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The Warden Campaign is now available!
Click here.

This map was one of the later prototypes I created that eventually turned into the Warden campaign.
Note that this map is outdated and buggy, and leaks on certain location handles.
I do not intend to update this map and it remains solely because of nostalgia.

This map is an entry in "Mini-Mapping Contest £10: Survival".










-More colourful texts
-Proper tooltips on places like "Upkeep" and "Lumber"
-Different Weapons
-Setable starting stats
-More settings options
-Number of units to spawn (Number of shops, spawners, etc)
-More player Models (Clockwerk Goblin) (Tank)
-Hero Abilities (slow, stun, snare and more)
-More Spelltomes
-Spectating mode upon dying (reveal map)
-Different names and pictures for sellable items
-Selectable Home health
-Treasure Boxes
-Suggested Time for cooperative demon hunt
-Automatic game start if red is afk
-Levels to Toy
-Upgradeable toy skills
-Turn off/on light emitting from toy to sneak
-More Sound Effects

-Found 2 leaking triggers and fixed them
-Added colour to map name
-Uploaded map
-Fixed description
-It's Christmas!

Arena, Survival, Hunger, Games, Hunger Games, Offense, Mini-Game, Misc, Miscellanous, Hero, Hero Arena, PLAYTOY, Rufus, Ashenvale, Felwood, Unique, Hu

PLAYTOY 1.01 (Map)

02:49, 2nd Jan 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Approved.
Level 15
Aug 6, 2014
Review by Rex.


The gameplay of this map is quite special. In the beginning, the players were given a few choices to select the 4 modes. It is a good idea having this kind of selecting. However, it is not player-friendly. I was stuck there and wandering what should I do with it...After sometime, I managed to pick the first mode (Base Race).

Base Race:

It is certainly entertaining! I really like your idea about having 3 players in group and defend the building! I recommend this mode to everyone.

Hunger Games:

This one is based on great survival theme. The only goal is to be last standing man which includes killing each other is quite ordinary. I do not say it is boring but I would suggest you to add more survival features to it like food meter or something?

Demon Hunt:

This is a very good one. I could feel the boss-fight feeling... I do not know how to describe it but I really love it! Besides, one problem, I have waited for a long time for the boss to appear! This is very time consuming...


The main goal is to escape the ghost(Shadow) but this does not really fulfilled what you said -the Shadows will grow from edges and lock...- because there is only one Shadow! The moving animals are fine. This mode has potential! Pls improve the Shadow thing to fulfill what you said.

Ovarall( Gameplay):

It is a decent multiplayer map and sometimes, it could be quite boring due to the musics being used. I suggest you to put better musics that rocks the game!

The controls are superb. Very unique! :)

-Terrain and Decoration.

The terrain is quite plain and I suggest you use a variety of tilesets in a good contrast.
I notice the terrain somewhere near the player spawning place has some problems with the contrast. It is terribly noticeable!

As for the decoration, having broken structures there is not good enough! Adding additional natural doodads like bushes would be great too.

Bugs and Consistency:-

This map is polished. No bugs here!


This map has follow almost all rules except your map must have essential information in your quest log. Moreover, you should add a credit in your map description. Therefore, I am awaiting this map to be updated!


This is a multiplayer game which can be much better if it has all the factors that rock your map! Ovarall, nice work. This is a very good map and I would recommend people to try it because it has something new in it! Anyway, good job Rufus! :)
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thanks a lot Rex!
I'm glad you like it so much, considering this is a really early version. It is close to just being a concept and I have lots of ideas to implement in it (check under "updates" and "to be added" tabs).

I would suggest you to add more survival features to it like food meter or something?
I have considered adding energy loss (That being why your Toy has 1000 mana), but I'll see if I can make that work smoothly first. :)

"Nightfall" is the least developed game mode, therefore it is not very entertaining yet. :)

About the settings: I tried to make it easy to understand. Since you were new to the game you couldn't possibly know what each option did, but I think it is ok for players to experiment and find out by themselves.

The controls are superb. Very unique! :)
Great! That was what I was aiming for. :)
I have been developing that style for a while in other lesser maps.

I'm not very great with music and stuff (I'll try to experiment with that), but more sound effects will be added soon! :)

The terrain and decoration is a special issue for me.
I agree with the light contrasts; they shall be fixed. But otherwise, I think it is more important for the terrain to display clarity, than fancyness. Of course I like when it looks good, but I'm careful not to overdo the terrain. Also, since the map is randomly generated, it may be hard to inhabit all the areas of the map with bushes and stuff, but I won't stop trying!
In short: I will be trying to improve terrain, but I don't belive there will be any drastic changes.

The information could be improved, I just focused on making it fancy, forgetting about basic info... :D