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{OLD} Wc3:WoW Discussion

What should the Wc3:WoW Team focus on most?

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Craka now that WC3:wow is up and runnin' again what about reinviting Nas and freak, or dont they want to?

Nasrudin and Freakazoid left on their own will and still do not wish to rejoin the Wc3:WoW Team. Freakazoid has quit Wc3 all together and I haven't been able to get Nasrudin to contact me back. I believe he has left as well.

Can you have absolutely NO PARTYING for levels from 1~25 ??... its sort of dumb when they follow you around and leveling for you..

We will keep the partying system the way it is. They follow you and help you level faster. And in the next version, if we include some instances, they will become very handy and required.
If you don't want anyone in your group, don't bother inviting them...


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
A shame that this world is made of capitalists, that makes me sad :sad:
Not u, but that u cant even make a little online game without having to pay for it :thumbs_down:
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
As you may have read in one of the threads, we promised to have some things such as a Talent system and an advanced character inventory system. However I am afraid that some of these things will not be in the public beta due to our JASS scripter TripX being called by Blizzard Entertainment for a new game they are making that I will not reveal. So until she returns, those systems will probably not be added to WC3:WoW unless if we find some one good enough to make what she attempted.

If you believe that you have what it takes, then please, feel free to E-Mail the team. But please note that you must provide evidence that you are capable of making systems in JASS.
~Craka_J; Leader of the WC3:WoW Team.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
How are the skills working? I DL an old beta a while ago (You had one up for like a few days I think) and I thought it was very uncomplete and not that good, but it was a beta.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The priest class has been revamped almost completely and I think the Rogue and Warlock had about 10 abilties revamped. Shados said he was going to finish the Warlock, but things have been moving very slowly with abilities. Closed Beta testers won't have very much new stuff to test for bugs at first, but as we get deeper in the making of WC3:WoW the testers will be needed to find more bugs more often.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I've been studying the terrain of WC3:WoW and comparing it to World of Warcraft's terrain and have been trying to find the flaws. And for a while I couldn't figure out what it was. But now I know exactly what it is: We need to elevate the terrain by making hills much larger and mountains much taller. We'll have to exadurate the height of things and this also includes rescaling everything in WC3:WoW a lot larger such as buildings and trees.

What keeps the terrainer(s) from doing this? Well the main problem with making the terrain like WoW is the camera system we have for WC3:WoW. Although it is very similar to WoW's, the camera system is limited and can get glitched at times when you walk on top of a tall hill or get too close to a mountain. So due to this problem, we're going to have to get our JASS scripters onto the camera system and try to make it adjust to the terrain in a special way, perhaps in a way that won't require the terrain to be done first and have the camera adjust on its own naturally at proper times. We are not positive if this will work, but it is something we'll be trying to engage in the triggering and terraining field for a while now. If it proves to be a failure, we'll confirm that it either isn't possible, is too much work, or that we need a very skilled JASS scripter to do such a thing.

The only bad thing about us having to scale things larger is that the terrainers will have to make either each zone compact together, or make numerous terrain maps, each a different part of a zone. We'll try to avoid having to do this but hopefully if we find a way to extend the size of the map from 256x256 to perhaps maybe 500x500. If we could do this, it'd make it a lot easier on our terrainers and we'd have to import less maps. But in another sense, it may make terraining harder for the terrainers because they will have to make a replica of the terrain as exact as they possibly can, which would take even longer in the terraining process. So if you have any idea how to increase the size of the map past 256x256, please contact us and let the team know. Or you can post here! We would appreciate it very much.
~Craka_J; Leader of the WC3:WoW Team.
Level 9
Jun 18, 2004
Yeah, my least favourite part about Warcraft 3 maps that are based around Heroes is the fact you have the click the Icon/Hotkey then scroll over and click the hero. Sometimes there's hit test problems...and...ugh.

However, this would be very fix since if you're already selecting a target unit, then you cannot have your own hero selected and thus cannot cast abilities.

Sure there's a way around it though ;)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yeah I have a feeling that TKoK ORPG creator "Vexen.X" tried this for his ORPG, but due to how WC3's engine's flaws, it wasn't perfect.
I fear that we'll encounter many problems in the process of making this system. But what I am afraid of even more is if it is even possible! I'll let all of you know what's going on in the spell field later when newer and cooler stuff get developed.
Level 9
Jun 18, 2004
Okay, here's a VERY quick map I made featuring automatic casting. I have no idea if you'd be able to make any use of this, but it was fun anyways. It's not multi-instanceable, and there are some flaws (When you right-click on something, it doesn't change your target) but it's neat anyways.

I just made a unit variable that switches whenever you select a unit, attack a unit, or are ordered to attack a unit. If it did actually turn out to be something you could expand on, you could put more conditions in on whether or not the target is an ally or what. Currently, it only checks range and if there is a unit "Selected."


