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Naruto Shippuuden - Way of a Ninja

Sasuke32 Presents

Naruto Shippuuden - Way of a Ninja
[color=DodgerBlue4]Created by Shark_4_you[/color]

Map Info:

[color=LemonChiffon1]Kind of Map : RPG/PvP

Number of Players : 1-12

Victory : For Now No Victory Condition Because The Map Will Fallow the anime.

Players : 3 Teams:

Naruto ; Sakura ;Kakashi ; Sai

Orocimaru ; Kabuto ; Sasuke ; Guren


Itachi ; Kisame ; Deidara ; Sasori

[color=SeaGreen1] Screenshots and Videos:[/color]




[color=LightGoldenrod1]Change Log:[/color]

- 3 New Heroes
- 1 New Event
- all Items Replaced
- Lag Reduced
- Some Skills Changed

- Fixed Chidori Eisou Spell
- Fixed Susanoo Spell
- Fixed Kamui Spell
- Fixed ability ID-s
- Lower the damage of Earth Stomp
- Lower the stats improved of Sharingan
- Fixed Bug with gain a new hero and no
- Fixed Bug when you get a lots of money
- Lower the times:
EVENTS: 5 Mins
- Fixed Uchiha Crest Item change lower
to 5%
- Make them a bit stronger

ChangeLog v.1.7
- Fixed Chakra No Mesu
- Chanced Snake Jutsu of Orochimaru
- Fixed Yoniu no Jutsu
- Fixed Bug with no teleport after finishing the event.
- Added a chose if you wanna change your hero or not
- Fixed Uchiha Crest Item only one type per hero.
- Make a new creep system.
New Things:
- Added Pein Hero
- Changed The Terrain
- Added A New Event (Itachi vs Sasuke)


- One Ming One
- Jhxcom_2000
- Ultimaa
- Lovezjk
- Demon-Ye
- Emo_bnc
- ToM
- RedFlash
- Valkemiere
- Shin-Seferantus
- Gideonatra[/color]


- Sefiroz


- Shark_4_you
- CrystalTiger
- Sarg3ras
- Emo_bnc
- J0k3r

¥.Beta Testers:

- Ak-Deidara
- Lordy54
- Sarg3ras
- Tribalsman

Enjoy The New Version 1.7

Naruto , Shippuuden , Way , of , a , Ninja , anime , RPG , ORPG ,

Naruto Shippuuden - Way of a Ninja (Map)

19:32, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 1
Apr 13, 2010
hmm... ok i dont know if it is just my problem but wc3 cant find the map:cry:
may be it is cuz of my wc3 update or something but really dude sry i dunno why.....
Level 1
Apr 13, 2010
ok...i played with naruto for a while:grin:
first of all konoha is very awesome done .....and also the missions are a good idea:thumbs_up:
you should change the value of armor, now it is very easy to get 100% armor......so please lower the value.
and you should make deidaras hero skill intelligence not ninjutsu like naruto....
the same goes for guuren......
furthermore rasengan is too weak....even the frogs earth slam is stronger....(which u get with lvl 5 and rasengan lvl10) i know narutos rasengan depends on chakra but since he is a ninjutsu type it is hard to strengh his spell
Level 1
Apr 13, 2010
ok...i played with naruto for a while
first of all konoha is very awesome done .....and also the missions are a good idea
you should change the value of armor, now it is very easy to get 100% armor......so please lower the value.
and you should make deidaras hero skill intelligence not ninjutsu like naruto....
the same goes for guuren......
furthermore rasengan is too weak....even the frogs earth slam is stronger....(which u get with lvl 5 and rasengan lvl10) i know narutos rasengan depends on chakra but since he is a ninjutsu type it is hard to strengh his spell
Level 3
May 23, 2009
Ok here's what I think, It was very good I liked the AI in it and the spells were good as well, However by the time you reach the 2nd event it starts to lag alot not sure why this is usually happens after the first event ends and I turn from Sasori to Hidan. Also I think you should fix the first spell Sasori starts with the Hundred puppets thing he has at lvl1 when you have enough mana for it and you use it, it does nothing don't know why. But other than that I liked it ^^
Level 7
Dec 20, 2007
Ok here's what I think, It was very good I liked the AI in it and the spells were good as well, However by the time you reach the 2nd event it starts to lag alot not sure why this is usually happens after the first event ends and I turn from Sasori to Hidan. Also I think you should fix the first spell Sasori starts with the Hundred puppets thing he has at lvl1 when you have enough mana for it and you use it, it does nothing don't know why. But other than that I liked it ^^

k thx for letting me know that i will try to fix those but with the lag i don't know what to do more i've tried everthing i know because i don't know jass :(

