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Random Spellpack by Hanky 1.5

Downloads of the last Version: 9669
Current Number of Spells: 20
Current Version: 1.5
Editor: JassGenNewPack 5b (JassHelper 0.9.J.1)
Language: vJass
MUI: Yes
Preview made from: Darkt3mpl3r

Used Systems

Version 1.0 Repacked
  • repacked the whole script from all spells and from the mainscript
  • better performance
  • better to modificate
  • cleared all known bugs

Version 1.0a Repacked
  • bugs fixed
  • bjs removed
  • leak fixed

Version 1.1 Repacked
  • added burrowstrike
  • added paralyzing field
  • added tutorials and help

Version 1.1a Repacked
  • added Holy Shock
  • added other cache system what need Gamecache (for infos watch at "Cache Help")

Version 1.2 Repacked
  • added Berserker Rush
  • added Jade Shield
  • modified Holy Shock
  • fixed a bug

Version 1.2a Repacked
  • fixed Bloody Run bug

Version 1.2b Repacked
  • added new index system
  • added constant to critical jump

Version 1.2c Repacked
  • fixed all known bugs

Version 1.3 Repacked
  • some script repacked
  • added Timer Recycling
  • better performance
  • fixed all known bugs
  • added Brain Soak
  • added Thunder Clash
  • added Aggressive Infection

Version 1.4 Repacked
  • removed the indexing system
  • again improved performance
  • new jump parabola (thanks to JonNny)
  • fixed all known bugs
  • added group recycler
  • added Whippy Rope
  • added Backdoor
  • added to every spell a adjustable filter

Version 1.4a Repacked
  • cleared up the script
  • motion loop is now improved
  • several bugs are now fixed
  • fixed those buff bugs

Version 1.5 Repacked
  • fixes for 1.24
  • handle index system added
  • modified timer recycler

Bloody Run
Your unit will run so fast to the selected point that all units who are in the
near of your unit get damage.

You throw two boomerangs at the selected area. Every boomerang missile make just one time damage.
So if you hit a unit with both boomerangs the unit will get two times damage!

Critical Jump
Your unit jump at the selected area and give all enemy units who are in the near damage.

With each hit your unit has the chance to knockback the attacked unit.

Electrical Field
Throws several electro bolts at the selected area.
Each bolt deals damage upon contact with enemy units.

Fire Bombs
Throws several fire bombs at the selected area.
Each firebombs deals damage upon contact with enemy units.

Frost Sphere
Summons a powerful frost sphere which moves towards your selected target.
While travelling to the target it shots frost shards around itselfs that damage enemy units!|

Hurling a mystical force at the target unit. Infests it and deals moderate damage to it over time.
At the end of the effect the mystical force implodes and inflicts damage to surrounding enemy units.

Mystic Net
Throws a rope to the selected point and drags the first unit in its way back to you your caster.
The target will also get hurt upon impact with the ground.

Dark Torture
Make the targeted unit bigger and bigger and because of the hard deformation of the
body the unit get every second some damage.

Your unit burrows himself to the ground, accelerating towards to his target. Upon concact the throws his victim up in the air dealing some damage, upon impact with the ground all nearby enemy units are being damaged and slowed.

Paralyzing Field
Your unit channels a paralyzing field, slowing all enemy foes in it until they freeze, releasing them after some seconds channeling time.

Holy Shock
Passively enhances your hero with lightning pulses. Whenever it gets attacked there is a chance to trigger electricy pulses that deals damage on concact with an enemy.

Jade Shield
Renders 3 Jade Crystals, rotating around the caster. Each crystals deals damage upon contact with an enemy unit and vanishes.

Berserk Rage
Pitlord goes into a huge rage, running towards the target location, knocking everything unit away in it's way. Deals damage per hit.

Aggressive Infection
The Pit Lord sends out an epidemic virus, which infects nearby enemy units around the target. Deals less damage per passed infection.

Brain Soak
Soaks an enemy units brain. Whenever it moves, it loses a percentage of it's manapool.

Thunder Clash
The Cryptlord calls down an enormous thunderbolt. Shocks every enemy unit around the caster.

Whippy Rope
Your unit launches a magical rope at a unit or location. The rope will snag the first target it encounters, dealing damage then dragging Archimonde to the victim or location.

Locates a backdoor on an enemy unit. The caster can track down the victim at any time by creating a portal.