  • SelectionThingy.w3x
    20.6 KB · Views: 266
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Sounds neat. I'll take a look at it in a few minutes. I'll update this post with my review once I've checked it out.


Okay, I checked out the map and to be honest, it isn't that bad. However the main downside is that I want the player to choose which target to attack. However this system is very useful to help increase the AI of player-bots. Good work!
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Basic Overview of Plan

any people have been asking about what our plans with Wc3:WoW is and how things are moving. This article should help provide some information on what we plan to do and focus on within the next two Open Beta releases, so I strongly encourage those of you who care about Wc3:WoW to read the rest of this article.

irst, I will discuss what our plan is for the upcoming Open Beta. Work on it has been coming along nicely and we're mainly focussing on one thing at the moment, but will work around to the other as we finish more and more new features. At the moment, we're just adding new features such as the Mailing System and the Looting System. We are also pretty much redoing all classes much more accurately to WoW than the way we had them before.

nother major thing we're focussing on for the upcoming Open Beta is Player Versus Environment(PvE) aspects of the game, such as making combat against mobs better and making instances much more tactical than they were many years ago. The upcoming Open Beta will feature only one or two low level instances. One of which that will definately be in the beta is the Horde dungeon: Ragefire Chasm, which is recommended for levels 13-18. What is the purpose of this dungeon? It's meant mainly for players to complete quests given to them from members of the Horde faction and can also be useful simply for levelling purposes, since Ragefire Chasm mobs give players better experience (xp) to low level players at the recommended levels.

ur plan to make instances more tactical, meaningful, and enjoyable, is to make the player in charge of the party to have almost complete control of the party members. For example, we plan to add a function that will allow the player to open a list of commands such as "Heal Target", "Sap Target", or "Attack Target". This new idea will help make instances easier and more organized. It's a new way to be in total control of your party, and if the party wipes, it will most likely be your fault. It's not required to command your party, but your chances of survivabilty are far more increased if you keep your party organized and issue necessary orders at the right times.

he second plan is after we've finished a bunch of PvE aspects of the game for the upcoming Open Beta, we plan to begin working hard on PvP elements of the game and make the A.I. (PvP-wise) much more intelligent. We may also consider adding the battleground Warsong Gulch(WSG) to make our new Honor System more of use to the players. But the team has not discussed too much of the PvP aspects of the game too much as far as battlegrounds go.

ut the main thing we plan to focus on is the A.I. of Player-Bots when engaged by hostile Players/Player-Bots. Our studies show that when a player engages or is engaged in the wilderness while questing or grinding that the player will try harder to kill his prey/predator with more effort than in the battlegrounds. The reason for this is because players fear to lose durability and are more aggrovated to have to deal with a mob and an annoying player, both trying to kill them. In battlegrounds, you lose no durability and you usually try to attack what ever hostility you can find; meaning that you usually could care less what hostile player you attack. Although when a hostile player is holding the flag, then you have a better goal and put more effort into winning.

n the Open Beta after the upcoming Open Beta, we're going to pretty much increase the difficulty of Player-Bots both PvE and PvP-wise, but primarily PvP-wise. For example, when a Player-Bot is engaged in combat by another Player or Player-Bot, the two targets will try to accomplish one of the two main priorities. One priority is to engage the target in close-combat and keep the target slowed and in range for melee damage or other close-combat advantages such as imobilizing the target. The other priority is to keep away from the target, but to be in just enough range to cast spells and other offensive ranged attacks while the target is out of range (if melee) This will make Player-Bots much smarter and make them much harder. The only thing in the way is if the real Player has good gear, since we will most likely not have Player-Bots equipping good gear.

ell now you know what the basic layout of our plans are, and hopefully this will have answered a variety of questions you may have had on your mind. Thanks a lot to those of you who have read this article. Feel free to leave posts either at our forum or post comments in this article if you have other questions that need answering that relates to the PvE/PvP plans we have.
~Wc3:WoW Team.
Level 9
Jun 18, 2004
Mmmm...illuminating article Craka. However, a few things are foggy.

You spoke of a mailing system, but wouldn't the purpose of a mailing system be for the Multiplayer part of the game? I was under the impression that since WarSoc wasn't released, you wouldn't have started the Multiplayer part yet.

There was a thing about durability. Do you have durability in the game yet, or is it just a future goal?

Thanks in advance,

Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Mailing system works for single-player as well. Don't worry though, we'll get rid of it probably when the multiplayer versions are released. The player in Single-Player can mail his other saved characters stuff, and we may later on enable it so the player can mail bots items and gold, etc.

