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Nuclear Realms Builder 1.0

Basic builder map based in the future Zombie attacks will be resetup next version send all complaints to [email protected] credit to all map makers in "Quest" menu

Change Log
Version 1.1
-Balanced Units
-Fixed President's Tooltips
-Added More Range to Snipers
-More Bases
-Unpowered Mfaat
-Fixed Sniper Form Tooltip
-Removed Some Zombies in Moscow to Make it Passable

Builder, Future, War, Alien, Machine, Castle, Soldier, Zombie, Hell, Defense, Radiation, Nuclear, Realms, fun, SICK,

Nuclear Realms 1.1 Protected (Map)

14:31, 18th Jun 2008 Septimus: Ash Review This map bases around the concept of most builder maps; build up a massive army and kick the beejesus out of the other people. Although it adds a twist not, really, seen before. It incorperates a story...




14:31, 18th Jun 2008

Ash Review

This map bases around the concept of most builder maps; build up a massive army and kick the beejesus out of the other people. Although it adds a twist not, really, seen before. It incorperates a story with zombies.

Now we all know that anything with Zombies is immediate win, although this has somewhat changed my mind. The terrain was fine, as was the unit models. You gave credit for all of them, which is something I respect; not many people do that. Although, fancy models do not make a good map.

Don't get me wrong, the imagination was there, but the balance wasn't. I liked the idea of different races, they contrasted well, but the units that can be produced by those different races are surprisingly similar, and somewhat lacking. I'd also like to point out that for all there is an Alien race, the majority of those aliens seem to be Human units.

The main issue, like I've said, was balance. One could mass a certain type of unit and win uncontested by other players. The zombies were extremely overpowered and, for some strange reason, had a laser attack. Zombies with Lasers? Not quite as strange as the 'Ninja Aliens', if you ask me.

The tooltips were messed up, the prime example being when my Alien Leader went into Stealth Mode by clicking on an ability that 'allows the ninja to cloak'. Speaking about messed up, the Icons paths are either missing or wrong, you've got the models there instead.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad map; I like the imagination you've used to come up with it for a start, although it is lacking in the pull off. You MUST fix the balance though, or people will not play this map as much as it should be played.

2/5 at the moment.

Septimus Comment : Due to Ash mini moderator review, it seem this map can be approve. But, this map doesn't had enough mini moderator approval yet. So, I would leave it to pending until I had time to check it out myself. There is many other map that haven't get approval for quite a long time that need checking.

Please be patience for it and thanks for your cooperation.

Edit by MasterHaosis:
On Ash's additional request and review, approved
My rating: Usefull



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
This map bases around the concept of most builder maps; build up a massive army and kick the beejesus out of the other people. Although it adds a twist not, really, seen before. It incorperates a story with zombies.

Now we all know that anything with Zombies is immediate win, although this has somewhat changed my mind. The terrain was fine, as was the unit models. You gave credit for all of them, which is something I respect; not many people do that. Although, fancy models do not make a good map.

Don't get me wrong, the imagination was there, but the balance wasn't. I liked the idea of different races, they contrasted well, but the units that can be produced by those different races are surprisingly similar, and somewhat lacking. I'd also like to point out that for all there is an Alien race, the majority of those aliens seem to be Human units.

The main issue, like I've said, was balance. One could mass a certain type of unit and win uncontested by other players. The zombies were extremely overpowered and, for some strange reason, had a laser attack. Zombies with Lasers? Not quite as strange as the 'Ninja Aliens', if you ask me.

The tooltips were messed up, the prime example being when my Alien Leader went into Stealth Mode by clicking on an ability that 'allows the ninja to cloak'. Speaking about messed up, the Icons paths are either missing or wrong, you've got the models there instead.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad map; I like the imagination you've used to come up with it for a start, although it is lacking in the pull off. You MUST fix the balance though, or people will not play this map as much as it should be played.

2/5 at the moment.
Level 3
Mar 11, 2008
Well pretty good map
One major suggestion is that u must reduce the map size, do this by decreasing the texture quality using "Warcraft 3 Image Viewer". This method is very effective, it's also used in maps like WW3 nuclear sunrise and my desert storm map!
Hope this helps btw... gud map btw 4/5
Level 4
Oct 15, 2006
ok at first thought it was ok mean cool models, and great terrain, but then, I noticed a whole bunch of things that just where not right: snipers don't get so close, mortars are meant to attack buildings, and marines don't even get that close. I was just thinking wow this sucks, who makes snipers get this close to attack? Sorry if those are bad reasons but I don't like that.
Level 2
Jun 16, 2008
Yeah it is

yeah we fixed the sniper and mortar in the v but i got a problem why does weird things keep happening when were testing like buildings have options to train weird units and stupid stuff happens when it wasnt there before when we remove it chnages to other things uhhhhhhh som1 said it was somthing with variables and memory sumthing uhhhh any1 know what the hells goiing on?
Level 2
May 13, 2008
nice,but i can`t go into the shop on moscow the devastation class has too much armor nothing in my men pierced through even aircraft also bosses killed all my 100 american privates its really funny and try making weapons fire faster,adding range to the tanks and snipers.
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
v2 soon???

Great map map man but the zombies are TOO STRONG!
I mean I sended 14 chopers in the zombie city full whit elite USA troops,and they all died :witch_doc_sad: , kiling 0 zombies :eekani: .

P.S When will v2 come out ? :cry:
Level 4
Jul 29, 2008
well its good but i send the max food of aircraft i only killed 1 dreadlord like zombie...
they are way to strong...the banshee zombie have a too high regen...u deal her 100dmg and she get that hp back in 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001sec....