Thanks to all who wrote me PMs and gave me feedback. I decided to repack the whole script to make the spells faster and better.
Soon I will add new spells to this spellpack. Your feedback is wanted please give me ideas so that I can go on making a good spellpack.

For all who have problems with importing the spells can look there: [vJass] Spell import tutorial - Clan NgO Forums

I like to thank the whole NgO Clan. Special thanks to:
- Darkt3mpl3r for your good spell ideas, your spellmap terrain and improvement ideas on my spells also thanks to you for your tooltips...
- JonNny big thank to you otherwise I would have still a bugged crush and boomerang your testing made them bugfree...
- Flame_Phoenix for reporting me several bugs
- WaRadius for being taliban (ya know what I mean) and for his timestop mdl
- Fireeye for reporting me forgotten bj functions
- joel79 for gaving me the idea to continue/repack this spellback
- paladon for reporting me the cache bug
- johannesr for reporting a bug of the bloody run spell
- pbnjamma for feedback
- MoK_Exalted for feedback
- Vexorian/PitzerMike for the uberkewl JassGenNewPack
- Hiveworkshop.com for hosting my spellpack

Have fun with the spells.
- Hanky -

NgO, Spellpack, thecakeisalie, TDG

Random Spellpack from Hanky 1.4a (Map)

12:19, 17th Jun 2010 TriggerHappy: Nothing looked significantly wrong with all the code. I'm sure they're all okay too considering this was approved pre-1.24. Good job, nice addition to the spells database.




12:19, 17th Jun 2010

Nothing looked significantly wrong with all the code.
I'm sure they're all okay too considering this was approved pre-1.24.

Good job, nice addition to the spells database.
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
Ok finally the spellpack is back online. I hope everything is working correctly since I hadn't enough time to test all 20 spells in every situation. But I think those spells will do their job fine. The new version will also a good version for newbies who have no clue of memory leaks etc. Well enjoy.
Level 11
Apr 29, 2007
Everyone uses them. And using your system doesn't make it better. You're not even giving me a reason. It would just make everything easier. Having 10000 systems in one map which do the same and are only different in their name is good, heh?
Also, your reaction kinda tells me that you're acting like a little child which thinks that his system are better. mimimi, use other systems then.. I'm going to do that. Enjoy your faggotry. /rage
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
Well I see your point and I did also saw your point before. And sure using those standart system would good for the spellpack etc. and btw I never said in any comment before that my system AREZ tehz shit... Im just saying that I'll just use my own systems. Also I don't need you to give any reasons why I do that just respect my choice, be polite and don't try to flame me... and btw to the point:
YourNameHere said:
And using your system doesn't make it better. You're not even giving me a reason. It would just make everything easier. Having 10000 systems in one map which do the same and are only different in their name is good, heh?
How I already said before just use an other spellpack if you don't like that ...

Edit: And btw dude, chill down ...
Everyone uses them. And using your system doesn't make it better. You're not even giving me a reason. It would just make everything easier. Having 10000 systems in one map which do the same and are only different in their name is good, heh?

Sure using one single system could spare some space
but imo its not bad to use your own
especially due Hankys systems are definitely not bad and may have some other advantages (he has a reason to do so)

Also, your reaction kinda tells me that you're acting like a little child which thinks that his system are better. mimimi, use other systems then.. I'm going to do that.

in my opinion YOUR reaction tells us more about you than everything else

Enjoy your faggotry.

lolz, sometimes its better to keep shut
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
Everyone uses them. And using your system doesn't make it better. You're not even giving me a reason. It would just make everything easier. Having 10000 systems in one map which do the same and are only different in their name is good, heh?
Also, your reaction kinda tells me that you're acting like a little child which thinks that his system are better. mimimi, use other systems then.. I'm going to do that. Enjoy your faggotry. /rage

flam0rz. lil hint: care your expressions.

I think hanky is not doing anything wrong by using his own systems. only because most people use timerutils it is not a responsability that everybody has to use timerutils.
take dat!
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
- if there appear a bug it will be much easier for me to fix it since I know how I coded my systems
Guess what...People have already spent time fixing THEIR systems. You dont need to do that again.
- I can make the systems like I want them to be
Which is not always good for portability. Why have 20 Knockback systems, each coded by a different coder who thought he can do a better job at reinventing the wheel than all those before him in one map, where you could have only one if everyone just used that one?
If you think you need a feature another system doesnt offer you, why dont you take your time to either request that feature or extend that system?

