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PvE Events!

Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
The Oakwood Forest will have multiple PvE events. Those events will allow players to get better then average gear and experience. To activate a certain event you will first have to comlete certain quests. After the quests have been completed you will be able to face the boss of the event.

Example: First you have to kill 25 wolves. After you've killed 25 wolves the leader of the pack spawns and you are able to defeat a bigger and stronger wolf.

Here's all the information about Sistra the Forestwatcher, one of the first PvE bosses in Oakwood Forest.

*NOTE*: This information is highly outdated nowadays. (07-02-2012)

Sistra the Forestwatcher
Level requirement: 6 - 12
Number of Players: 2 - 5
Difficulty: Medium

Sistra the Forestwatcher is a High Elf from before the Remedy of War. She didn't accept the alliance between the Elves and the Dwarves and Humans. In addition she declared war to those who accepted the Remedy of War and because of that declared war to the entire Gryphonwing Alliance. Her position in the world of Oakwood isn't strong but she's preparing an army of dryads and treants to attack Gryphonwing Hold and capture it to make it her own castle. Sistra the Forestwatcher is a female Ranger able to use nature and arcane magic and a though enemy because of her ranged attack. Combatants will have to be careful with her because she switches targets pretty fast.

*note: The Remedy of War was the alliance the elves got with the humans and dwarves. Before the Remedy of War the elves had war with every other race in oakwood.

  • Arcane Barrage: Deals 200-300 arcane damage to targets in a cone and stuns them for 2 seconds.
  • Nature Blast: Deals 250-400 nature damage to units in a targetted area after 3 seconds. (can be easily avoided)
  • Summon Treants: Summons 2 treants for each player in the area. The treants have ~450 hit points and have a weak melee attack.
  • Concealment: Makes the Ranger invisible for 6 seconds. After the 6 seconds she will start attacking a random target.
  • Entangling Roots: Roots everyone around Sistra for 5 seconds.

Phase 1:
Sistra's first phase isn't very dangerous. She just attacks people with an auto attack but switches targets once in a while. In Phase one she also does Nature Blast once in a while but this can be easily avoided.

Phase 2:
When Sistra is at 75% phase 2 starts. In phase 2 she starts using Arcane Barrage once in a while. This can be deadly if it hits the healer so the healer can better stay at the other side of the boss then the tank. Arcane Barrage is usually casted at a random target in melee range so it's best to let the ranged people stand far away from the melee.

Phase 3:
When Sistra is at 40% she activates Summon Treants and Entangling Roots. Entangling Roots can be very dangerous in combination with Arcane Barrage and Nature Blast but can be dispelled. Summon Treants isn't a very dangerous ability, the treants can be easily killed.

Phase 4:
When Sistra reaches 15% she will cast Concealment. While being invisible 1 Ancient Protector (elite) will spawn. The tank will have ~6 seconds to gain aggro from the Ancient Protector and has to tank Sistra after that again. Phase 4 is basically a nuke phase to kill the boss as fast as possible because it's starting to get hard to outheal.

In this movie you see the elite trash of Sistra followed by a minute of combat against Sistra. The spells weren't activated yet so you can't see her abilities.
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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Very epic! This is a LOT better than some bossfights in other ORPG's!
But I advice you to check out this thread, some great ideas there.

Oh yeah that's nice.
However I had idea's about it but because it will take time to make those idea's I didn't want to post it yet.

I wanted to make the boss' hit points/damage scale on the amount of players he's facing. So you're able to do bosses with a duo or with a group of 5 with the same difficulty. I don't like the idea of single player bosses, but I can live with duo's. And about the terrain. I'm seriously planning to make boss fights involve the terrain around it but I didn't use that with Sistra yet. However there's a boss in the murloc area (a big turtle) that spawns and is very slow. (hint, hint!) Because he's very slow but very strong there might happen pretty cool things to his fight involving the area around it.:wink: Enough for now!
Level 2
Jun 11, 2008
I noticed the treeline blocked the camera at times; are you planning on making brush that obscures field of view turn translucent or something?
Level 11
Feb 16, 2009
The scaling of the HP/Damage is truly a great idea!
But anyway how about an item in the forest for undead classes that gives ''ground corruption'', an ability that corrupts the ground slowing her by 30%. This way people will want to do the dungeon again just to check the item and such.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
I noticed the treeline blocked the camera at times; are you planning on making brush that obscures field of view turn translucent or something?

Well I didn't plan to change that because the camera system will able you to set the camera to a view that will be good even when there are alot of tree's around it. The problem I had was that I had to control 3 units but if you only control 1 you shouldn't have problems with it.

M4stah said:
The scaling of the HP/Damage is truly a great idea!
But anyway how about an item in the forest for undead classes that gives ''ground corruption'', an ability that corrupts the ground slowing her by 30%. This way people will want to do the dungeon again just to check the item and such.

I didn't plan to change this bossfight (yet) however it wouldn't make much sence either. It's a ranged boss so slowing her movemend speed wouldn't affect her attacks anyway.
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
What about adding combat text, like when she casts a spell/goes into a different phase/is in critical health, she says something?
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
Hey, this boss fight's great, but it needs spells and phases to differ more.

All phases do currently are give her spells. I suggest every phase to do something else... like make her call upon her dryads and maybe jump up into a tree and start firing at you until the dryads die. Something like that.

Also, the spells are like... plain. Add something like an exploding arrow that shoots more arrows, or something like a jump and a nature shield that protects her. Or a snipe shot. And for every spell she says a random chat thing - like if she casts a nature blast, she says something random about the nature blasts : Boss : [NatureBlast[Random number between[1 and 5]]]or something like that. And her location is a little bit anticlimactic; just hanging in a tree doesn't really give a feeling of a boss... maybe put a small hut or building that she's in.

