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[Minigame] Peon Wars

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Level 6
Mar 9, 2013
Awsan presents:


General Information

This is a remake of the Classic Peon Wars map. You start out with a lonely Peon and a base and you must destroy the opponent's bases. You do this by building towers in an offensive manner.



Old map overview (1.0)

New terrain (as of 1.2)

There are two teams of 5 players each along with an AI. The AI is simply a main tower which, if destroyed, makes that team lose the game. Several items for the Peons to carry can be purchased at the tower. Peon Wars games are meant to take about 10-25 minutes.

Each player picks a Peon (Mighty, Nimble or Wise) and tries to take control of the middle. There are 3 beacons (called Control Points - CPs) which the Peons can take over to provide two bonuses for the team.

-Each CP provides the team of the owning player 3 gold per minute.
-Each CP provides a special aura to Peons around it: The top CP provides health regeneration, the one in the middle provides speed, and the bottom one provides mana regeneration. Several tomes can be found at each of the CPs at the start of the game, so get there quickly!

Gold and Lumber are used to purchase items for Peons to carry, buy upgrades for towers, research the Death Tower, and to train special units that produce food and can scout. Gold is gained by killing towers and Peons and by controlling the middle of the map. Lumber is supplied from Ashenvale, granting all players a lumber income of 1 per second. (Pooling gold and lumber to friendly players is necessary to unlock the more expensive upgrades.)

Five minutes in the game, all players receive 25 gold. After ten and fifteen minutes, they all receive an additional 50 gold. After 20 minutes, they all receive 75 gold and have Death Towers available free of charge.

Once one team has the middle part held down for long enough, they will gain enough of an upgrade advantage to begin a final push towards either each of the players' individual bases, taking each player down separately, or by destroying the main tower, which is harder to do, but immediately wins them the game. The player's Altars, however, can retaliate, and can use a Wrath of Storms ability to halt large assaults instantly:


Tower List
There are six towers to choose from:

-Four Basic Towers, which are available immediately:


The Peon Tower is the most basic of towers. It is quick to build and has high damage efficiency, but is very fragile.

Base Health: 250
Base Damage: 10-15 (Piercing)
Attack Speed: 0.6
DPS: 25
Range: 650
Base Armor: 0 (light)
Build Time: 2
Critical Hit - Gives a 10% chance to deal double damage on an attack.


The Grunt Tower fires slower than the Peon Tower and takes longer to build, but has slightly more health, more damage and a longer range.

Base Health: 450
Base Damage: 40-50 (Piercing)
Attack Speed: 2.25
DPS: 20
Range: 750
Base Armor: 2 (medium)
Build Time: 12
Critical Hit - Gives a 10% chance to deal double damage on an attack.


The Catapult Tower takes the longest to build of all Basic Towers. It has more health than the Guard Tower and deals splash damage, allowing it to easily take out large groups of Peon Towers.

Base Health: 500
Base Damage: 125-165 (Siege)
Attack Speed: 3
DPS: 48
Range: 650
Base Armor: 3 (Heavy)
Build Time: 18
Splash - Attacks deal splash damage in a medium radius.
Scorched Earth - Attacks set the ground on fire, dealing additional damage over time.


The Shaman Tower is special in that it is designed to deal large damage to Peons. It is not as powerful against towers, however. It has the largest vision range of all towers, allowing it to act as a warning for incoming Peons.

Base Health: 400
Base Damage: 25-35 (Hero)
Attack Speed: 1
DPS: 30
Range: 650
Base Armor: 2 (light)
Build Time: 11
Mana Burn - Attacks burn up to 10 mana from enemies that are attacked, dealing additional damage.

-One Peon-specific tower which only that kind of Peon can build. At the start of the game, you pick one of 3 kinds of Peons, along with that Peon's special tower. Starting at hero level 6, the Peon's specific tower can be built:


The Mighty Peon is the Strength-based Peon. He has the highest health, but moves slowly. His abilities focus on support and melee combat:

Battlecry (Q) - Increases the damage of all nearby units and buildings for a short time.
Toughness (W) - Reduces damage taken from high-damage attacks.
Protect (E) - Protects an allied Peon or structure from physical damage for a short time.
Fortify (R) - Channels to turn nearby structures invulnerable for a short time.

The Tauren Tower is the Mighty Peon's special tower. It deals high base damage and has fortified armor with huge health, but its attack is the slowest of all towers.

Base Health: 750
Base Damage: 55-85 (Normal)
Attack Speed: 3.5
DPS: 20
Range: 700
Base Armor: 4 (Fortified)
Build Time: 15
Abilities: None


The Nimble Peon is the Agility-Based peon. It moves the fastest and has the highest attack speed, but does not have a lot of mana. His abilities focus on stealth, confusion and escapes.

