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Requesting Siege Engines!

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Could any of you make me a model of Siege Units, or some awsome looking Siege Abilities :thumbs_up: Thanks alot!

Okkkk.. Ill be more specific

I need a Siege Unit, Moveable, Works in game, something that isnt really made yet, something cool, has wheels or Feet, will be a cool hero in my game, not made yet ( ive seen like, all the models in this site ) and can attack. Srry for any misunderstandings. Also i would need some cool siege abilities or ideas for some :D
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Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
Err, there are PLENTY of siege units in the database, unless you specify, no one will make one, rather than just point you to one, but I can point you to a siege unit.


There you are, a trebuchet made by Olofmoleman (He makes outstanding models, several are hosted here as well.)

And now to be a complete wanna-be mod and beat Wolverabid to it.

Introduce yourself here!
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
No more threads about goddam same thing please. This place is a community not a vending machine.

Don't use the same saign over and over and over again wulf! "Not a goddamn vending machine, wah, wah, wah, stupid mofo! Don't do anything noobish or I shall show you my perverted doodles and taunt you!" Seriously for christ's sake be easy on the little piglet. By the way, I know you'd like it to be unique but we still need more description then that, maybe a Flinstones Siege Unit? Then you could request it properly.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
I wouldnt, you guys are a$$holes.

Alright, so you want a rolling thingy?

A rolling mine, the demolisher missle that rolls.

A disco ball... not sure if this counts

A really random ball

Another ball based on catapult missle

There you go, a few...rolling...ball things.

Sorry thats all i understood. A little searching goes a long way.

Otherwise if we somehow made something for you, you probably wouldn't like it and say "no no no thats not how i want it" or something.

no i wont be like that Pyrite, I really dont care, i just need something, that looks pretty cool, works in game, and good for somthing like, a public map, but not with some weird "inside Joke" made up sorta thing. But i see that now i should be more specific.

Thanks Arab4life, even tho, ive seen like every model on this whole site and some others, it helps

o i should add, the units I already have, and that u shouldnt make somthing alike it, Ok... MeatWagon, Infernal Juggernaught, Demolisher, Mortar Team, Siege Engine, Goblin Sappers, Unarmored Vehicle, KodoBeast Tower, Glaive Thrower, Goblin Shredder, and Nerubian something thing...(the one by Callahan) Ok! However, U can if u want, Take one of those units and make it look different, like, mechanical Glaivethrower with a cannon on its back and blades on the side and spikes or somthing...

No more threads about goddam same thing please. This place is a community not a vending machine.

Im sorry werewulf, I really didnt know that :D, i respect u tho and i know ur just trying to help. i wont post another same thing.
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
[highlight]Just_Spectating: you seem to have gotten yourself into a real mess.[/code]
  1. I have merged your THREE requests threads into this one.

  2. The thread has been renamed.

  3. I have merged two of your posts into one and also merged FOUR OTHERS into one.

  4. You need to carefully read the site rules in the FAQ and the various important sticky threads in each forum before posting.

  5. If you have received any negative reputation because of this, you will just have to "take your lumps." Hopefully you have learned something.

  6. If no one can complete your request, you might just have to learn how to create your own models: there are plenty of tutorials available!
[highlight]Just_Spectating: you seem to have gotten yourself into a real mess.[/code]
  1. I have merged your THREE requests threads into this one.

  2. The thread has been renamed.

  3. I have merged two of your posts into one and also merged FOUR OTHERS into one.

  4. You need to carefully read the site rules in the FAQ and the various important sticky threads in each forum before posting.

  5. If you have received any negative reputation because of this, you will just have to "take your lumps." Hopefully you have learned something.

  6. If no one can complete your request, you might just have to learn how to create your own models: there are plenty of tutorials available!

[highlight]Just_Spectating: you seem to have gotten yourself into a real mess.[/code]
  1. I have merged your THREE requests threads into this one.

  2. The thread has been renamed.

  3. I have merged two of your posts into one and also merged FOUR OTHERS into one.

  4. You need to carefully read the site rules in the FAQ and the various important sticky threads in each forum before posting.

  5. If you have received any negative reputation because of this, you will just have to "take your lumps." Hopefully you have learned something.

  6. If no one can complete your request, you might just have to learn how to create your own models: there are plenty of tutorials available!

ok i read them, wow.... i would like to start over, but i guess i wont... or cant...http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/images/smilies/sadg.gif
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