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Mr_Bean's Spell Workshop

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Level 17
Feb 11, 2011


Due to the size of the thread, a new one has been created.
You can find it here: CLICK

Please don't post any more replies here; use the new thread instead.


The Team
Making a Request
Old Requests
Requests in Progress
Completed Requests


If you have a spell or two that you don't have time to make are unable to do it yourself, this is the right place for you!
You can describe your spell to us and we will make it for you, in either GUI or vJASS.
When we complete a request, it will be uploaded in the form of a demo map, which contains the spell(s) and an environment in which you can test it/them.
Important: Please read the "Making a Request" section below, to ensure your request is accepted the first time.

The Team

Mr_Bean - vJASS Requests
EliTE A.K.A. En_Tropy - GUI Requests
Daffa the Mage - GUI Requests
DotCa - GUI Requests
DivineLight - GUI Requests


If you are wanting your request done in vJASS, you will need:
- JASS NewGen Pack (JNGP).
- The latest JASSHelper, which is included in the JNGP download (linked above).
- Most likely: bits of code written by other people which are used to assist in the spells (called libraries). These libraries will be included in the demo map, along with instructions on how to import them.

Clear instructions on how to import your spell(s) will be provided.
Feel free to ask us questions if you have issues importing the spell(s).

Making a Request


If you would like to request a spell, please follow some basic guidelines. If you don't, your request may be rejected.

  • Request a maximum of four spells per request
  • Wait at least a week between different requests.
  • DO NOT simply post a video and explain nothing.
  • DO NOT link to another spell and say you want something changed.
  • Use the provided request format, otherwise the request may not be accepted.


I recommend that you use the template provided below. Simply copy the BB code version into your post, and fill it in accordingly.

Note: You will be able to change just about everything in the spells; the information is just to make our jobs easier.

Damage Detection System: #
[hidden=Spell 1]Spell Name: *****
Code Type: GUI/vJASS
Spell Type: Hero/Unit/Item
Target Type: Instant/Unit/Point/Passive/Auto-cast
Allowed Targets: Enemies/Allies/Ground etc.
Area of Effect: #
Levels: #
Mana Cost: #
Cooldown: #
Description: Detail every part of the spell (how it works/AoE/Damage/Range/etc.).[/hidden]


- xBlackRose (a.k.a. Lambdadelta) - helping me with requests when I needed it.

Joining to do GUI Requests:
- Radamantus (a.k.a. Almia)
- En_Tropy (a.k.a. EliTE)
- Daffa the Mage
- DotCa
- DivineLight

Old Requests

In the Completed Requests section there is an archive called "Old Requests.rar".
It contains all the completed requests since this workshop was opened.
This is a total of 68 vJASS requests and 7 GUI ones.
The list of requests in the archive can be found here: CLICK.

Requests in Progress

Waiting for Response
The people who requested these spells have
been sent either visitor or private messages
with questions about the request. Please reply
as soon as possible so we can continue with
your requests!

- [75%]yuganeigii - Ex-mode (Mist)
- Jas.per - 2 Spells
- [75%]Manuval - Punch
- Jas.per - Blood Spell Pack
- Daruis - Knockout
- Fiend_68 - Ranger Spell Pack
- Jas.per - Radar
- [GUI]Buudeluu - Spell Pack
vJASS Requests
- [50%]BunnyAng - Lucent Princess SP
- danacm - Lumber Ability
- ~DARK~ - Inventor SP
- MasterTrainer - Spell Pack
- Foxhound03 - Company Champion SP
GUI Requests
- BunnyAng - Venom Fiend SP
- ~DARK~ - Immortal SP
- BunnyAng - Flames of Hatred SP
- chooeychoco - Hunter SP

Completed Requests



  • BunnyAng - Shadow Glaiver SP.rar
    92.5 KB · Views: 105
  • Aries - Spell Pack 2.rar
    87.1 KB · Views: 98
  • ratel - Spell Pack.rar
    65.9 KB · Views: 107
  • ~Nightmare - Spell Pack.rar
    113.3 KB · Views: 101
  • FRENGERS - Hesoyham, Restart.rar
    93.9 KB · Views: 94
  • Matchen - Spell Pack.rar
    219.1 KB · Views: 82
  • Player - Death Coil.rar
    47.1 KB · Views: 74
  • BunnyAng - Flesh Abomination SP.rar
    270.8 KB · Views: 79
  • [fixed]Shespider - Spell Pack.rar
    73.4 KB · Views: 103
  • truongdzuy - Shadow Dash, Smoke Bomb.rar
    62.2 KB · Views: 92
  • SonicFlare101 - Hell Froze Over.rar
    53.9 KB · Views: 88
  • Old Requests.rar
    6.6 MB · Views: 105
  • [GUI]DivineLight - Shadow Shackles.rar
    19.7 KB · Views: 84
  • [GUI]ellehcim - Shoot.rar
    18.8 KB · Views: 61
  • [fixed]FRENGERS - Spell Pack.rar
    67.7 KB · Views: 91
  • [GUI]Hera - Spell Pack.rar
    65.5 KB · Views: 81
  • [GUI]chooeychoco - Global Restoration.rar
    17.1 KB · Views: 77
  • [GUI]CheckeredFlag - Spell Pack.rar
    36.8 KB · Views: 61
  • [GUI]~DARK~ - Spell Pack.rar
    24.3 KB · Views: 81
  • Lord_JiangWei - Gate System.rar
    76.5 KB · Views: 65
  • [fixed]Azsure - Fulminious Edge.rar
    43.5 KB · Views: 74
  • [GUI]tomoraider - Exorcism.rar
    17.6 KB · Views: 93
Last edited:
Lol these kinda threads are always needed but require way to much thinking and time. Any-ho here is spell I want. And I can work with vJASS perfectly so I wont have a problem with that.