Durability has not been implemented. Though I think it won't be too much of a problem to add. Just may be hard to keep track of durability when save/loading a character.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
If u can add durability system, do it.
I dont agree that this system aint important, cause it rly makes you want to fight seriously, knowing that you if you die, will lose durabilty which in a way means money.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Actually I forgot that durability plays a good role in PvP too such as gankers try to kill you while you're fighting mobs just to decrease your durability. So therefor it will be added for sure, just for the sake of motivation to kill. ;)
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Well to lose durability you need to get someone low health then let a mob kill them. It doesn't really make you want to kill more =P
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Yeah, but making durability does not make people want to PVP more. You need to kill mobs for levels (I guess you could do only quests that require you to talk to someone for levels, but that would take ages).
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Oh well. I tried to explain it as best as I could.

But I meant like this:

People who gank, gank to piss others off and to sometimes test their PvP skills.
If you were a guy questing and killing mobs for XP and some guy killed you, you'd be pissed; thus making the ganker happy and help fulfill his task. The main motivation is to kill you to make you angry, not just because you're there. Why else would people camp each other? To aggrovate them!
So yes. In a cruel way, ganking like this is in fact an element of PvP.
Level 9
Jun 18, 2004
Gilles, What Craka is trying to say...is...
Wc3:WoW is basicly a copy of a product. So I guess we're a part of this whole gaming industry thing now, aren't we? :p
You've got to admit though, we chose a good game to remake. And we're not including the expansions just for the fun of old time's sake. The original game was great, the expansion was alright for a bit, and then dungeons ruined it completely. I don't really like the Outlands that much either. Taking all the fun away from Lordaeron :'( But it kind of makes it easier for gankers such as myself to go out "noob hunting" and have a less likely chance of an enormous army barging in on my fun. It happens no matter what, but the Outlands delays them and thats what I like about Outlands lol

...that's he, himself, is a ganker ;)
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Ahh, you have enlightened me! I guess it does add that aspect of PVP, it's just I didn't think of that because I hate doing it, I like waiting for the person to regain health to have a "fair" fight. I go by, "do unto them as you would have them do unto you". I also just like trying to prove I am better then them, but I usually lose. :witch_doc_sad:
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yes I am a ganker. And a hard-core one at that.
No bullsh*t: I camped a group of level 30s in Arathi Highlands and two lvl 60s with a couple level 45-51s in my group for 14 hours straight. Now you tell me they weren't pissed?

Lets just say I was raised on a server where ganking happens to you, even after helping an Alliance (I'm Horde) player kill stuff. So that "Do unto others" crap obviously isn't true in my eyes at least.

But I'm happy to hear you finally get my point.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Well, I also go by an eye for an eye. I guess the two philosophies contradict a bit, but whatever. If I get camped I just switch characters, it does piss me off, but I'm not going to let that guy get the satisfaction he/she wants.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
New Poll! Please vote!

Today, I've added a poll to this thread. I highly recommend you vote in the poll logically and would appreciate it very much if you participated in the poll.
This poll is to help us realize what you all want us to focus on and help us decide what to choose. We cannot work on all aspects of Wc3:WoW at once because then things get slow and confusing. So please vote and if you'd like, make a post in this thread stating why you voted for what ever you voted for and perhaps give a bit more of an addition info on how it'd benefit us and the public.

Thanks a lot in advance;
~Craka_J; Leader of the Wc3:WoW Team.
Level 9
Jun 18, 2004
Although I put Terrain, it's really my second choice. My real first choice would be combat-making it more similar to WoW, and less like Wc3. Adding things like...

- Being "in combat" and "out of combat." This would allow for a great number of things, like water and food, to be more WoW like, and certain spells. I know there is a way to Disable Spells, but still have the icon there (the DISBTN Icon showing up, with the tooltip, but inclickable) since Tides of Blood does it with the Blood Mage.

- Casting Bar, or some sort of timer to show you're casting.

- Most importantly (in my opinion, of course) the ability to cast spells on a selected target without actually having to click on it, over, and over...this would make the game itself have a faster pace and be more WoW-Like.

Of course, some of these are very ambitious, but I think this is the most important thing to shoot for as of now.
Level 5
Jun 26, 2007
- Most importantly (in my opinion, of course) the ability to cast spells on a selected target without actually having to click on it, over, and over...this would make the game itself have a faster pace and be more WoW-Like.
A map on Wc3Campaign does something like this
The only bummer is that it's protected :(
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I put PvE, I want it to be fun first! It really doesn't have to be all that WoW like for me, just a really kick ass RPG type game. Once you get it fun, then you will draw more people, and then you might get more help as well. Basically I think you should wait on the harder parts until later, like weapons and armor attachments, swimming, ect.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
  • The players character will be able to enter and exit combat.
  • Check the Change-Log. We've already begun adding a casting timer.
  • I too would like to add this. Not sure exactly if we're going to add it after or before the upcoming Open Beta release.
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