.

  • Troll2
    • Events
      • Unit - Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0077 <gen> Is selected
      • Unit - Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0079 <gen> Is selected
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0077 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (TrollCaster) 0076 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0079 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (BurningSoul) 0078 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (PoisonStalker) 0080 <gen>
      • Unit - Kill Room Monster (CryptScorpion) 0075 <gen>
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 2.00 seconds the text: Sorry. It hasn't go...
      • Wait 1.00 seconds
      • Item - Remove (Random item in Coinkilller <gen>)
As for the AI setup I view at this trigger, it seems to be very bad. I suggest you to improve it by making a alternate trigger for it.

  • Room 30
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters Room 30 <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
      • Camera - Lock camera target for Player 1 (Red) to The Master 0111 <gen>, offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Default rotation
      • Unit - Pause The Master 0111 <gen>
      • Unit - Pause Player 0000 <gen>
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 3.00 seconds the text: |c00f1f000THE MASTE...
      • Wait 2.00 seconds
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 6.00 seconds the text: |c00f1f000THE MASTE...
      • Wait 5.00 seconds
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 3.00 seconds the text: |c00f1f000THE MASTE...
      • Wait 3.00 seconds
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 10.00 seconds the text: |c00f1f000THE MASTE...
      • Wait 10.00 seconds
      • Camera - Lock camera target for Player 1 (Red) to Player 0000 <gen>, offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Default rotation
      • Destructible - Close Massive Ruined Gate (Horizontal) 2287 <gen>
      • Unit - Unpause all units
      • Sound - Play Doom
      • Wait 1.50 seconds
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 2.00 seconds the text: |c00f1f000THE MASTE...
      • Wait 3.00 seconds
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 4.00 seconds the text: |c00f1f000THE MASTE...
      • Wait 1.00 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Human Paladin - Activate Divine Shield
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Attack Player 0000 <gen>
      • Wait 8.00 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Human Paladin - Activate Divine Shield
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Attack Player 0000 <gen>
      • Wait 4.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Human Paladin - Activate Divine Shield
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Attack Player 0000 <gen>
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Night Elf Warden - Fan Of Knives
      • Wait 8.00 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Human Paladin - Activate Divine Shield
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Attack Player 0000 <gen>
      • Wait 8.00 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Human Paladin - Activate Divine Shield
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Night Elf Warden - Fan Of Knives
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Attack Player 0000 <gen>
      • Wait 8.00 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Human Paladin - Activate Divine Shield
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Attack Player 0000 <gen>
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Unit - Order The Master 0111 <gen> to Night Elf Warden - Fan Of Knives
For this trigger, I suggest you to add a turn off this trigger action to it. As constantly enter the region could repeat the sequence, but since you did not add any action such as play sound or other type of action - It would be fine, but I suggest you to add turn off trigger action if you do not want it to be repeat.

  • Room 7 Switch 2 event
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters Switch2 <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player
    • Actions
      • Destructible - Kill Foot Switch 0673 <gen>

Judge from CMarket review and most of the trigger setup, the resources doesn't seems to be bugged. This resources is not ready to be recommend yet, I suggest you to add difficulty setting that set the amount of unit hp, unit damage and etc etc.

As for now, approve and rating is 3/5 from me.

The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else. Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 5
Dec 4, 2007
Great i did the last two episode when they were released hope that this will be as good as the others (or even better)
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007


- Everything seems to be working in order. I didn't find any major or minor bugs. The author of the map gave credits where credits were due and put the map in the appropriate Type. Good job.

The Review

- A really good and professional single player maze map that consists of 30 rooms, each containing a different challenge(although some of them get repeated). I can really see that you, unlike many many others, put a lot of effort here and I commend you for that.

- The terrain is really good for a maze.

- The gameplay is good but the game itself is too easy, except for the last boss. I would recommend reducing the main hero's health because after you get a health stone it really gets easy.

- The final boss is a bit too hard unless you stock up on health potions. If you go around buying armor and tomes of health it can get tricky.

- There are only four items to buy which are enough in this current state(seeing as how there aren't too many coins) but if you want to give the player a bit more variety in his strategy it might be a good idea to add a few more.

- A good maze map. As I've said, I see that you put a lot of time into it and I congratulate you for it.

- You made a trilogy and you actually finished it. That gets you bonus points.

My Advice
- Add more rooms. I want to play more ;)

- Generally the game is quite easy. I suggest increasing the difficulty or adding a game mode title "Hard" or something that decreases your hero's health by 70% or something all the way to the boss level(where it gets restored to normal because the boss is rather hard on it's own). Just a suggestion.

- Try making all your rooms have a different challenge, some of them are repeating.

- I am not sure if you wanted to do that, but in the "Run for your life" room the "maze" you have to run through can simply be avoided by running forward. You might want to fix that in case it's a bug.