Would you jump off a cliff if everyone else does? Got it?
Would you not eat an apple, even if everyone told you its good for you and to you they taste delicious (provided you have one at hand and are moderately hungry)? That might be a more accurate simile.


Edit: And while im at it...The timer system you use is inferior to TimerUtils on many levels (API, safety, efficiency, portability, ...).

Im just saying that I'll just use my own systems. Also I don't need you to give any reasons why I do that just respect my choice, [...]
Youre submitting this. I see room for improvement, and he did as well. I wont respect your choice unless you can prove me wrong in that using your own libraries is the inferior approach to the problem.


I'm still for high rec, preferingly for directors cut x)
After looking at the code...no. This is not high quality code.

Maybe ill do a quick review later.
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Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
Well the fix for 1.24 was a pretty much quick and dirty solution and well I don't care what you are saying I'll keep my systems. And once again If you don't like the systems then just use an other spellpack...

Edit: And btw the code hasn't be updated since 7 months or something so of course some parts are old now... But I don't care the systems and spells are working ok with a good speed... so meh

Deaod said:
Edit: And while im at it...The timer system you use is inferior to TimerUtils on many levels (API, safety, efficiency, portability, ...).

Yes I know that the Timer Recycler look right now pretty much messed up... but how I said the TimerRecycler was affected by the 1.24 patch and I just made for now a quick and dirty solution maybe I'll update the pack soon... dunno how soon because of real life...
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
When a person uses his own systems, first of all he creates them for his own needs and thus comply efficiently with his coding style. Second of all, he knows all that is going around. Third of all, that makes him a more acquainted coder through practice.

If you think that using common systems is better for maps, then hey, learn Jass and update the spells you import... :p

It's of no ones business if the creator uses his own systems or not... as Hanky already said, don't use this spellpack if you don't like it. He was already nice enough to create this for the public, so in-case it doesn't have any major flaws and it's a matter of a pikosecond due to no using a system, don't nag.

And about TimerUtils, well imo it's a flawed system due to seeking for extra speed, i'd prefer taking care of the leaks it might leave behind instead for the cost of a pikosecond, if not a fraction of that.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Yeah! It up again!
Its probably the most used spellpack ever. You could see Mystic Net almost everywhere (I'm saying Mystic Net 'cos its the one I see the most :D)

BTW, I don't see anything wrong with him using whatever system he likes, so let's stop this argument over nothing. There is no standard BTW, unless Blizzard sets one.

PS: Nice comeback -JonNny, although I shouldn't be encouraging these kinds of stuff.

PPS: I ruined your 300 rep with 2 more xD

PPPS: Great to see Vast Planes too. It was totally ownage when I saw it, was my first time participating in a contest, that time...
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
When a person uses his own systems, first of all he creates them for his own needs and thus comply efficiently with his coding style. Second of all, he knows all that is going around. Third of all, that makes him a more acquainted coder through practice.

If you think that using common systems is better for maps, then hey, learn Jass and update the spells you import... :p

It's of no ones business if the creator uses his own systems or not... as Hanky already said, don't use this spellpack if you don't like it. He was already nice enough to create this for the public, so in-case it doesn't have any major flaws and it's a matter of a pikosecond due to no using a system, don't nag.

And about TimerUtils, well imo it's a flawed system due to seeking for extra speed, i'd prefer taking care of the leaks it might leave behind instead for the cost of a pikosecond, if not a fraction of that.
Where to start?
Okay, first of all the argument that using own systems because they fit more into his coding style is bullshit. I see no reason why TimerUtils or xefx shouldnt fit. Second, yeah, he knows whats happening. But he could also spend the time trying to understand what others did to achieve the effect. And third, i agree that practice is good. But dont practice when others may want to use it.

Oh, i can update his spells, but it would be easier for me to just rewrite them.

Yes, its OUR business if Hanky uses external systems or not. He submitted these spells to THW. He obviously wants these approved again. Using external systems improves the code. Tell me one reason why he should be allowed to use an inferior approach to his problems in his submission.

TimerUtils doesnt leak. And taking care of YOUR leaks is out of its scope. It also doesnt focus purely on speed (if it did, why would it have non-debug-mode safety checks?).