Active - Lighting Jump
[Level - 1] The Pulse Feeder takes a 10 second delay to jump to a enemy dealing 2.5x more damage and stunning the target for 4 seconds.
[Level - 2] The Pulse Feeder takes a 10.5 second delay to jump to a enemy dealing 3x more damage and stunning the target for 4.5 seconds.
[Level - 3] The Pulse Feeder takes a 11 second delay to jump to a enemy dealing 3.5x more damage and stunning the target for 5 seconds.
~Cool-down 220/210/200

Oh and forgot to tell you. Lighting Jump will have no range limit. So you can jump any time you see a hero. During the delay a buff type model will appear above the unit you're about to strike. It will only be visible to you and your team mates. You can only target enemy units.
Nah its like a blink strike except with lighting effects that gives you a feel that you're moving at the speed of lighting. And instead of a normal blink strike it wont only just deal extra damage.

Like you could make the hero's base high't higher for the spell. But we'll see. I'll draw a small graph of what I'm thinking.

edit: Okay added the picture.


  • spell_01.jpg
    96.1 KB · Views: 321
Level 3
Apr 29, 2012
Requesting a spell pack : Jumper
1st skill - active
Name : Jump [Q]
shortcut key : Q
level : 4
effect : blink for a distance, dealing damage to nearby enemy unit before and after blinking.
area of effect : 300
cooldown : 9 second
[Level 1] - 1000 unit distance, 100 damages. 125 mana.
[Level 2] - 1250 unit distance, 150 damages. 135 mana.
[Level 3] - 1500 unit distance, 200 damages. 145 mana.
[Level 4] - 1750 unit distance, 250 damages. 155 mana.
*minimum casting range is 500.

2nd skill - active
name : Global Jump [W]
shortcut key : W
level : 4
effect : jump in a global range, bring up unit nearby unit (including ally, enemy, own unit)
area of effect : 300
cooldown : 30 second
mana cost : 100
spell delay : 2 second
[Level 1] - 10 unit maximum.
[Level 2] - 20 unit maximum.
[Level 3] - 30 unit maximum.
[Level 4] - 40 unit maximum.

3rd skill - active
Name : Jump Strike [E]
shortcut key : E
level : 4
effect : blink multiple times toward target unit, dealing damage to nearby enemy unit each blink and extra damage to the target. target is unable to move while the spell cast.
area of effect : 125
cooldown : 10 second
[Level 1] - 600 casting range, 50 area damage, 100 target damage, jumps 2 times. 120 mana.
[Level 2] - 900 casting range, 75 area damage, 150 target damage, jumps 3 times. 140 mana.
[Level 3] - 1200 casting range, 100 area damage, 200 target damage, jumps 4 times. 160 mana.
[Level 4] - 1500 casting range, 125 area damage, 250 target damage, jumps 5 times. 180 mana.
*each jump is 300 range.
*please minimize the delay gap time while blinking.

4th skill - active
name : Massive Jump [R]
shortcut key : R
level : 3
effect : blink multiple time in random point in a selected area, dealing damage to nearby enemy unit before and after blinking.
selection area range : 1000
area of effect : 150
cooldown : 60 second
mana cost : 200
[Level 1] - jumps 4 times, 100 damage each jump.
[Level 2] - jumps 6 times, 200 damage each jump.
[Level 3] - jumps 8 times, 300 damage each jump.
*its an instant cast spell, and the "1000 range" effect refer to the 1000 range AOE of this unit when this unit cast the spell.
*each blink distance is 250

any icon for this spell will do, so don't have to waste time on it.
Thanks so much.
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
3rd skill - active
Name : Jump Strike [E]
shortcut key : E
level : 4
effect : blink multiple times toward target unit, dealing damage to nearby enemy unit each blink and extra damage to the target. target is unable to move while the spell cast.
area of effect : 125
cooldown : 10 second
[Level 1] - 600 casting range, 50 area damage, 100 target damage, jumps 2 times. 120 mana.
[Level 2] - 900 casting range, 75 area damage, 150 target damage, jumps 3 times. 140 mana.
[Level 3] - 1200 casting range, 100 area damage, 200 target damage, jumps 4 times. 160 mana.
[Level 4] - 1500 casting range, 125 area damage, 250 target damage, jumps 5 times. 180 mana.
*each jump is 300 range.
*please minimize the delay gap time while blinking.