- As I've said, it might be a good idea to add more items.

- The story is somewhat unoriginal. Try making the Master be some mad doctor or something, don't link him to the warcraft lore.

- I recommend this map to all maze lovers. 3.5/5 and approved.
Level 9
Feb 19, 2008
Thanks for comments :)
@CMarket: There are a lot of coins, just some of them are very hard to find. In the map there are three gold coins only, and these gold coins are in very tricky places.
And you said that the story is unoriginal. This trilogy hasn't got story
Just maps without storyline. I want to add a story but I can't find a good story for them. Shit.
BTW thanks for your rating, you maked me happy:grin:
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
No problem. I was once an eager mapper too and I know that when you work this hard on something it's important to get acknowledged for it.

I am a great story maker and if you decide to create a new maze series(which I would really look forward too) feel free to PM me and ask for my help, or better yet add me if you have a messenger: [email protected]
Level 9
Feb 19, 2008
@Code Lyoko:
Look, if you want to change the description of an item (when it is not carried) in object editor, find the item, then click on description and type that you want. I think the you mean description = tooltip, but no.
(Sorry if I have any typo errors, I'm Hungarian)
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
Great job!
Good things:
-There was a lot of rooms and none of then seemed boring
-Finding coins was fun even if I found only one gold coin :)
-colorful terrain and good looking monsters as laways

Bad things:
-at the start of the game I was a bit annoyed about being paused for so long
-as Septimus said some trigger could be made better but that's no big deal since gameplay don't suffer for that

I was a little disappointed when I checked all shops and they were selling same stuff. You could make that first shop sells armor, second shop sells sword and third shop sells shield (of course they sell regular stuff too).

By the way. Will Septionus change his review later. it's way too long.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
Hello again! Guess what? Yes, it's again help needed -case.
The first type what is shown below -room has appeared to me... It's that room after you say the number code which is written on the cheese. First type what is shown under the torch is ^ I tried to press up arrow, nothing happened, I tried to write on a message that, no effect.

What I gotta do? This is so confusing to me :D Maybe I should try the other parts or try to do this till the end? :con:
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
It says "A", not "^". This means that you have to hit ENTER, A, ENTER to destroy the coming wagon.

In case there is more then one letter, for example Y and Q you need to hit ENTER, Y, ENTER, ENTER, Q, ENTER.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
It says "A", not "^". This means that you have to hit ENTER, A, ENTER to destroy the coming wagon.

In case there is more then one letter, for example Y and Q you need to hit ENTER, Y, ENTER, ENTER, Q, ENTER.
Ok, I continue this after a while. Btw can you tell how you make those spoilers? I mean that system when people click the button example spoiler(s) come out. :cute:
Level 9
Feb 19, 2008
Hello again! Guess what? Yes, it's again help needed -case.
The first type what is shown below -room has appeared to me... It's that room after you say the number code which is written on the cheese. First type what is shown under the torch is ^ I tried to press up arrow, nothing happened, I tried to write on a message that, no effect.

What I gotta do? This is so confusing to me :D Maybe I should try the other parts or try to do this till the end? :con:

Is this map very hard for you? :p
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
Aargh! On the first level, the troll keeps following me on the first level. When I hide, and then I resume, he eventually comes back. So, when I finally opened the 4 gates, the troll was stuck with me. I hid, but then he attacked me, forcing me onto the squares (for the fifth time)!
Level 9
Feb 19, 2008
Aargh! On the first level, the troll keeps following me on the first level. When I hide, and then I resume, he eventually comes back. So, when I finally opened the 4 gates, the troll was stuck with me. I hid, but then he attacked me, forcing me onto the squares (for the fifth time)!

When you hide, wait five seconds, then go to the 4 gatesm and the troll won't follow you (if you type iseedeadpeople, he will follows you, so don't cheating!)
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
One Player Escape / Maze Failure!!! 0/5

I don't think this is supposed to be a maze, but rather a game that people that like discovering, exploration, and using their brains (kinda) would like. Really, I can see that you like mazing. Well, this isn't really a maze. :)
Level 10
Mar 23, 2007
One Player Escape / Maze Failure!!! 0/5

Stupid Punk :D

By the way, i love theese kind of maps. THis is one of my favorites.
In the room with the "Squares" (One of the last), where you die, when you touch one of the fires... Mabye, you should write "Remember to save" here. It is annoying, when you gotta do the last 10 rooms again.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
-damn eggs...
-make the message with the coin pop up after a coin is taken
-you could add black mask to your maps
-the boss is easy to beat with the Crown of the Deathlord

This is the best of the three but still not that good. Apart from the cheese puzzle that was a bit confusing, the rest is way too easy.
Roughly 3/5.