BTW, I don't see anything wrong with him using whatever system he likes, so let's stop this argument over nothing. There is no standard BTW, unless Blizzard sets one.
I do. Its the NIH syndrome at work (see the link in my previous post). And using arbitrary systems oftentimes comes with less efficiency, and unsafe/untested/inflexible code. This "argument over nothing" is very important because its an argument for or against a certain attitude (which makes this argument not restricted to just this specific incident).
And yes, there is a standard. No, it was not set by Blizzard. It was set by the community because having standards simplifies code production and sharing of code.
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
Deaod said:
... it would be easier for me to just rewrite them.

Well true most of the script have to be totally recoded. But right now there's no time to do that. And well I also need to recode most of my systems since they are pretty outdated. The only thing I need to do that is time which I don't got currently. But still I like to you use my own systems, maybe I should just make 2 versions of the spellpack. One using those standart systems and one just using my system. Would that be alright for you Deaod?
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
TimerUtils doesnt leak. And taking care of YOUR leaks is out of its scope. It also doesnt focus purely on speed (if it did, why would it have non-debug-mode safety checks?).
Well, as it keeps on stashing timers to be reused later, you might at an instance reach a max number of timers which would never be used again in the game.

And Deaod, I understand your point, and all you say make sense and is sort of right. But I mean, when I code, I code cause I enjoy coding and it's a good manner of filling up my free time. Using other people's systems, in my opinion, makes it less enjoyable.

Well, also, in my opinion is out of place, and it's similar to the GUI vs. Jass argument which won't be getting to any agreements :p so let's just stop it.

And well Deaod, since we're in the topic... you can do some thread demanding that a new rule is added which requires the usage of common systems whenever needed. Then, you've got what you want and ended this argument :p
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
When I try to import this system I get the error redecleared function "Log"

"constant function log takes integer base, integer result returns integer"

is there any way to fix this?
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
Oh sure I forgot to mention that I added a RakEnRoL filter, as soon as you use my spells your pc will start lagging... /irony

Well I won't update this spellpack anyway. And as I already mentioned the code is crap since H2I got fixed. And really who have the time to rebuild something like 16 spells + systems...
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Awesome spells, its really a pain for me getting them to work when copying them in my map. Good thing there's a tutorial tnx for that, now how can I edit the damage of the boomerang? :vw_wtf:
Level 6
May 11, 2013
I can't import the Critical jump because of this //! runtextmacro BuffEffect("BuffSpellId","0.5","")

if you use import files to the newgen jass folder at least share them please
Level 6
May 11, 2013
It seems like you got no idea what runtextmacro does :D

Make sure you also copy all the main library stuff where are all the macros you need.

Thanks mate. I love Critical Jump <3

P.S what exactly this line actually means? private constant real Range =230.00 //The damage range after the unit reached the ground

Is this the AoE? I need to understand how it works please reply
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Level 10
Dec 12, 2021
I am not good for JAss, I have tried it with the program (NewGen) and it still does not work, import both the dummy.mdx, the dummy missile, the ability and also what is the JASS of the spell in this case JadeShield and the folder main and correctly put the dummymissile and spell numbers and nothing, could someone help me?
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
I was able to import this just fine, so the issue is not with the resource itself. NewGen doesn't exist any more because most of its functionality was rolled into the actual editor, and using such an extremely outdated, deprecated, and specifically unsupported editor hack is not recommended. There is actually zero reason to ever use NewGen ever again. Second, give an actual description of the issue you are having instead of saying something completely uninformative like:
it still does not work

You described the steps. You know them. Clearly you did something wrong. Nobody can magically guess which step you messed up so go through it again from scratch. (I will not check your map for you if you post it here because you need to learn to do this for yourself.)
  1. Copy all relevant imports over first, changing their file paths to match if necessary.
  2. Save. Close and reopen your map because imports are weird.
  3. Copy all OE data first. Then go back through and check that all the relevant OE lines that refer to other things (like buffs or ability lists or upgrades used, etc.) properly point to the new stuff you just imported.
  4. Save.
  5. In the trigger editor of your map, navigate to the top menu and select JassHelper > Enable vJASS. This is a setting that's off by default because Blizzard are absolute fucking troglodytes and don't understand that there is almost no possible situation would you want to turn that off.
  6. Copy all of the relevant triggers into your map. (This includes generic categories and other systems upon which these skills may depend.)
  7. Save.
  8. Go through the triggers and change all the rawcodes to match the new rawcodes given to the abilities when you pasted them (if they did not retain the same rawcodes).
The reason I'm telling you to save is to be able to go back to that point and try to reimport the rest if something goes wrong.