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Naruto: Suiton, Suishouha [v1.9]

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Reactions: ZlatniLav
MUI: Yes
vJASS: Yes

To use this spell you need the vJNGP


Suiton, Suishouha

Suiton • Suishouha is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. Nidaime Hokage does a string of hand seals which then causes a large volume of water to materialize out of nowhere. Slowing and knockback units nearby.

Damage : 20 per Level
WaveTimes : 1 per Level
WaveNumbers : 2 per Level
WaveInterval : 2 / Level
Knockback : 1 per Level

v1.9 - Minor improved script

v1.8 - Improved script

v1.7 - Group changed to global group

v1.6 - Updated documentation

- Every feature is now level multi-able
- More global for level multi-able
- WaveTime is now settable
- WaveNumber is now settable
- WaveInterval is now settable
- WaveIntervalUpOrDown is now settable
- WaveDamage is now settable
- WaveKnockback is now settable

- Fixed knockback
- Making units stronger
- SFX now need not attachment point [SFX now lays on ground]
- SFX supports units without attachment point

v1.3 - Cleaned leaks in trigger "ESC"

v1.2 - Added lots of globals

v1.1 - Converted all functions to globals, increased efficiency.

v1.0 - Spell uploaded
suiton, suishouha, nidaime, hokage, naruto, water, knockback, splash, wave, crushing, ice, element

Suiton, Suishouha (Map)

19:46, 30th Nov 2008 Hanky: Advice: 5 points are the highest rating and 1 point is the lowest rating. Documentation: 5 Visual Effects: 5 Triggering: 3 Idea: 4 Nice job, you improved your spell very much till my last review. Now your...




19:46, 30th Nov 2008

Rating Points
Advice: 5 points are the highest rating and 1 point is the lowest rating.

Documentation: 5
Visual Effects: 5
Triggering: 3
Idea: 4
Rating Comment

Nice job, you improved your spell very much till my last review. Now your script is BJ free and also your demo triggers got no leaks. The spell is much better configurable than before. All in all a really good job.

But still the script could be improved. It would be better if you wpuld use more locals. For example it would save more performance if you just have to call GetTriggerUnit() one time and then just using the local. Also please stop using the TriggerSleepAction. In singleplayer this action maybe will be perfectly timed. But in the multiplayer this function is very inexact. The next point is that you have to learn to null the local handles at the end of every function. Otherwise it could cause leaks and another hint, try to use for the tempgroup instead of a local a global group, so you don't have to create and destroy the group all the time, which save performance later. More I didn't saw yet.

This spell will be useful for many guys and is also one of the best naruto spells I've seen yet.
Advice: If you didn't understood my rating or if you maybe have questions because you don't know how to fix bugs or leaks etc. You can always send a private message to me. I will answer as soon I got time.
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
Note that my rating will not have any influence to moderators reviews.
This review consists out of my personal attidude and opinion about this spell/these spells.

Idea/Creativity: 6/10
Coding: 6/10
Balance: 8/10
Ability Tooltip: 10/10
MUI: Yes (+2/10)
(Yes: +2/10, No: -2/10, MPI: +/-0/10)
Language: vJass (+2/10)
(GUI: +/- 0/10, Jass: +1/10, vJass: +2/10)
Total: 34/40

Medial: 8/10 = 4/5

Viewers Note:
A pretty simple idea but nice in execution.
Your coding style is "OK", but for saying it is vJass you couldve improved it a lot.
local trigger Suiton_Suishouha = CreateTrigger(  )
Nullify the trigger.
2. Use globals instead of constant functions.
3. Add more globals , for example:
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\CrushingWave\\CrushingWaveDamage.mdl", enum, "chest"))
This model string and attachement string could be set as global.
Not a critism what decreases your score, but make your code clearer. Make it in an order.
It is balanced well, some lack in documentation though.
Your ability tooltip gained full score. Well documented, colored and looks nice.
MUI and vJass -> extra score.
All in all a good, simple spell. Could have gained a better rating.
Oh no !! Why people doesn't look things farer? Hanky I know your review's quality is higher than DrSuperGood and that's why kewlthis's crow spell got rating of 4 instead of mine, 3.

And btw, mine aren't original.. so do yours kewlthis? Yours was just blink strike + aoe damage with effects. Btw. StaberFire nice comment.. the spell does slow down enemies, I used thunderclap as the base spell.

And this is important, I made this spell for people to choose what they like, the knockback, wave speed, wave damage, wave numbers etc are manipulatable.. that's what the spell good of..

Well, I would convert all the functions to constant variables soon when I'm in the cpu that contains vJNGP. Anyway, thanks for comment and rating!

