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[Poll] What should the team do?

Should they perfect it, or rush it?

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Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Should the team stop reterraining/redoing triggers & making everything perfect & let it be rough around the edges.

Or should we let them perfect everything allowing the open beta be as polished as possible?

If you played MMO's like I used to, everyone knows that rushing the project and releasing too soon releases a bad product and turns the PB away.

The team is working very hard for us and if they don't perfect it, one possible error can completely ruin a map. A huge leak for example were it is too laggy to even do anything.

I'm not sure on the progress of everything but I think the terrain will be completed before the triggers/ui etc... is finished.

This is NOT Official this is just something that we can do so the team can think what we would like.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
They should stop redoing triggers/terrain at some point. Craka_j can be a real perfectionist at times, but that's just him. Everybody is at something. IMO, they are NOT realeasing this project too soon. They have been working on this version since...i'm not sure :p. I'm not saying they should rush it like a huge project is due the day after, but they should not be perfecting it so much to the point that it will take ANOTHER 1907489374 years to release it.

P.S: Where is the actual poll? o_O

Edit: There it is!
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Let me put it in terms for you guys, since everyone is in school or has graduated after some time. Here is the analogy I see it as.

You are given a project and the deadline is tomorrow you can either do the best you can for the deadline or take your time and turn it in the day after for reduced points.

Most likely turning in a work of art the day after will score you some more points then the one that didn't get the time needed.

They should stop redoing triggers/terrain at some point. Craka_j can be a real perfectionist at times

To this I repeat myself.

if they don't perfect it, one possible error can completely ruin a map. A huge leak for example were it is too laggy to even do anything.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
Well, of course they will go over it! I never said to just go typing away triggers. Really, whats the chance of having some giant error destroying the thing? It can happen, especially with these complex triggers they are using for this campaign, but still. They have been perfecting this mod for YEARS. redoing terrian and triggers many times. Like Beantony said earlier today, there is no perfect mod. And yeah, thats one of the reasons wc3:WoW has closed beta testers (such as you). It's your job to catch all those nasty bugs in a net, and report to Craka_j, so they can fix that error, before releasing the Wc3:WoW to the public.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
You are forgetting that this kind of and kind of NOT been in production for 2+ years.

They had the incident that the leader left, forcing them to COMPLETELY restart the project.

They've had dry spots were the project was at a standstill for a while.

That is why I was so happy and over come with joy when I heard that there was a good solid team working on it now.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I felt it was necessary to post my own opinion. I voted for "Perfect it!" of course.

Aside from the fact that I can be a perfectionist with working on this mod, I am also given a certain initiative to be a perfectionist and to actually make the mod as great as we can when we do release it publicly.

People overestimate Wc3:WoW, I think. They read all the great features we 'plan' to add and assume at least half of it is done and there's insane dungeons and zones already made or in the works or at least will be featured in the public version, without taking into consideration how much time it takes to complete even one feature on our list. Though it depends what feature it is, most of the features we're aiming for aren't doable overnight. And if they are, you can expect plenty of glitches in it - which we'd fix of course eventually.

Because people believe Wc3:WoW is so great (or is going to be great), my mission is to make that expectation even more of a reality. Why? Because in truth, Wc3:WoW is not fun the way it is right now. That's why we can't just release it. And we'd use the old triggers we had, but Blizzard Entertainment's 1.24 patch deleted nearly all of it, hence why we are redoing them. However, the triggers were unorganized and leaky, so it's for the best in the long-run anyway.

In short, the objective for Wc3:WoW is to release it and get positive feedback about its gameplay 'so far.' But so far, we've got hardly anything. Just systems. No real gameplay behind it to back it up just yet. And we need the systems to help back up the gameplay, so in a way, the gameplay needs the systems and the systems cannot be enjoyed without good gameplay. It's complicated, but that's the reasoning behind it all.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Well there had been complaints from multiple people saying that the team is over doing things.

Just wanted to see for myself and show Craka what the people think.
Level 5
Feb 6, 2009
I took 3 (neither of those)
When a map is rushed... it sucks surely but really perfekt a game first becomes after some patches so you need people to test your map... BETA!
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