Edit#1: Well no ratings or anything....
Last edited:
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
Keep the map alive. I like what you did to it so far, but after 15 minutes to half an hour it becomes a bit dull, boring. I have no idea why, but I suggest you add more skills per level advancement. (lvl 20 and up should also give a new skill or possibly upgrade the previous ones since they remain the same throughout the whole game)
Level 7
Dec 20, 2007
Keep the map alive. I like what you did to it so far, but after 15 minutes to half an hour it becomes a bit dull, boring. I have no idea why, but I suggest you add more skills per level advancement. (lvl 20 and up should also give a new skill or possibly upgrade the previous ones since they remain the same throughout the whole game)

don't worry on next version i want to add more things like :

- aditional missions (to take some random missions from your village :) )
- also i've reduced the time on events now is 5 mins per event and 2 per free time
- also spells will be added soon but right now i'm busy because i want to take my driving license
- also the next version with some bugs/glitchs will be out on 30 july 2010 :D


Naruto Shippuuden - Way of a Ninja
Created by Shark_4_you ; Uploaded by: Sasuke32

Map size:
4.29 MB


1st - Idea
2nd - Gameplay


1st - Map Description
2nd - Ingame description / Custom GI
3th - Terrain
4th - Triggers


I find some time and you asked me few times to check map so here it is :D


You have awesome idea my friend, I really like how you imported well finally some good (still not awesome) models, gameplay is really nice, I played only few maps like this one, good job for originality!

Map description:

Your map description is simple without colors, only few basic stuff!
You should list all people that helped ya also in map description not only ingame :D
Here check this one:
The importance of a Description [09 May 2009 17:41]ap0calypse
BB Code List: Click
Color List: Click
Map Description Templates
Need pictures for your map Description? - Come here!

Ingame description / Custom GI:

No map preview image -.^'?

Well I like how you created credits but all else was bad!
Simple hint message for spells was poor!
Add colors!
Add more hints, player for example can write -help or hit "Esc" key to see hints or turn them on or off!
etc etc!

Where is multiboard, with for example: Player names, icon, current gold/max gold gained, K/D/A, level or experience, maybe attack speed, average damage per second etc etc!
Here link again:
Polishing Your Game [24 May 2010 15:55]N1ghthawk


Well terrain was ok if we look at Konoha, hidden akatski cave or whatever!
But blizzard cliffs, bad placed tiles, half terrain was empty!
No Special effect doodads...
No custom light doodads...
Trees have pathing ground, WHY?
and so on!

Here are some links again:

Beginners F.A.Q To Terraining [22 May 2009 21:18]iPeez
Creating a Dungeon Entrance [07 Oct 2009 14:07]X-OMG-X
Creating Rivers with Rolling Shores [31 Dec 2006 21:56]1337D00D
Editing Cliff Skins [02 Jan 2009 20:17]Argus
How to Make Easy Waterfalls [10 Nov 2009 08:38]RoboHippo
How to make good looking lava in WE [03 Feb 2010 13:50]Piwlady
How to remove Blight's green clouds [26 Oct 2009 04:11]Stathisdjs
iPeez's Complete Terraing Tutorial v1.0 [18 Jan 2009 18:38]iPeez
Natural Environments [30 Aug 2008 21:42]~Void~
Pathing - Everything about it [01 Jan 2010 18:33]Dr. Boom
Playable Terrain: Islands [06 Sep 2008 08:41]Belgarath
Playable Terrain: Overgrown Forests [03 May 2008 01:27]Belgarath
Polishing Your Game [25 May 2010 00:55]N1ghthawk
Terrain Overgoes - a small guide [28 Sep 2009 04:33]Belgarath
Terrain: Advanced Lighting [13 Feb 2008 05:41]~Void~
Terrain: Forest Cliffs [06 May 2007 11:48]Jattenalle
Terraining - Path by the Sea [16 Feb 2008 02:23]Belgarath
Terraining Tut. - Forests [04 Dec 2006 03:52]HernanG
The Ultimate Beginners Terrain Tutorial [12 Jun 2007 13:31]HermanTheGibbon
Various Terraining Tips! [17 Sep 2009 21:59]Revolve

Well I attached links to few tut here on THW and to their Authors!
Some are easy some are for advanced users!

