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Rabbits vs. Sheep 1.0.62

Pick a hero and try to kill as many creeps as possible with your teammates.
For every creep you kill your enemy will get 2, up to a total of 200 Creeps on both sides. As soon as one side contains more than 150 Creeps it will lose the round.
Use your skills and many Items, spells, weapons, upgrades, auras, summons, abilities, wells and Special creeps to influence the game after your advantage. After five rounds the better team wins!

Rabbits, Sheep, Battle

Rabbits vs. Sheep 1.0.62 (Map)

VGsatomi: Approved. Nice that players can repick their heros after every round. Good teamwork map.




VGsatomi: Approved. Nice that players can repick their heros after every round. Good teamwork map.
Level 1
Aug 10, 2007
i just want to say this is my faviorte game ever!!! plz make a version for regien
Level 5
Aug 27, 2004
updated to version 1.0.21.

* * *


New Version 1.0.21

  • New Mod: Ticket-Game
  • Balances the teams before each round. (can be disabled in a sub-mod)
  • Mirrormode will be overworked to make the slot match each other when players left.
  • Hero Attributes will be overworked:
    -Strength: HP and HP regen bonus slightly reduced; increases the health-restoration when using a health pot.
    -Agility: Amour bonus massively reduced; attackspeed bonus slightly reduced
    -Intelligence: Increases the mana-restoration when using a mana pot; slightly reduced mana-capacity
  • Tooltip check
  • Summons will be increased in lategame (all level 3 summons get an HP bonus / amour bonus)
  • A bug that occurred when dieing with an ankh or reincarnation will be fixed.

  • Shadow Hunter
    Spirit Wards: Increased Level 1 and 2
  • Wisp
    Forest Wall: duration lengthened; 100 amour bonus instead of invulnerability
  • Paladin
    Holy Light: replaced by Holy Mark
  • Bladedancer
    Dance of Blades: increased damage, amour bonus instead of invulnerability
    Aura: slightly increased
  • Ranger
    Righteous Arrows: won't target friendly units anymore; dealt damage reduced by 25%
  • Void Walker
    Realm Crumble: Removes a bug that made you able to teleport to cliffs; Increases the chance to really hit an enemy by using the spell.
  • Master Druid
    all spells slightly increased
    ultimate: will be replaced by "Night of Nature" (Sets all enemies in a huge area asleep for 15 seconds)
  • Warden
    Blink: cooldown reduced in higher lvl

  • Support heroes (Priest, Shaman, Statue):
    will be completely redone.
  • Potm
    Evasion will be replaced by "Grace of Elune" (Gives a chance to avoid and heals the potm when attacked at night by a set amount of life and mana).
  • Arcan Elementarlist
    Discharge: mancost increased to 150 mana and cooldown increased to 12 seconds.
  • Pitlord
    Rain of Fire: cooldown increased to 14 seconds.
  • Mountain King
    Thunderclap: AoE reduced by 50
  • Ethereal Knight
    ultimate: duration increased to 17 seconds.
  • Bloodmage
    Flamestrike: AoE slightly reduced.

  • Ultimate items will deal splash damage (the itembonus will be stackable and will not bug with orb-abilities)

Please check out my homepage: www.Gatecaster.tk
Level 4
Jul 28, 2008
One of my favorite wc3 maps xD A change log for thew newest version would be nice.
If it's possible, could you allow the amount of rounds played choose able?
Level 5
Aug 27, 2004
Changelog 1.0.33

-Game ends when one team is leading by 2 games or more
-Auto balance can be disabled by using a sub-mode
-Added an even higher ticketcap of 600
-Changed Loadinscreen
-increased the stacking of items to 4 instead of 3.
-Crown of King tooltip changed
-Wood shows the number of enemies on your side.
-Auras are overworked completely
-Greater Critters renamed and slightly weakened
-Stun hits summons as well

-removed a lot of spelling mistakes (thanks to -katherine-)

Arcan Elementalist- slightly nerved
  • -Manashield replaced by Airshield
    -Ice Arrow replaced by Cursed Arrow
    -Storm replaced by Glare of the Gorgon
Ancient Fighter - Nature's Revenge is replaced
Paladin/Priest - able to use Holy Mark on summons
Goblin Warrior - Attackpriority slightly risen
Warlord of the north - Damage of Overrun increased
Shadow Hunter - new ultimate (Chaos Totem)
Priestess of the Moon - Grace of Elune is weakened
Master Druid - Night of Nature's cooldown is reduced
All supporter heroes - Buff duration drastically increased

Bug Removal
-Overworked spells that can cause a system error on Mac-computers (-tried-)
-Blademaster illusions don't loose items anymore
-Iron Bot's shockwave spell debugged (-tried-)
-removed a bug, that caused flame strike to deal no damage to allied heroes
-removed a bug that lead to critical errors/server splits

New heroes:
-Plague Walker
-Naga Guard of Honor
-Spirit of Eternity

Level 5
Aug 27, 2004
Changelog 1.0.42:

-Added the cooldown of the ultimates to the tooltips.
-Added a message that shows when a player leaves
-you can pick random in RD now
-Added a test mode, which allows you to test spells and items. Only playable in singleplayer
-Aura effects can be disabled by using the "-antilag" ingame command.
-Various spelling mistakes spotted by Card388 LINK

-Added the possibility to set the creep limit in standard-mode to 100/150/200/300.