Oh ya Hanky, xD I lol'd.. that esc was just for testing the spell, you don't have to count that in the rating =.=

Spell updated
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Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
Oh no !! Why people doesn't look things farer? Hanky I know your review's quality is higher than DrSuperGood and that's why kewlthis's crow spell got rating of 4 instead of mine, 3.

And btw, mine aren't original.. so do yours kewlthis? Yours was just blink strike + aoe damage with effects. Btw. StaberFire nice comment.. the spell does slow down enemies, I used thunderclap as the base spell.

And this is important, I made this spell for people to choose what they like, the knockback, wave speed, wave damage, wave numbers etc are manipulatable.. that's what the spell good of..

Well, I would convert all the functions to constant variables soon when I'm in the cpu that contains vJNGP. Anyway, thanks for comment and rating!

Oh ya Hanky, xD I lol'd.. that esc was just for testing the spell, you don't have to count that in the rating =.=

Spell updated

Well atleast my effects are really original. And if both ideas are unoriginal then the special effects count more.. Anyway so we need to set up the poll or does hawking do it?
Well don't be too rush =) Just wait a few more days .. you know, we may improve our spells more.. Anyway, my spell is way more efficient at least..

@TheBlooddancer - The knockback is manipulatable so you can set it to higher anytime.. This spell is majority in changing stuffs.. If you change the numbers of waves to 4 it will cause another effect out... and also others.. every changes makes the spell better.. and btw.. you can make waves times.. that goes twice and 3 and 4 5 6 ... and wave interval.. Please check it out, I made those stuffs and no one's gonna see it because they only try the spell in the map but not changing the values in the trigger..
Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
Well don't be too rush =) Just wait a few more days .. you know, we may improve our spells more.. Anyway, my spell is way more efficient at least..

@TheBlooddancer - The knockback is manipulatable so you can set it to higher anytime.. This spell is majority in changing stuffs.. If you change the numbers of waves to 4 it will cause another effect out... and also others.. every changes makes the spell better.. and btw.. you can make waves times.. that goes twice and 3 and 4 5 6 ... and wave interval.. Please check it out, I made those stuffs and no one's gonna see it because they only try the spell in the map but not changing the values in the trigger..

cause its your entry...If the spell is good, you dont have to change anything. Of course its a good thing, but doesnt matter anything to me.
Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
Well, if i should rate yours, i would give it 'A++' in the possibilities of this spell..
If you set number of Dummies to '1' it will be a wave, instead of a Nova, and you can change everything, even if you dont do it (Waves, Knockback, etc).

Kewlthis's, is the Visual best, but, limits the user, to only use it in this way. If Kewlthis, had made multiple versions, and used more stuff, that could be changed, the spell would generally be better. Such as 'Number of crows' - 'time to fly' - 'time to fade in/out' and so on.

I wish you both luck.
Level 7
Mar 24, 2008
nice spell (expecially for the customization), but just a little suggestion for the demo map, put some thougher mobs :) (yes ofc i can add them by myself, but i like being lazy :p)
on a more serious note you should check the knockback because you can send a unit out of map boundaries with a knockback
• Monsters are stronger now
• Knockback is fixed
• SFX no longer needs attachment point [SFX now lays on ground]
• SFX supports unit without attachment point

Majin thx for the feedback =) Updated..

Oh yeah, one more thing .. can I have another review?
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Level 5
Dec 4, 2007
A very nice spell but one way to improve it is to add level support to the customisations the only level support is the damage increace per level,but what I mean is to add a variable that can increase the number of waves per level meaning
Level 1 - 2 wave circles are being cast
Level 2 - 3 wave..............

and so on and so on, but still an awesome spell
• Every feature is now level multi-able
• More global for level multi-able
• WaveTime is now settable
• WaveNumber is now settable
• WaveInterval is now settable
• WaveIntervalUpOrDown is now settable
• WaveDamage is now settable
• WaveKnockback is now settable

ookay .. since you're so look in to it .. I've updated it =)
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Level 5
Dec 4, 2007
ookay .. since you're so look in to it .. I've updated it =)

• Every feature is now level multi-able
• More global for level multi-able
• WaveTime is now settable
• WaveNumber is now settable
• WaveInterval is now settable
• WaveIntervalUpOrDown is now settable
• WaveDamage is now settable
• WaveKnockback is now settable

Thank you, you rock
how i can import spells?

1) Copy the dummy unit in object editor
2) Copy the spell in ability editor into your map
3) Copy the code into your map
4) Press ctrl+d, check the copied spell's raw code
5) Change the spell raw code to the copied spell's raw code
6) There're many values in the code, read it and change whatever you want

This should help you =)