Some have little to do with terrain some much more!
Pls at least scroll down each one just to check pictures!

If you really want to learn how to terrain, check also other sites like
and others...

open maps, check terrain contest etc etc, check terrain board and people showcases, explore user albums, search Hive... You can always ask some user for help, join to Chat room sometimes (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/apps.php?p=gochat)

:razz: 2 Much work to do right...


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Btw I think that triggers are bad because of few bugs!
I played with Itachi and!
I was in arena only once and some heroes was there after arena battle and our victory! I never go back to arena after :sad:
Damage Show System show integer number 0! Make "If Then Else" function that will do next:
If damage taken equal to 0 then NOTHING :D else: your normal actions!
I will still attach links to GUI tutorials so maybe some new users can check:

2D Array Tutorial [10 Aug 2008 11:13]TriggerHappy
A Collection of GUI Systems > Basic to Advanced (Incomplete) [27 Aug 2008 19:36]Kwah
Advanced votekick tutorial just 6 triggers needed [06 Jan 2008 02:46]marcotjuhhhh
Aquiring Abilities with Items [09 Dec 2007 11:29]PiCkstix
Array Tutorial [13 May 2005 15:10]Draqz
Arrow Key Movement / Camera System [14 Nov 2007 22:32]OneEight7even
Basic Memory Leaks [03 Jan 2006 07:48]Ralle
Basic Triggering [03 Jan 2006 07:11]Ralle
Basics of a Cinematic [28 Aug 2006 09:02]Archian
Basics of a Dialog [06 Mar 2007 17:09]Orc_Tamer
Basics of Trigger Enhancing Spells [26 Nov 2006 07:53]Daelin
Basics of Triggers [03 Apr 2007 14:40]Archian
Buying abilitys [08 Aug 2007 14:55]Parrothead
Chapter 1 - Static shapes (GUI) [26 Nov 2006 08:16]Daelin
Chapter 2 - Dynamic Effects (GUI) [26 Nov 2006 08:05]Daelin
Coloured Names [26 Dec 2009 23:20]sPy
Complete and Concise GUI Tutorial [27 Dec 2008 16:56]Zypher
Complete GUI Trigger Index/List [20 Oct 2006 09:17]Knights
Create a sucessfull timer with window (reuploaded) [07 Sep 2008 09:05]Cheezeman
Create precise timing cinematic using real variable [22 Apr 2009 21:54]Septimus
Creating a First Person Camera [06 Aug 2008 06:58]Magamdy
Creating a Hero Pick System: The Easier Way. [30 Dec 2007 11:51]Shantari
Creating a Votekick System [07 Nov 2007 21:34]1)ark_NiTe
Creating Easy Multi-User Quests [15 Aug 2007 10:02]The_Big_S
Creating Enterable/Exitable Houses [25 Feb 2008 19:49]Tekal
Creating some basic abilities [22 Apr 2007 04:45]paskovich
Creep Respawn (GUI) [13 Apr 2008 16:05]SkriK
Difficulty System - The Easy Way [05 Jun 2009 16:39]hunalexnl
Dynamic Values Storage [25 Mar 2009 12:28]Kingz
Essentials Tutorial [22 Aug 2009 06:25]Deuterium
Exploration of Vertex Coloring [20 Jan 2007 11:45]chovynz
Flexible Arrow Key Movement System [23 Apr 2010 16:03]RazorbladeRay
Full Menus and Buttons Toturial [15 Apr 2008 05:57]xXCRIMINALXx
Game Caches [18 Mar 2006 06:18]Bob27
Gamespeed Keys [04 Oct 2007 14:22]Saitek009
