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New Affiliate: Diplomunion

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004

It's certainly been a while since we set up a link exchange with a sister Warcraft site. Well, today is the day. Our friends over at diplomunion.com suggested just that and we couldn't say no. Diplomunion is a pretty old community founded in 2009, around the strategy scene on BNet, one in which we are not much in touch with. They are also the host of some cool modding projects. I hope you will all welcome our brothers and sisters over at Diplomunion to our family.

Here is a little description of what Diplomunion is about:
Diplomunion is a community where like minded gamers can share their unique gaming experiences and find fellow users to play with. Entrenched in the multiplayer Wc3 custom mapping scene, Diplo also offers a place where map makers can successfully show off their maps, in a fully functional Showcase, and in their own private forum section!

Come on down, whether it's Warcraft, Starcraft, or even Age of Empires, round up some pals and let get the games begin!

Diplomunion is running the XenForo forum system which is the future of the Hive, so if you want to try that out, you can also do that on the site.
Level 4
Jan 23, 2014
Indeed. Be sure to read all about the maps and comment on all of them! (Or mine. That's fine too! :ogre_hurrhurr: )
Level 2
Feb 2, 2009
Community has been around a bit longer than 2009, I think it brought together various mapping communities around 2006/2007 under the name "Wc3diplo" and then we made another move and changed our name a few years later

Though we still have a fairly dynamic and large wc3 mapping scene and that's where the bulk of our community has come from and still resides in, I think Diplo's most telling feature is the atmosphere of the community and the longevity of a lot of our old members. Though many of them have moved on from playing wc3, there's something in the water at Diplo which keeps a lot of old guard posters coming back and taking part in discussion, discussing current events, lifestyle shit, or just shit talking one another. We've been blessed with a good number of quality members through the ages who have stuck around and helped to build a more attractive E-society and helped Diplo survive and grow in some cases, while a lot of other communities/forums with the same purpose and function died off over time. I've made a lot of friends on Diplo who have become very close and valued over time and who have helped me and one another get through a lot in life. I encourage anyone interested to come introduce themselves, come play some of our maps with us, or just drop by on wc3 and get some banter in

Also, I don't know if you guys remember PurplePoot around here, but I remember him being an Admin on Hive though I think he may have originated on wc3diplo or with some parts of our community. Met that nig IRL last summer
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
News said:
Our friends over at diplomunion.com suggested just that and we couldn't say no.
Well, that's true... but who suggested that to Diplo and made rough sketches of how it would work out? ^_^

Enough self praising from me. Anyway, I hope for a new wave of grand strategy maps appear in our map section over the next few months because we've been having a shortage of 'em! Oh and, to strengthen the bond I highly recommend for people to upload their maps on the Diplomunion showcase along side with Hive's map section.

Thanks Cniper, the Diplomunion staff, Ralle, and the admins for making my suggestion a reality. I'm sure that this will up the activity and give a name for Hive from the strategy community on battle.net.
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Level 5
Jan 27, 2013
To be completely honest I dislike the layout of that site, I hope we wont have a similar layout when the hive move to xenforo. (or actually, I am pretty sure it wont unless Ralle has changed a whole lot since the preview images last year)

But I think it's good that the sites promote eachother.

Hey, staff here, what about the layout would you change, out of curiosity?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
To be completely honest I dislike the layout of that site, I hope we wont have a similar layout when the hive move to xenforo. (or actually, I am pretty sure it wont unless Ralle has changed a whole lot since the preview images last year)

But I think it's good that the sites promote eachother.

The mobile version looks great, though.
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Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
Cool ! Never heard of the site before. Welcome guys !
Though I have to say I dislike the layout as well.
It is unnecessarily tiny on my screen, I prefer the full width layout of the hive.
I reckon longer posts must take a lot of vertical space and require a lot of unnecessary scrolling.

Also white background on a website is just, no. I work on the PC nearly the whole day and anything without a dark template immediately gives me eye strain.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
To be completely honest I dislike the layout of that site, I hope we wont have a similar layout when the hive move to xenforo. (or actually, I am pretty sure it wont unless Ralle has changed a whole lot since the preview images last year)

But I think it's good that the sites promote eachother.

I haven't done much in regards to the frontpage. XenForo gives you no frontpage, only forum index. Diplomunion uses XenPorta for their frontpage. I have plans to do that too. I believe it is very configurable with regards to sidebar boxes and so on.

I would probably have less sidebar objects, although they can all be useful.
Level 2
Feb 2, 2009
What is everyone's favorite Diplomunion map?

Mine has still got to be good old Europa by BlinkBoy, though it hasn't been played in ages. I really enjoy tactical team games and have played a lot of WW1 ISH, LoTSW, Greece, and banjoball in the past year
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