Otherwise, I like it so far.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Hey, this boss fight's great, but it needs spells and phases to differ more.

All phases do currently are give her spells. I suggest every phase to do something else... like make her call upon her dryads and maybe jump up into a tree and start firing at you until the dryads die. Something like that.

Also, the spells are like... plain. Add something like an exploding arrow that shoots more arrows, or something like a jump and a nature shield that protects her. Or a snipe shot. And for every spell she says a random chat thing - like if she casts a nature blast, she says something random about the nature blasts : Boss : [NatureBlast[Random number between[1 and 5]]]or something like that. And her location is a little bit anticlimactic; just hanging in a tree doesn't really give a feeling of a boss... maybe put a small hut or building that she's in.

Otherwise, I like it so far.
The Fight he described is really outdated and I've been spicing it up with things like the ones you mentioned making every phase have different things to watch out for making way more interesting. The fight itself is finished and I'm just waiting for Teun to get back from vacation so I can show it to him and see if he likes it and finalize it ^^
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
Just saw the video and I am not happy! Not at all!!!:slp: Loose the music or I'll report your video to youtuber as the lamest video ever (yes, I know I'm overreacting!) just put something epic like something from EPICA or whatever. I wanna subscribe myself into your mailing-for-updates list (you got one, right?).
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Just saw the video and I am not happy! Not at all!!!:slp: Loose the music or I'll report your video to youtuber as the lamest video ever (yes, I know I'm overreacting!) just put something epic like something from EPICA or whatever. I wanna subscribe myself into your mailing-for-updates list (you got one, right?).

Nope don't have that. But I'd advice you to just check out these hosted forums. If there's news Rain and I will post it here.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
So I should check every thread for news? Why not make a new one Called "News"?:eekani:

Hmm good thinking.
I will maybe make a newsletter once in a while and post it on a news thread.
I will make something tomorrow, since I gtg now and will be back late tonight.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
New movie

Here's a new movie we made while testing the event manager.
This should show you a bit of the real gameplay we're trying to create for adventurers. Again we used Sistra as our first example though we failed in killing her because we had a bad setup and some minor issues to one of the heal spells we forgot to fix.

Take a look:
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Was fun idd ^^
Too bad the rune wars main heal was bugged and didnt have its stacking HoT working else we would've pwned her even with the imba 2 sec delay ^^
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
Cool! I'd suggest a balance instead just increasing the time, adding/removing ancient protectors depending on the number of players. You could for example have each player have to kill 1.5 protectors, meaning 6 players have to kill 9 protectors e.t.c.:wink:. I like the gameplay so far, could be dangerous though.. addicting..
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
balance on players will be done by directly scaling hp/armor/dmg/attack speed of mobs so we will just increase the time and it will balance itself depending on players.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
thanks for the compliments:p
Though that music is tbh my taste lol. And I dont have music most if you might like on my computer so I just grabbed a piece I thought multiple ppl will like. Guess I'm wrong with that. I should add more LOTR music in it I guess since it's populair and uncreative but suits the terrain more:p:p
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006

Cradle of Filth

A Black Metal/Death Metal band, my favorite...
Although I know you won't like it they have an album with great music,
very easy to be set as background. Was planning on using a piece in my map but increases it's size by 100%,
although you could use their music in your videos! The album is...

Damnation and A Day [2003]

...or alternatively a great music for games is EPIC music, therefore a great band is EPICA.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
And what makes you think every single guy that plays warcraft 3 listens to any genre of metal or rock ? Me for example doesn't. That's why I liked what he already used.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
I guess my posts are worthless since nobody reads them:slp:

I dont like metal music however even if I would. It would be too loud so you wouldn't be able to hear the game itself, and I preferd to get a soft relaxing song because energic songs don't fit the game I'd say.
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
That album is not like any other, they have special background music that is perfect for games, but do as you wish... won't insist on that anymore.. Relaxing songs while spamming spells and killing a bosS? Nooooo, I wouldn't play a game JUST for that..
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
That album is not like any other, they have special background music that is perfect for games, but do as you wish... won't insist on that anymore.. Relaxing songs while spamming spells and killing a bosS? Nooooo, I wouldn't play a game JUST for that..

Hmm you misunderstood me. This is just the background music from the video lol. Wont add ingame music, the wc3 music is fine. And please cut the crap with all these negative comments about things that don't matter at all. Come with something useful or just dont come with anything please you're not rlly helping.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
After a long while here's a new update about the Events.

Here's a little one I'm working on at the moment. This is a PvP/PvE event.
The boss is a dwarf and is therefor allied with the Gryphonwing. The Bloodbane and Defilers have the mission to defeat him while the Gryphonwing should defend him.

Here's a little movie I made of it:

He currently has 2 abilities but will get more soon.

Landmine - Deals ~125-175 damage to units in a certain area after 4 seconds.
Snipeshot - The Engineer starts aiming his rifle at a unit outside 200 range. If the unit is still outside 200 range after 3 seconds he will get shot; causing heavy physical damage to the target.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Wow, looks really nice so far! I think you should add some more melee creeps and mobility in the future.

Yeah I agree to that.
I planned to let this boss get a phase where he jumps up on the ramp so melee people cant hit him. Then there he starts throwing grenades or something. And I couldn't code it myself (bit too complex for me) but I wanted to stop the normal creeps from respawning while the boss stage was active.
As for the melee creeps. Like 80% of the creeps in Oakwood are melee actually. It's just a coincidence that at both events I posted here there are ranged creeps.