GUI - Hero Click-Selection (Advanced) [04 Oct 2007 13:27]Fulla
Hashtables and MUI [26 Jun 2009 11:54]wyrmlord
Hero Defense Template [25 Jan 2008 23:02]vnakira
Hero Selection Systems [20 Aug 2007 06:33]Eleandor
Hero Selection Systems [23 Mar 2007 15:03]Tonks
How to begin in triggering, for the complete noob [24 Jan 2009 12:45]hawk_767
How to make a Chain spell (GUI Version) [13 Aug 2006 12:09]Daelin
How to make a Find that Person Quest. [11 Apr 2008 11:27]Dark Hunter1357
How to Make Buildable Gates [20 Apr 2008 16:48]Mashintao
How To Make Item Recipes [16 May 2007 09:29]Tooolbox
How to make Professions [14 Sep 2008 06:59]Airandius
How to make slow motion special effects [28 Nov 2007 15:27]nathanman
How to trigger Auto-cast (Arrow) Abilities [26 Apr 2010 14:05]Stonebludgeon
IDS (Infinite Number of Item Classes) [29 Mar 2010 06:59]-Kobas-
Introduction To Trigger-Enhancing Spells [27 Jul 2004 13:32]whitenights
Item-drop-system [06 Mar 2009 11:05]SlayerII
Leaderboards [10 Aug 2006 06:18]Archian
Lumber/Food Clock [25 Oct 2009 06:44]Arowanna92
Making a full TD [Reviewed: Ralle] [27 Jun 2008 12:51]Ostaph13
Making a Grenade Type Spell [14 Jul 2008 20:07]PrisonLove
Making a Maze [11 Feb 2009 11:40]DarkLordX
Making an Open Rpg [12 Jan 2006 01:43]Ralle
Making any Spell Autocasting [15 Mar 2006 13:49]Ralle
Making Elevators [25 Nov 2008 06:58]cool_is_i
Multi-Instancible GUI Spell Making [26 May 2007 11:56]wyrmlord
Multiboard Counter [30 Dec 2008 09:30]Squiggy
Multiboards [11 Apr 2006 04:41]Bob27
Multiple Creep Spawn System [12 Apr 2007 07:05]DoOs_101
Off-site Tutorials [14 Sep 2009 12:52]Pyritie
Point To Point Unit System [25 Jan 2009 22:59]rover2341
PSN Hero Selection [23 Nov 2007 06:52]Kieve
Quests [22 Feb 2006 23:15]Bob27
RDZ's Incredible Item Stacking System of Doom [05 Oct 2005 12:28]Rao Dao Zao
Reviving Heroes at a Changeable Region [23 Mar 2010 00:35]dOT145
Save/Load Compression [28 Aug 2008 08:02]Hoernchen
Simple Triggered Hero Artificial Intelligence in GUI [02 May 2007 03:38]DenZel94
Spells - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [25 Jul 2004 13:27]The_Raven
Spells Importing Tutorial [26 Nov 2006 07:58]Daelin
Stacking Items [21 Dec 2007 11:36]DigitalDemon
Starting with GUI [21 Mar 2008 06:51]Lord_of_sausage
TaaZ's Item System [26 Jul 2005 21:08]TaaZ
The mysteries of the Spellbook [27 Apr 2007 13:36]Diablo-dk
Torch System [25 Jan 2009 15:27]Belgarath
Variables [03 Jan 2006 08:37]Ralle
[GUI] Efficient Arrays - Multiinstanceabilty for Timers, Custom Values, and more [27 Aug 2008 12:04]PurplePoot
[Reviewed: BlinkBoy] Understanding triggers and creating them. [20 Aug 2008 15:52]Zypher
Off Topic :D said:
I want to say that I posted only GUI tutorials that can be found on THW you can also visit many other sites like wc3c or the helper net etc etc...
Why GUI, well I know Jass a little, I can understand but I can't explain it, so I posted only stuff that I can help you with!
Also if someone see that some new tutorials are uploaded or maybe deleted tell me so I can fix list, thanks!

