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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
That Feeling of Nostalgia...

Quick screenshot from the latest alpha build, happy halloween everybody!
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
@Ralle - Thank you!

I can't honestly say for sure, Roarman/Richie Rich and Turminator8 seem to think we may be able to start getting some out-of-team alpha testing done in the near future, but a proper release date is not something we can currently slate.
Though currently we plan to 'release' something once we have two working races and a few melee maps (Orcs & Humans). More races would follow that, with enough resources, motivation and interest.

Models and modellers are still (and likely to always be) our biggest problem.

@Codric - We're currently focussing on the "modification", campaigns were initially planned and a few story ideas have been thrown about but we've since decided to focus on getting the core mechanics in place before tackling any single player segments.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Those graphics are sexy! :O You are awesome. And probably succeeded in life.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2009
As a big fan on WC3 myself and a melee player, I'm interested in this map. I last looked at this subforum about a year ago and its sad to see theres still not even an alpha out, so I'd like to help move things along. Are you looking for a triggerer?

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I love those high end models and heroes :) And wood and gold.

Edit: Especially the implementation of the heroes; it would've been horrible to have a weakling as a hero. Imagine Tauren next to his 3 feet smaller Chieftain. I also like the lowercase a on the website :)
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Level 11
Apr 22, 2011
The colours are all a bit dark in that video, we're working on hard making it more bright, colourful and well, 'Warcraft'!

That is very important and please do that, or if not add some better lightning that is more bright, I think that will help with contrast and saturation... but lightning need's to be much more bright than the Starcraft one ;)

Good luck I will keep watching this awesome Mod ;)
Level 11
Apr 22, 2011
Hmm... I really love the models you picked but I think that the light should be brighter and more 'warcraftish' to make these models fit with the environment... also the riders are just to small comparing to the Grunts as well as Shamans, just make them bigger. That tower is also too small, no grunt could fit in there, the fence is just too big comparing to the buildings (make buildings bigger ;)

Good luck completing this ;)
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Hmm... I really love the models you picked but I think that the light should be brighter and more 'warcraftish' to make these models fit with the environment... also the riders are just to small comparing to the Grunts as well as Shamans, just make them bigger. That tower is also too small, no grunt could fit in there, the fence is just too big comparing to the buildings (make buildings bigger ;)

Good luck completing this ;)

Warcraft III's building/unit proportion was exactly the same, so we likely won't be changing this, but lighting is something we're planning to look into.

another thing, since this is supposed to be a sequel how about you give riders their power back (wc1) :D

Was there a specific ability or do you just mean their overall pwneverythingness ? ^^
Level 18
Jan 12, 2011
Warcraft III's building/unit proportion was exactly the same, so we likely won't be changing this, but lighting is something we're planning to look into.

Was there a specific ability or do you just mean their overall pwneverythingness ? ^^

Overall pwneverythingness :3, they were the actual counterpart to knights not like wc3 riders that were like the counterpart to peasants (lol)

You should make it so knights are like the wc3 riders (talking about speed and that stuff (without the ensnare)) and riders should be like the wc3 knights (powerful warriors that make you go HOLY SHIT RUN) once you see them.

because it doesn't make sense to have orcs weaker than humans.



Knight like stats, has the upgrade to gain even more hp.

abilities: Pillage

Knight: Rider like stats (a bit more hp)

abilities: Charge (berserk like spell, it makes the knight move and attack faster for 5 seconds, doesn't lose any kind of stat)
cd: 30 seconds.
war plating: takes a maximum of 30 damage per attack (includes spells).

that would make both units more fitting wouldn't they? :3
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
It is with deep regret that I must inform you all that the current WCAND development team has shut up shop.

This means that while the project isn't dead or "officially" abandoned, no work is currently being done on it. The idea behind it was and still is that it was a community project, it wasn't our vision of Warcraft 4 in Starcraft II, it was yours (or everyone's).

We feel like we've done what we can, and would like to thank you all for the support you've given us thus far. If you're interested in taking over the project, assets and all - send us a message and we'll see if we can't get something sorted.

Remember you can still play the released alphas by searching for 'WCND' on BNet.

All the best,

- GN

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

It is with deep regret that I must inform you all that the current WCAND development team has shut up shop.

This means that while the project isn't dead or "officially" abandoned, no work is currently being done on it. The idea behind it was and still is that it was a community project, it wasn't our vision of Warcraft 4 in Starcraft II, it was yours (or everyone's).

We feel like we've done what we can, and would like to thank you all for the support you've given us thus far. If you're interested in taking over the project, assets and all - send us a message and we'll see if we can't get something sorted.

Remember you can still play the released alphas by searching for 'WCND' on BNet.

All the best,

- GN

Why does this happen with all the big projects? All this hype... for abandoned alpha? Is it the money you need, k wait I'm gonna get my wallet... well fuck it's empty, sorry.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
@Kam Those are not our resources, but they're all freely available over at sc2mapster.com if I recall.

@jondream Lots of reasons, the primary one you've just hit on the head:
There was no shortage of people offering us praise, money and ideas, but next to one actually offered to help produce the mod (despite us actively trying to recruit).

We started this as a small team with the hopes that others would begin to contribute to it (it's a big project as you say).

Suffice to say very few did.

Another reason was that there are actually a few similar (and arguably better) mods in production with strong similarities to this one.

There's one at http://xgm.ru/ - can't recall the link or name. Warcraft 3 Remake or similar.
Just saw this one on Hive: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ion-664/chronicles-azeroth-226713/index4.html
And this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e583w0T8ihU
And (might be the same as above): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqKsrMh_lhc

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

As majority of StarCraft II players are quite young, they are low on money, or their parents reject to use internet payments. I also am low on money, for reals, and there's even plenty of interesting games to come (Batman: Arkham Origins, GTA V, Watch Dogs etc.), after those I'm dead poor.

Blizzard made modding easy looking: It's free to anyone who has StarCraft II, it has complete support on Arcade by Blizzard, it has a chance of getting spotlighted by Blizzard, you can use models by Blizzard etc. etc. It's like cheese no mouse can walk by.

I'm glad you figured out in alpha stage that this won't get profitable, and stopped it there. No need to continue work that doesn't seem nice.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I'm glad you figured out in alpha stage that this won't get finished, and stopped it there. No need to continue work that doesn't seem nice.

Better? ^^
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