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Naruto Hero builder 1.10c

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
In this map you must chose a hero and buy skills for him some skills all chars can chose it but some other only specific chars can chose it every 5 minits aduel will started you must buy tomes and items to beat your enemys you can hunt bijuus in a area (bijuus=naruto deamons)
the bijuus will drop items and give you money and xp but some times when you have a bijuu item akatsuki will apeart and hunt you to ballance the game because when you die you will drop all bijuu items.
When you collect all 9 bijuus you will win the game.

the map is protected and optimized

Update version 1.10:
1.a lot of bug fixes
2.a new hero
3.a game end was add
4.a new command
5.Kankuro is play able
6.game ballance
7.leg reduce

In the next version:
1.more game ballance
2.more bug fix
3.Kakuzu as a new hero
4.fusion items with bijuu power and a new bijuu system
5.new skills
6.a campain

i will create it in this follow first the ballance and game fixes and then kakuzu ....

special thanks to flash.kisame for some skills and help with my map
a thx to illidan for the terrain
a thx to all modlers and spell creators on hiveworkshop
a thx to peple who create hero builder maps in that i have watching what my map needs and what items i can create
and at last a thx for the people who post in this map bugs and gave ideas and who host the map

naruto, naruto hero builder, hero, arena, builder, shippuuden.

Naruto Hero builder 1.10c (Map)

11:13, 29th Mar 2009, by Rui: Green disabled icon versions, missing tooltips, silly lumber/skilling system, and an awful gameplay. These things sum it up for this map. Rejected with a rating of 1/5 (Unacceptable).




11:13, 29th Mar 2009, by Rui:
Green disabled icon versions, missing tooltips, silly lumber/skilling system, and an awful gameplay. These things sum it up for this map.
Rejected with a rating of 1/5 (Unacceptable).
Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
UUhm Haku's Ultimate (Demonic Ice Mirrors) is an item, please make it a skill ^^.
And when u cast Itachi's Mangeyou Sharingan on a shadow clone the game for the one with shadow clones buggs. Thats for now :D
Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
good job about that ^^

I think there are no more bugs I'm sure u can fix the spelling and the size of the map in time ^^
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Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
Duels are a perfect idea congratz on that dont u think they should be after 5 minutes not 3? Cuz there isnt enough time to do anything :p
Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
The Kisame model is soo cool :D:D

Itachi has some type of sharingan what does it do( not the mangekyou) ? It just says : Tool tip missing! So can u explain what it does?
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Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
do u think u should change the cast range of chidori it's quite a lot :p and the range of Itachi's exploding clone maybe u should make it a little bit less. Just noticed.. duels bug. When players are in them after 3-4 seconds it teleports players to base. Can u fix those things? :D
Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
The Arena bugs when there are two people and 1 person both ways. :/

Emperor says that you need to fix your description of the map but dont worry u can do that in time ^^

hey you should fix Deidara. There's one skill that looks like a bag and in it there are alot of skills. But when i play multiplayer there is only 1 skill in the bag. And yeah the old sasuke model is better :p
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Level 1
Jun 16, 2008
There r major lag to everyone after a while
like second duel lag is massive
some ppl cannot move except u have good ram and cpu like 2gb+ for ram
Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
Itachi mangyeko sharingan dosent do damage on heros it dose on monsters but not on heros

:nw::zip:Itachis mangyeko sharingan works only on monsters it dosent work on heros

and haku when she dose ice mirors they can make clonse and the ice mirors only kill clonse pls fix that to cause so haku wont be weak make it so you cant move when he dose ice mirors
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Level 4
Mar 16, 2008
sorry but i havent the moddel and i will first fix the leg bug but i dont know why it leaks

Can you put a akatsuki leader char

ok the lag bug is fixt ánd now i have all naruto shippuuden moddels hmmm can you say me some ideas for pain(akatsuki leadeer) skills?

hmmm i think first i create hidan and then kakuzo because i dont know some jutsus of pain
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Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
You should stop working on the heroes for a little bit, ignore the thing that i would like a Sakura. Try balancing the current heroes and working on the correct writing and description. No offense, just trying to help you with the map >.<
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Level 1
Jun 22, 2008
With Hidan's skills the game is more unbalanced than any other versions. I think you must check its skills.

And one other thing: When I increased my heroes agility(not a small amount, 5-10k increase) it didn't effect its atk speed then I bought items that increases atk speed(the %75 one and %50 one with 1000 damage increase) but it didn't change again :slp: Is there a limit at speed or something like that?

I agree with Junkface, you must concantrate on balancing heroes and skills. This will make game more enjoyable :)

Waiting for a next version with more balance :)
Level 2
Apr 18, 2008
Uhhm.. Hidan is quite bugged i tried him. Dont know maybe you shouldn't put him yet? Balance first then heroes. :D
Level 1
Jun 22, 2008
Dead slash skill is too powerful. And one more thing, when I fought with Hidan, it didn't hit me but I took damage from him and no skills used... It's weird.