Memory Leaks:

------------ MAP IS PROTECTED ------------

How you used Import Manager:

------------ MAP IS PROTECTED ------------

How you used Object Editor:

------------ MAP IS PROTECTED ------------

How you used Sound Editor:

------------ MAP IS PROTECTED ------------


Gameplay can be boring or really funny!
Ai is very poor! I guess single trigger action that each few sec orders computer controlled players to move-attack random point :sad:
You should add next few things:
-> if hero hp is below 1/4 or 1/5 order hero to go back to base!
-> if hero gold reaches some value set some integer = random number
if number equal to 1 add add some item to hero remove gold, and so on!
-> Maybe few more triggers for abilities!

Hero level up system is also very bad!
Add attribute bonus like abilities!
For example: (I use normal names so people that didn't played game understand :D)

Speed -> Add agility and movement speed
Strength -> Add damage and strength
Vitality -> Add hit points and increase mana and hp reg
Dexterity -> Reduce her miss (this can be awesome, if you can create curse like buff on each unit, just reduce it level when hero increase this stat, and cast it each few sec on each hero etc, don't have time to explain all, this is just example)
etc etc

Few game modes will help to improve map quality for sure!
Create for example: (change names)
-Normal Game mode
-Find and kill some awesome dude
-Capture the flag

Oh and for the end itachi is sick hero, why...
I used mirror image - first spell to remove 2nd spell bad, bug :D
and to remove poison from base guardian, epic i then entered and killed all enemy heroes :D
No honestly that is terrible, fix that bug fast!

And for the end my last words:

The Hive includes many talented Warcraft III modders of all skill levels among its users. New members (especially friendly ones) are always welcome. Take a look around and enjoy your stay, may it be long and productive!

Some good places to start include:
Searching the site using the above link always helps, you can learn a lot that way: just reading and learning is usually the best place to start, especially if one feels overwhelmed.

Likewise, the tutorials can really teach ALL of us a thing or two.
The chat room is cool: lots of people can answer questions there.

A few other tips that might help too:
-Always search first! Did I already mention THAT?
-When creating a new thread, make the title VERY specific: so the site's search engine (and we users) can easily understand just what the thread contains.
-Post your new threads in the proper forum: read the descriptions of each one so that you know what to post there.
-If all else fails, just send me a private message! I'll try to do whatever I can to help.

For new users:
If map isn't finished jet, use Map Development forum for that! You can make thread there upload your map so people can tell you what they think just like here! Also for any help with triggers or how to clean memory leaks post triggers and create threads here Triggers & Scripts! Btw if you need any help with WE we have World Editor Help Zone here on THW! And at the end if you need any resource from icons to loading screens check this out Requests!

I hope that my comment helps even a little so you can improve your map, if you want to know more, or just simple ask for something else I will try to help for sure!

Final mark:


Level 7
Dec 20, 2007
k don't worry i will try to fix all those things ^^
- Improved ai
- Put a Multiboard
- Changed some Price of Items
Update Date: 10.08.2010 (day/month/year)
Last edited:
Level 7
Dec 20, 2007
As a member of the group Map Reviewers, I will be reviewing several maps:

[+] Contains standard map features
[+] AI
[+] Custom sounds
[-] Hero Voice
[-] Custom Models
[-] Terrain

Rating: 1.5/5 -> 2/5
Status: Approvable

k but i don't understand that thing with cusom model is full of custum models :wink:
also i've found a terrainer that will redo the terrain hope will be better now :D



Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
1. Its good, you are using the default war3 icons. This makes the game much muuch easier to download in multiplayer.

2. i like the terrain. The map looks nice, but the actual gameplay... well revive in 5 seconds and a mash of imba techniques... not very interesting.

Well anyway, the map is good and I think it deserves one thumb up ;)
Level 7
Dec 20, 2007
1. Its good, you are using the default war3 icons. This makes the game much muuch easier to download in multiplayer.

Thx yeah the map without icons has aleardy 5MB so if i put icons too will be too high.

2. i like the terrain. The map looks nice, but the actual gameplay... well revive in 5 seconds and a mash of imba techniques... not very interesting.

