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Need Ideas for unit spells and abilities

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Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
So I am making a troll race and I need ideas for spells and abilities for them. I am going to list what I have and if you think i should change it let me know thx.*comparing troll units to reg units. As you can see i dont have abilities for alot of the units so pst me ideas thx!
-Choppa basic meele unit*footman
-Magic Hurla basic Ranged*Rifleman
-Lizard Rida heavy meele*Knight
-Labouour *Dryad has slow poison
-Witch Doctor
Ravanger-Axe Hurl*cluster rockets
Voodoo Hunter-spells-VoodooSnare*ensnare,RuneAura*trueshot but for meele, Healing wave
Forest Troll Skin Pack - Wc3campaigns (Here is a link to the troll skins i am using in my map for the units.)
Level 5
Jun 20, 2008
Quick strike gives and 30% to deal triple damage
Shadow aura(voodomon)weakens emeny armor by 2
Skullspilt(skullspltier) use firebolt spell set damage to 350 cast range to 40 and missle icon wahtever you want
Voodoo bolt(voodomon) implaeing arrrows differnt projetciles and buff maybe locust model
Sprint(trappa)move 100% faster 10 secs
Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
woot someone responded thx i like the idea of the negative aura. I was also thinking of using entangle roots for one of the characters but changing the model i couldnt figure it out though so i went with ensnare. Going to use these ideas thx
Level 5
Jun 20, 2008
OOohh i just had an new idea
for the labour an abliity that makes him build faster but slowly lose health
voodo spirts(voodo mon) heals frindly units damages enemy bit like holy light or death coil
Charge(lizzard rider)move to point at 50% extra spped damaging all units in the way
Spike trap(trappa)creates like an spike trap mine on ground is invisble when treaded on enemis unit dies model here
plz rep me
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Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
i did rep you anyways how do i create a negative aura for a character.The lab isnt the builder i forgot to metion the "harvester my basic builder." Not sure how to create the charge ether.
Level 5
Jun 20, 2008
i dont now ever but im sure there is some short or negitve on unholy or sumin if not try howl of terror it works the same but just wont be an aura but works just as well as for the charge do the same as sprint and imotaltion type power will be need and do trigger
Events:unit starts casting an ablity
conditions:ablity begin cast equal to charge
Actions:trigger unit cast ablity imotation type abliity for leanght of charge
Level 6
Dec 28, 2007
i did rep you anyways how do i create a negative aura for a character.The lab isnt the builder i forgot to metion the "harvester my basic builder." Not sure how to create the charge ether.

here's an example: how to create -armor aura?
in object editor create a new custom devotion aura, and [shift]+click on the line you can modify the armor bonus. Now on the window you can click on the [down arrow] button and set it under 0 (for ex. -3) and modify the target line from friendly to enemy.
You can do it with any of the abilities.
Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
I figured it out b4 the post thanks a lot though now i need to figure out how one of my units can make a trap (like a mine)
Level 5
Jun 20, 2008
to start you need to make an new unit make it not move invisble and an attack range of 10 and an damgae of wahtever you want and then make a custom spell rember to change the model file to the spike trap based of the goblin land mine placing spell watever its is change the unit summoned to the the spike trap and hey presto theres your spike trap
Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
Bump! I am trying to make one of my units called the (Trappa) have an ability/spell to create a mine that dmgs units like the goblin land mine.
Level 5
Jun 20, 2008
it works when eva a unit treads over it a spike comes out the spike trap stabbing the unit from beneath best to have an high damage because it is likely to only stab the eneme once
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