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[Picture] Memory Fragments (The next day, after finishing with the work on the crops, the house n

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Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
Memory Fragments

(The next day, after finishing with the work on the crops, the house necessities took him to wander around the village for supplies..)

"Even with all the hard work I couldn't get that thought out of my mind, what if our father let us something that he never show to us? or me, since I was just too young yet when he left..."

"What could it be? A testament? a relic? a territory? well, to be honest I don't really care what it is, but I still want to know if he really did let us something..."

(Walking through the crowds as he looks around to the people)

"These people blissfully ignore what is really happening up above the highness, how lucky of me that my father has told me enough of it, and how he wished me to be the one who put an end to that..."

(He then gazes his stare to two persons who were talking loudly)

-Did you heard it? Another person was accused for practicing magic, therefore for being a demonic worshipper.
-So I heard, I also heard this one was a very young person, how shameful someone can waste his life that earlier, he may be executed soon probably.

"Oh, how pitiful, I really doupt someone of that age can have such intentions, but what's the deal with the magic? I still don't get it why is it considered a penalted sin..."

(After some hours he goes back to Lightwind Village..)

"Seems like Helena hasn't returned back yet"

(Goes to his room and starts checking his bookshelf)

"I had read all these books already, yet non of them seems to have something interesting, exept for my grandfather's notes, such weird quotes he wrote in here"

[May my pride never find out the darkness beneath where he always lay to find requiem, and may it get's forgotten as I can't destroy it by myself with this weak mind...]

His pride... the dark upon where he always lay.... Could it be...?


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Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
My damned WE doesn't allow me to change the time of day so I cannot use the proper lightings without looking like it's at night =/ So I had to improvise by using lightings on and a default fog...

Hmm, I didn't knew that Light Wing was a manga before choosing the name, oh well
Level 7
Nov 20, 2011
hmm you might have L pressed on (when it is everything is bright and you cant see time of day) I guess you have it pressed on because everything is very bright
Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
Yes, that's what I'm saying, I had to use the L because without it it looked like it was night, because the damn Time of Day preferences doesn't work for me for some reason, so it's always night when I deactivate the L no matter what.
Level 7
Nov 20, 2011
Thats wierd...maybe because you didnt turn off the fog? Or if you take pics ingame you gotta set a trigger.
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