-Added a warning message when the enemy is reaching the ticket cap like there is one in standard-mode.

-Replaced the modes -noshops and -nofountains by -hardcore
Hardcore: There are no shops and no fountains. Periodically golden chickens will appear that grant the player who kills them potions or items as a reward.

-Added a new buyable spell at the !-Shop:
Manaburn: Instantly drains the mana of all enemy heroes.
Cost: 2000gold

-The prize of all auras is doubled.
-Incinerator: Damage of Firelash drastically increased, damage of Fire Nova increased
-Iron Bot: Added an amour bonus of 25 to 'Overclock' and reduced the pause after use to 1 second.
-Tauren Chieftain: Reduced the intelligence/lvl (from 1.20 to 1.05) and the initial intelligence (from 14 to 10); Slightly increased cooldown of Shockwave and Warstomp
-Mountain King: Increased the cooldown of Thunderclap to 15 seconds.
-Mana Addict: Reduced the mana cost of Mana Flare slightly and reduced the dealt damage, Slightly increased the cooldown of Arcan Explosion
-Paladin: Slightly increased the cooldown of Crusader Strike; Number of summons for the ultimate increased to 4.
-Bloodmage: flamestrike damage on level 1 reduced
-Demonhunter: Reduced AoE of Fireburn on level 2 and 3
-Warden: Increased cooldown of fan of knives
-Voidwalker: AoE of Realm Crumble decreased
-Spirit of the Forest: Number of spawned treants slightly reduced.
-Ancient Protector: AoE of Circly of Life reduced
-Kiljaden: Cooldown of the ultimate slightly reduced
-Dark Servant: Increased the damage of summons significantly

-All supporter heroes get an initial spell (they don't have to spend skill points for it):
The priest puts his whole life on the line to rescue god's children that he's able to build up a shield of believe, which protects him against any attacks for 20 seconds and refreshes mana in an amount of hitpoints he currently has.
Whenever this spell is cast, the priest's intelligence is permanentely increased by 4.
Has a cooldown of 90 seconds.

The shaman follows the leads of his ancestors who became part of his soul. This grants him a chance of 5% to deal 30 area damage on attack.
Whenever the shaman casts a spell on an allied hero he'll gain +1 agility. When he casts Warrior's election, all his attributes are raised by 2.
The bonus gained through 'Ghosts of the Ancestors' is permanent.
(due to his new gained passive ability, the cooldowns of his spells are slightly risen)

Obsidian Statue: Duration of the ultimate massively increased and cooldown increased
The Obsidan Statue stores the memorys of the generations of thousands and thousands of years. With every spell cast on an allied hero, there is a chance of 50% to apprehend the true meaning of living, granting the caster and the target a permant experiance bonus.|n|nWith every level up the granted experiance is risen and health and mana of the Obsidan Statue are fully refreshed.

-Furbolg: Removed reincarnation, but increased its life, amour and attackdamage. Replaced his heal spell by a healing wave. Changed his attack behavior. He'll go into melee now, which makes him a little easier to reach.
-Super Sheep/Rabbit: Removed their ability to fly; they'll jump into combat now (thanks to Waldbaer, who made the system I use);

-Summons are now spawned at random locations around the field, when purchased at the shop. They need 10 seconds to be summoned, in which they can be killed easily, although they got +25 armor.

Level 5
Aug 27, 2004
New Version 1.0.5x

-New Heroes:

Half-Demon (Support hero):

Specialty: Constantly loses mana instead of generating it. Receives less mana when consuming mana pots.

innate: Soul Recovery
The Half-Demon has to continually spend mana to maintain control over the demon within him.

Use this spell to recover mana by taking it from your allies.

First skill: Demon Howl
The Half-Demon lets his inner demon cry out and release his wrath on the enemies in range. Reduces the enemy's attack damage for 10 seconds and deals damage in amount of the Half-Demon's mana.

Second skill: Demon's Hunger
Only draining the souls of his enemies will satisfy the demon's hunger. Deals damage every second to all enemy units near the target and adds 50% of the dealt damage to the Halfdemon's life. Lasts for up to 4.5 seconds.

Third skill: Seal of Light
Seals the demon by using the force of Elune. This will stop the mana loss until the demon is able to break free again. Increases the mana and life regeneration.

Ultimate: Elune's Purge
Frees the Half-Demon from his inner demon for 30 seconds with the help of Elune herself. The Night elf will return to his former form and use his magic and force to aid your teammates and fight with all his soul.

You can't use any items will in Night elf form.


First skill: Summon Bear
Summons a bear that fights for the hunter.