Mirror Image (Q) - Creates an illusion double after disappearing for a short time.
Cloak (W) - Turns a friendly unit or tower invisible until it attacks.
Peonic Reflexes (E) - Gives a chance to dodge an attack.
Smoke Bomb (R) - Channels to disable attacking and casting spells in the target area.

The Raider Tower is the Nimble Peon's special tower. It has the longest range of towers in the game. It can use Ensnare on Peons that get too close (range 450).

Base Health: 450
Base Damage: 20-40 (Normal)
Attack Speed: 1
DPS: 30
Range: 1000
Base Armor: 1 (Medium)
Build Time: 15
Ensnare - Traps an enemy Peon in place for a few seconds.


The Wise Peon is the Intelligence-based Peon. It has the most mana and can use powerful abilities, but has low health. His abilities focus on dealing magic damage and summoning and maintaining units.

Fireblast (Q) - Deals lots of damage to a target unit or building and mini-stuns it.
Feral Spirit (W) - Summons a pair of Spirit Wolves to attack enemies.
Restore (E) - Heals a target ally over time.
Flamestrike (R) - Burns a target area with the fury of hell. Deals double damage to structures.

The Witch Doctor Tower is the Wise Peon's Special tower. It can attack up to 3 targets at once and, if it kills a unit, a Zombie will be spawned. The Witch Doctor Tower can halt enemy advances by destroying constructing towers, quickly gaining a large army of zombies.

Base Health: 500
Base Damage: 15-20 (Magic, 3 Targets) 15-20(Chaos,per Zombie)
Attack Speed: 1 (Tower), 1 (Zombies)
DPS: 17 (Per Attack/Zombie)
Range: 650 (Tower),128 (Zombie)
Base Armor: 2 (Heavy)
Build Time: 15
Summon Zombies - When the Tower kills an enemy tower or Peon, A Zombie is spawned in its place. Zombies have 150 health, deal 15-20 damage and last up to 30 seconds.
Multi-hit - Each attack hits up to 3 enemies.

-One end-game tower, the Death Tower.


The Death Tower can be built after a research is done at the Great Hall. The Death Tower costs gold, lumber and a long time to build. When construction is started, the enemy will be notified. Take out enemy Death Towers as soon as possible!

The most powerful tower. Fires bolts of shadow with huge damage, firing rate and speed. Costs money to build and needs research, but is near-unbeatable. Once construction is started, the enemy will be notified.

Base Health: 750
Base Damage: 90-150 (Chaos)
Attack Speed: 0.5
DPS: 240
Range: 800
Base Armor: 3 (fortified)
Build Time: 120
True Sight - Can detect units made invisible by a Nimble Peon.
Death Coil - Sends a bolt of Death at an enemy Peon, dealing 1500 damage (near certain death). The missile can be dodged if the Peon builds a tower.

Development and Recruitment


1.3 Updates:
-Added two new units for train at the Main Base: a Human Slave that gathers lumber and a Hawk to scout.
-The Centaur Guardian is slightly more powerful and gives less gold bounty to the killing player.
-The Eternal Scepter, Aegis and Blade can now be combined into an Eternal Armor, granting additional stats and the powerful Energy Blast ability.
-Increased the missile speed of the Shaman Tower to make it more likely to hit a peon before the peon builds a tower.
-Reduced the Grunt Tower's range from 800 and 750. In addition, its attack cooldown and build time are increased by 50%.
-Reduced the build time of the Peon Tower from 3 to 2 seconds, and increased the attack cooldown by 20% to compensate.
-Added a neutral Centaur Guardian at the Control Points in the middle, to reduce the advantage the players that get to the CPs first have.
-Updated the map with an all new terrain.
-Added hero names for the Peons. Each Peon now has one of 36 names of Horde champions in the Warcraft universe.
-Added several quests to guide new players.
-slightly improved the terrian in the middle of the map.
-Hero Attacks (Peon, Shaman Tower) now deal half damage to Unarmored units (Spirit Wolves).
- Players are now correctly notified when a Death Tower is being built.
- The Death Tower can now use Demolish, and has its button positions fixed.
- The Control Point auras are now global, and have their power slightly reduced.
- Control Points no longer give food.
- Added a new item: The Spyglass, which can be used to reveal an area on the map.
- First version, map added.

Please visit the Recruitment Thread below for additional information:

-Assasin Lord's http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/heroglow-129462/?prev=search=hero%20glow&d=list&r=20


  • Peon Wars 1.3.w3x
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Last edited:
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013
Version 1.2 is now live! The terrain has been drastically improved, and several balance changes were added. The maps have also been approved on MakeMeHost, you can now host a game of Peon Wars!
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