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Planetside RP characters, rules, and background

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Level 8
May 8, 2009
Miranda? Alright then.
Day 2 of the games has passed. Miranda currently holds three races, the Chozo and (Sacrid) being at the norther area of the planet, and the Fae at the southern.
(Three actions everybody!)
Level 10
May 3, 2009
back any way i'm not even near you guys. unfouranteley i told the name of the planet Aurora! WE ARE CALLING IT Aurora. It got accidently reedited i'm sry but i'm on Aurora were setting up a Fortress there.
Level 8
May 8, 2009
Tleno, Miranda a frozen, resource-rich planet. I'm in southern Lowlands, Sacrid's on a plateau with a large lake, and Var is in the middle of nowhere. Next to Sacrid tho.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
same galaxy, since galaxies are just the massive collection of various solar systems. Now, which system? I do not remember the name, but it is in a specific sector, gaurded by millions of hidden turrets in a spherical asteroid field around the different systems.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Okay, I've found a nice name for Lizard clone-Shevaar. Becauce he's cold-blooded, he needs to use special thermo-drug not to freeze to death when temperature is low. Thermo drug raises your body temperature a lot, and if you use to much of it your body might lose ability to control its temperature by himself. Becauce Shevaar can't control his body temperature, thermo drug only benefits for him. Huge doses of thermo-drug won't kill him, but it will increase his metabolism.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
sure... I don't have a problem with new players, but I sense that it'll end up with us all at the same areas, and you deciding to be able to detect us :/ Or some way of finding us >_> Now we just need to others' opinions :p

And remember, a small amount of troops (less than 20 is good enough. don't need an army :p), and weight matters. It's not like your hauling a tank. Besides, you won't be bringing heavy weapons or vehicles with you. And... your base building is going to be by scratch, as is everyone's :p 3 actions a day, so you can't have a chapter while waiting for everyone to wake up and post (has been successful with 60 pages in another RP :p Everyone else was not too happy :p)
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Just remember... (>:3) that the systems are completely surrounded by a massive asteroid field, though pockets in the field happen to be at the locations of the planets. No one knows why, yet, but it'll be reveiled eventually :p And, within the field, are millions of turrets, scattered everywhere. So, you won't be able to get any sort of fleet of convoy through, and appareantly, there are tunnels one can go through, though they are likely monitored by the turrets of other machinery somewhere. It took 3 days for my transport to navigate the field, skipping a possible trap or ambush by going through the field itself. :p But, they were just a recon team of sorts, sent to investigate the planet and system :p
Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
Nuur means "One", Dark One: Species, Rouge:

"The term "rogue" may be used to describe an independently-minded person; one who rejects conventional rules of conduct in favor of following personal values.
It can also be used to refer to inanimate objects which are not performing in the way they are expected to."

Nuur isn't a rank, it's his name :p Did you as an infant choose your own name, ha D:

EDIT: Yeah, not in a squad. :{ he can't possibly have a squad. Note the Rouge paragraph.

Dark ones are beings of darkness, unique because they are pure darkness. (P.S. Duh, the name suggests as much) They are a hive mind, technocratic.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
ok, now you are somewhat confusing me. He is independently minded but he is part of a hive mind. How come you didn't make an easier name? nobody puts themselves down as Dark One Rouge Nuur. It's like saying human marine john or human marine one. It doesn't work that way. Just say Nuur, or pick an easier name. get rid of all the other stuff.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
but rouge means red, and is from French.

... pure darkness as in... dark matter? black holes? or a creature with evil intents? You might want to give a physical description.

But if they are a hive mind, then its JUST Drone 001. But, due to evolution, and the passae of time, it can't possibly be the first drone, due to the fact of how old and basic its programming would be. (drones in a hive mind are given one purpose and cannot be repurposed afterwards.) Instead, it'd be similar to Drone 2375.
Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
Varsaigen: (Quote from Your Civilisation thread) We are pure dark matter wrapped inside a crystal shell.

Rouge is an individual, different from the hive mind. Notice the "They" in the post. Dark Ones are not drones, even if it rhymes (:D). They are living "objects". U watch too much Borg stuffs.

Sacridshadow: Take this: /Nu:r/ (IPA, International Phonetic Alphabet.)

Tleno: :)
Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
Sacridshadow: /Nu:r/ is the way the name is pronounced.
N as in "Norway", u: as in "Luke Skywalker, I am your male mother." and r as in "Replay"

Tleno: Why is it that you see into my mind? Yes, rouges are individuals, and use "I", "me", "mine" instead of "We", "our" "us". They are born that way.

Varsaigen: Insects aren't programmed D:
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