Thx for the terrain thing also ... you don't revive in 5 seconds :O imba techniques?!? all are balanced your dmg is based on your chakra (Inteligenece)

Well anyway, the map is good and I think it deserves one thumb up ;)

Thx i've done what i could to make it good hope i will not ruin further :D
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
ive tried your map in singleplayer with bots and...uhm...

what i liked:
-some minor heroes change to better ones during gameplay(like guren)
-lots of charakters
-okay spells/skills

what i didnt like:
the terrain, especially orochimarus hideout.
all the trees and walls are way too big. for example, in orochimarus hideout you cant take the left path, even if its visibly easy to run around your anbu(for what are they anyway?_?) but you just cant get through because of the walls. also, AIs have a problem with that(i had orochimaru running always to the anbu unit, trying to get through,running back to the fork and running again to the anbu)
the trees are also blocking on some parts of the map...

maybe the creeps could respawn a bit faster, since i was usually searching the half map for some till they respawned at my starting location.

also, i dunno why this happened, but when i played guren, i waited for a mission which includes her, then it finally started and before the 3 teams clashed together, it was over D: no one won and i remember the was some sort of message, that kisame killed one of the bijuus or something...didnt know there were bijuus.

at the mission where sasuke and itachi fight eachother, sasuke disappears completely if itachi wins.

small suggestion: while some heroes are included in almost every mission and some heroes are included only once/twice...maybe the remaining chars could fight each other during the mission so they still have something to do.
Level 7
Dec 20, 2007
ive tried your map in singleplayer with bots and...uhm...

what i liked:
-some minor heroes change to better ones during gameplay(like guren)
-lots of charakters
-okay spells/skills

what i didnt like:
the terrain, especially orochimarus hideout.
all the trees and walls are way too big. for example, in orochimarus hideout you cant take the left path, even if its visibly easy to run around your anbu(for what are they anyway?_?) but you just cant get through because of the walls. also, AIs have a problem with that(i had orochimaru running always to the anbu unit, trying to get through,running back to the fork and running again to the anbu)
the trees are also blocking on some parts of the map...

maybe the creeps could respawn a bit faster, since i was usually searching the half map for some till they respawned at my starting location.

also, i dunno why this happened, but when i played guren, i waited for a mission which includes her, then it finally started and before the 3 teams clashed together, it was over D: no one won and i remember the was some sort of message, that kisame killed one of the bijuus or something...didnt know there were bijuus.

at the mission where sasuke and itachi fight eachother, sasuke disappears completely if itachi wins.

small suggestion: while some heroes are included in almost every mission and some heroes are included only once/twice...maybe the remaining chars could fight each other during the mission so they still have something to do.

First of all the trees are big because in Naruto World the Trees Are almost 10 times bigger than Naruto :O

those Anbus are from when Enemy heroes wants to enter into your village they attack them with a spell..:D

Ai yeah.. needs inprovement but i'm new to AI so idk if i will make the AI verry powerfull but i will try :D

That thing on mission of sanbi yeah.. i think i fixed that :D

I've tried this map in LAN, really fun but the AI don't work well (low experience levels), and exit from the maze at Orochimaru starting point is :fp: really boring
good map anyway! I hope to see AI stronger, new items and so on... good work!

Hope that too :D ^^

ah changelog of 1.7?

The changelof of 1.7 is aleardy put in to the Changelogs check the map post on descriptions :D
Level 4
Jan 20, 2009
Ok i tryed the map, there are few bugs that are totaly irritating, -1. Bug: when i try to enter some areas i got blocked by nothing just cant pass, mby those trees are blocking the path, -2. Bug: u wrote that creeps update every 4mins right, i came to an area and there were still lvl 1 creeps -3. Some Creeps spawn behind the trees so its unpossible to rech them without Pain lol.-Things that i don't like: lack of creeps or they get bugged and don't appear, when i kill some hero he just vains no effects and i feel like i killed a creep, the terrain is too blocked by paths and raised areas, too expensive items and lack of items, itachis ultimate drain too much hp that makes it uselles. -The only thing i like abouth this map is that u can change ur character, but u recive lvl1 new hero. The conclusion is u need to make the terrain more available to walk on and fix those bugs. That's what i think abouth ur map.
Level 1
Apr 6, 2011
i can't start it when i try to play it it gives me an error an it says its too big, can you help me ?