Second skill: Shrapnel Ammunition
The hunter loads his gun with shrapnel ammunition, causing splash damage to all enemies near the target. Lasts for 20 seconds

Third skill: Decoy
Creates a decoy at targeted location. As the decoy is full of thorns, every attack against it will hurt the attacking unit. Lasts for 15 seconds.

Ultimate: Hunting Instinct
Gives the hunter 6% chance to deal 4x damage on an attack. The Hunter is a patient killer. he waits for the perfect time to unleash his wrath on the critters. This ability can be used once to instantly increase this % by 2x his level at that time.

Can only be used once.

Critical Strike: Chances for critical strike increased for lower level and decreased for higher level.
Mirrorimages: overworked
level 1: 2 images, 50% damage, 30% less health
level 2: 2 images, 65% damage, 20% less health
level 3: 2 images, 80% damage, 10% less health

-Tauren Warchief:
Thunderstomp: Damage reduced, stun duration increased, AoE decrease for level 3.

Blizzard: Damage on higher levels slightly reduced
Water Elementals: Manacost reduced (from 125 to 90)

Carrionscarabs: Manacost reduced

Vampire Aura: improved

Dark Portal: Number of summons increased

-Goblin Alchemist
Healingspray: healed amount increased

Fire Lash: Chance for dealing double damage increased, chance for dealing less damage reduced.
Fire Nova: Manacost reduced

x-Reducing the damage bonus of damage aura by 30%
x-Removing lots of spelling mistakes (card388)
x-Adding the cooldown of all spells to their tooltips (card388)
x-Removing a bug that occurs when someone laggs during the countdown timer
x-Adding a 6th tavern
x-Support heroes will be available with a teamsize of 4 (instead of 3)
x-Warning messages when playing ticket mode are now shown correctly
x-greaters blink instead of jump

Fixed an issue that made it impossible to play the current version with the latest warcraft 3 patch.

Bug Removal:
x-checking the damage cap of dreadlord's carrion swarm on low levels
x-Removed a bug that causes the round to go on, although all heroes of a team died.
x-Removed a bug that causes the heroes to teleport to weird positions when using the teleport ticket.

Released as version 1.0.50

New Version 1.0.62

x-You can select the number of minimum rounds
x-The money of a player who lost his hero is automatically split among his teammates.
x-Added No-! again

x-Shuffle Teams
x-Obstacles (Spawns obstacles at both arenas)

-Instant shop removed!
-Replaced Rod of Necromancy by Staff of Illusion:
Staff of Illusion: Creates a copy of targeted hero. The copy deals 10% damage and receives 100% additional damage.
(cost: 700/charge)
-Added Cursed Talisman
Cursed Talisman: Damages target enemy unit by 50% of its current life and stuns it for 5 seconds.
(cost: 400/charge)
-Staff of Refuge: Cooldown reduced from 90 to 60 seconds. Manacost set to 0.

New Hero: Frontline Veteran
Frontline Veteran:

First skill: Defend
Puts your shield into position to prevent all damage taken for 3|5|7 seconds. Enemies will still attack you.
Cooldown: 1|0.5|0s
Adds 2|3|4 hero charges

Second skill: Concentration
The Frontline Veteran concentrates for 2 seconds to enter a state of higher awareness, stunning all enemies around him for 2 seconds. The higher concentration allows him to attack 100%|200%|300% faster and deal 15|20|25 bonus damage. The effect stays for 8 seconds.
Cooldown: 12s
Adds 2|3|4 hero charges

Third skill: Heroism
The Frontline Veteran knows when to be a hero and when to be a coward. For every 9 hero charges, he'll unleash a powerful whirlwind strike, damaging all enemies around him by 75. Reduces all received damage by 10%|20%|30% and gives a chance of 5%|10%|15% to create a hero charge when attacked.

Ultimate: Specialization
The Veteran can choose the way of the shield or the way of the sword.
The path of the shield makes him able to unleash powerful shockwaves whenever he casts the 'Defense' skill, dealing 45 damage to all surrounding enemies.
The path of the sword gives him the ability to use the ancient technique of the Fallen Hero. Dealing 145 damage in a huge area, but can only be used once every 180 seconds.

x-Goblin Warrior: Replaced ultimate
Heavy Artillery: The Goblin Warrior calls his friends for a nice artillery barrage for the targeted area. They fire 10 times. Each shot deals 125 damage to directly hit targets and 35 damage to surrounding targets. Damages enemies and allies. Cooldown: 160s

Iron Bot: tooltip overwork
Ancient Fighter: Nature's Revenge: Charges needed for summon reduced to 12 (it were 20 before).
Death Knight: Deathcoil will return the spend mana when a unit is killed by it.
Ethereal Knight:
----- Ethereal Blade: Refreshes additionally mana, when under the effect of Soul Link
----- Attacker's Bond: Deals double damage, when under the effect of Soul Link
Level 4
Apr 24, 2017
This map is so fun to play with people! just soooo good map! 5/5
you deserve more credit to this absolute perfect map! i hope some day update this amazing map with more heroes etc!