Question: What happens if the spell is level 4, and the caster is only 600 distance from the target?
Level 3
Apr 29, 2012
Question: What happens if the spell is level 4, and the caster is only 600 distance from the target?

Uhm.. then there will be lesser jump.
its like, if the spell is level 4,
A = casting unit, B = target unit
if A and B is 500 range away, and there will be 2 jump : 1 for 300 range and 1 for 200 range
is that possible to done with that?
BTW, thanks again.
Level 3
Apr 29, 2012
I think that he wanted to say that max cast range is 600/900/1200/1500 and the jump count is 2/3/4/5 per level, am I right ?

Distance per jump should be calculated and divided by equally in-between the range

either this is acceptable
Level 3
Apr 29, 2012
Go on then~

something i want to change, the area of effect of Global Jump change from 300 to 500, cuz afraid there might not enuf space for 40 unit...
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Hey Mr.Bean, I have a question, kinda off-topic here though.
1. What is the variable type "thistype" and "this" for?
2. When should scopes be used and when should libraries be used?
3. What are those functions with .(name) for, like .deallocate()? What does .deallocate() do?
4. What is the . prefix for? I see you create a local variable called caster and you put a . before the word caster. What is it for?

Those are my only concerns now.
Thanks again.
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
I'm not too good at explaining things, but I will give it a shot!

1. "this" is just a variable name. "thistype" is an instance of the struct that it is used in.
2. Libraries are placed first in the map header and scopes are not. If you place your spell code in a library, you will have to state which other libraries it uses (library TestSpell uses TimerUtils, SpellEffectEvent etc.). It's up to you which to use.
3. .deallocate() can also be written as this.deallocate(). It is simply removing the struct instance from memory (when you're finished with it).
4..identifier is just short for this.identifier (as long as you used local thistype this = thistype.allocate()). If you used another name instead of this, then you must say name.deallocate().

Sorry for the bad explanation. I'm sure someone else can do a better job :D
Try this: http://www.wc3c.net/vexorian/jasshelpermanual.html
Level 6
Apr 12, 2012
Great! Do you want anything changed?

I added a short cooldown to Lightning Arrow and Enlightening Bow because if it has 0 cooldown, it can cause bugs if the player casts it very fast.

humm.. there are some wrong at it
- can you make the Ulti Autocast?
- can you make the Ulti Damage ( armor Damage ) + The Hero damage
Thank you very much :D
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
humm.. there are some wrong at it
- can you make the Ulti Autocast?
- can you make the Ulti Damage ( armor Damage ) + The Hero damage
Thank you very much :D

- I have told you like 100 times that I CANNOT make them auto-cast!!!
- If you want, I can make the ultimate passive, or you click it and it lasts for 15 seconds or something. What do you want?
- I will fix the ultimate's damage.
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
Bean, I just want to know why you can't make it Auto-cast ?

I'm not sure how to.
I had to make a missile system for the spell, because it needs to deal custom damage, involving the caster's armour.
If you use RegisterSpellEffectEvent, it doesn't detect casts made while auto-cast is enabled.
If you cast it manually, it works fine.
Any ideas how to solve this?

@Iconer: Must I make the spell passive or what?! Please answer my questions...
Level 6
Apr 12, 2012
I'm not sure how to.
I had to make a missile system for the spell, because it needs to deal custom damage, involving the caster's armour.
If you use RegisterSpellEffectEvent, it doesn't detect casts made while auto-cast is enabled.
If you cast it manually, it works fine.
Any ideas how to solve this?

@Iconer: Must I make the spell passive or what?! Please answer my questions...

Level 3
Apr 29, 2012
bean, ask you something:
a hero learn a skill A, the skill A provide passive ability, but when click on the skill A it will turn into skill B, then skill C, then back to skill A (B and C provide different passive ability). and when it turn into skill B or Skill C, then you learn skill A again, it wont appear another 1.
*skill B and skill C are not in the hero learning ability section.

is this possible to get it done?

cuz i try make myself, when i click A - Level 1, it turn into B - Level 1, and then when the hero level up, the skill A is Level 1 in the learning section, and when i learn it, i got both skill A and B Level 1, and i click the B twice, it turn into A, and then i got 2 of the skill A - Level 1.
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