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Need some Icons? request here!

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Level 6
Apr 22, 2009
=) great uum i need like a really cool pas dis pas btn and disbtn like icon that represents thi spell:
speel owner: illusionist (model: stayr trickster)
spell: image aura all units within 600 AoE have a 3/5/7% chance to make an image on attack that lasts 10 seconds.
Could you do this please. the spell works on ALL units ty =)
oh and P.S. i dont mind the toehr details make it look cool and give it to me in the nromal file witht he apths and ill be happy ty =).
Level 9
Apr 28, 2009
Please make an icon for me for this structure:
Level 6
Apr 22, 2009
oi dark im on oftenw ant me to be this channels organizer for you save you the time of organizing rquests. just tell me if i can be (it would be an honour) and tell me how much info you need to make an icon ill pm you the requests and ill manage da channel =)
Level 9
Apr 28, 2009
oh that`s my icon?:grin:
To be honest, it doesn't look like a Tribal Camp to me, that`s the reason i didn't observed it's for me.
@sadvisor : i made it in liek 10 min i was too god damn lazy to do anything like that and plus i have my samurai icons to work on.

@DarkHorse08 im not sure many people will go on this considering there are too many usefull icons already. until liek 3 requests come in (not including sadvisors) i may not even bother with this. As said above i still have to work on my samurai icons
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