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Pirate Tag! (Old/original discussion thread)

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Pirate Tag
by: ragingspeedhorn


What is 'Pirate Tag'?
General information
Bugs/to do list

What is 'Pirate Tag'?

Pirate Tag is, as the name states, a tag map which supports up to 10 players. The map was originaly only made for The Hive Workshops minigame contest but peoples response to the map was very positive and so I decided to keep on working on the map even after the contest ends. If you like the map I encourage you to go and vote on it for the contest, the outcome of the contest will greatly affect the further development of the map. The poll should be up within the next few days.

The gameplay and rules of the map is simple. There are basicly 2 teams, pirates and land huggers. Pirates must catch the land huggers to turn them into pirates aswell, that goes on untill the last land hugger is caught. Last caught land hugger wins the round, gains a point and is chosen as next rounds first pirate. That cycle repeats untill someone gets the required amount of points to win the game.

So what is so different about this game as opposed to other tag games? Well first of you don't use the mouse in this game but move by pressing the keyboard hotkeys I (up), J (left), K (down) and L (right). That itself is a big difference from almost every other tag game there is. Second the idea of the map, it's simple, more simple than most, no special abilitys (though that might get added later) or anything, just pac man movement, catch the other guys untill no one is left.

General information
Map name: Pirate Tag
Current version: 1.4b
Expansion required: Yes
Playable map size: 32x32
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Destructibles: 8
Doodads: 144
Regions: 5
Cameras: 0
Triggers: 35
Variables: 38
Sounds: 2
Imports: 8

Bugs/to do list
Known bugs: Nothing at the moment, do report bugs if you find any.

To do list: Implement runes for next version.​
Make things more efficient.​
Any suggestions you might have, please tell them, everything and anything is appreciated, thanks!​


A few screenshots taken in singleplayer, more might come up later from multiplayer games.

Yarr.jpg Yarr2.jpg
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Level 9
Apr 4, 2004
Looks good overall.

Now I'm not really sure if you meant the pirates to be almost as big as the trees or it's just a current state in progress, but it looks a little weird to me. :p Also using I, J, K and L as movement keys? I usually find W, A, S and D to be easier to use since it my left hand mostly in that area.
The problem with WASD was that S was = Stop and I could not find any easy solution to the problem so because of lack of time before contest submission date I just went with IJKL as that is often used aswell in internet games and such that are multiplayer.

I were supposed to make the trees larger aswell, but never got around to it, not the most important thing on my mind though :p


Project revived and back in development, I would really appreciate it if some more people came with a review of the game, the more feedback, positive as negative, the better. Thanks!
Level 6
Apr 28, 2005
Continuing the conversation we had in the chat...

Completely story-wise, it would make more sense if it wasn't a "tag", but rather something more serious.

Are you familiar with the term "Shanghaiing" or "Crimping", and the history behind it? In short, during the mid 1800's on the north American west coast, there was a huge shortage of good sailors as everyone escaped the sea for the California gold rush. Not enough people wanted to go to sea. Also, during this time there was a legislation that made it illegal for any crew to leave the ship before the voyage was completed, so captains durned to crime to man their boats. One method was to forge their signature and then force the victim onboard. Another was to lure them with false promises. Those who were in charge of manning the ships were called "crimps" or "boarding masters" and could make a fortune off their work.

I don't know, maybe something for the loading screen, or maybe it'll give you ideas. Just though I'd share.

And as I mentioned earlier, maybe a snazzier hat for the first pirate? Just for that extra touch.
If you could find me someone to make a cool hat, then sure, if not then there is no other attachment than the one already used sadly.

And thanks for the story ideas but I don't want to delete the text already in the loadingscreen because that tells all the gameplay and without that people would be completely lost. Also removing "tag" from the name wouldn't be that good a choice I think, the word tag attracts a lot of people on BNet I think, or is it more a negative thing these days?

Anyways thanks for the feedback :)
Level 6
Apr 28, 2005
I don't know wether tags are popular these days or not, but I think people associate "tags" with sheep tag, ent tag, kodo tag, the type of maps where you hide and build bases ect. This map is nothing like those at all, but more like the real life child game, thus giving people the wrong idea of what kind of map it is.
I'd change the name, but then again I hate most wc3 tags and would never willingly be associated with one.
Level 4
Jun 22, 2007
I think the map sounds pretty good. For the Island issue I would recommend creating two islands, one small one, and one big one, separated by a boundry. Depending on how many players you have, the game would select the island for you and create your pirate or tree hugger there, you then have the camera instantly pan to their unit.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The problem with WASD was that S was = Stop and I could not find any easy solution to the problem so because of lack of time before contest submission date I just went with IJKL as that is often used aswell in internet games and such that are multiplayer.

Well actually, I believe you can cahnge the hotkeys for Attack, Stop, Hold Position and Patrol by going in Advanced and then in Gameplay Constants in the toolbar of the World Editor.
Level 4
Jun 22, 2007
It's also worth mentioning that this was an entry for a MINIGAME contest, so it wasn't supposed to be no fekkin ORPG to begin with.

yay, I know but usually really simple maps like this one are extremely boring. This map is simple like a "minigame," but still fun. I still think he needs to add a bigger island to though. If you get more then 5 people on the current island it's really boring.
Work on version 1.4 has begun!

Currently I have fixed the leaderboard/point bug, it was actually quite simple, I just made a dumb mistake. I also fixed the message that comes when you click the mouse to move so it now does not get spammed but can maximum be showed every 2 sec.

Now would be a good time for people to drop in with more ideas for the map, anything and everything is appreciated!
Level 2
Mar 3, 2007
what about having something like runes appear at a random spot on the map, and if youget it, it will give you a boost, like haste, and invulerable, and maybe more stuff? heh
Level 2
Mar 3, 2007
Runes i came up with:

[Invulnerability]: Makes you immune from getting tagged.
[Haste]: Makes you run faster.
[Stun]: Stuns all players on the map (except the one who picks it up)
[Slow]: Slows every player on the map (except whoever picks it up)

heh just a few, might come up with more later
Level 2
Mar 3, 2007
invulnerable and stun is easy,

for the invulnerable edit the trigger to make it like
: If unit has buff, then set tag = notable

and for stun make a dummy unit cast storm bolt on them, but make the storm bolt deal no damage and have no missle... :D

Water Wave

When this rune is picked up, A giant wave comes up from the sea and carrys along youre land hugger\Pirate, untill the wave hits the other side of the island.
Un-natural Growth

Three Trees grow up behind youre land hugger\Pirate, and after 10 seconds (Or whatever) the trees fall down.


Youre land hugger\Pirate gose invisible for ### seconds.

Trick rune: Polymorph

Turns youre land hugger\Pirate into a frog\sheep\crab\w\e for ## seconds.

Island Erruption
Creats a volcano in the center of the island for ## seconds and stuns whoever get hit by a rock for ### seconds.
Thanks for the comment and yeah, ofc. you have delay as you are in Australia and you played with a host in Europe on a European server :p

Anyways... time for updates!

Had a test today and found 3 new bugs/cheats that needs to be fixed, once that is done I think 1.4 is ready for release though runes will not appear in this version I think, I still need more rune ideas people! +rep to anyone helpfull!

Also need more testers, so come on, sign up to test Pirate Tag and get your name in the credits list!
As this probably will stay lost on the past page for no one to see I'll post it again:

I need more testers, so come on, sign up to test Pirate Tag and get your name in the credits list!

Aside from that I think 1.4 is done now, so enjoy, this will be the first release uploaded to the actual map database.

EDIT: Here it is, 1.4b has been released! http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/maps/4673
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