• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Modeling Contest 17 - Air Units

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My model is coming along quite nicely :)




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Actually, it used to be a lot longer untill i shortened it..
You can check the concept out on the Cataclysm feature page

It appears that he has more of a snout than a nose. Anyways, i found the flat and high face shape to be quite appealing.

hum I don't think so.. :p If I check the drawing.. here's how it is.. it's because of the angle that you got confused


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Perhaps, but look at the distance between the teeth. When modeling this, i constantly had problems regarding his face constantly being too long, i had to adjust the proportions over and over again to get the flat, sharp effect his jaw has in the concept.

I kind of like it the way it is now though, i will lengthen the nose a little, but i would more rather want to work on how to get that enclosed feel his mouth has. in the concept, his mouth is basically just a round, fiery hole.. i want to try to create that effect.

EDIT: Thank you DonDustin, i was right after all.
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
OK guys... we have about 9 days left, 26 contestants, 3 finished entries and many, many people who haven't submitted any wips yet.

There has been controversy in the past over increasing deadlines and adding extensions. SO i will ask the public's opinion now, before the "11th hour" is upon us.

Do we need an extension? yes? no? 1 week? 2 weeks?

I am asking now so we can prevent any shitstorms.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: IF you choose to increase the deadline of this contest. The extension can be no longer than 2 weeks. and there will be no other extensions after this one. SO, voice your opinions here. but please.... for all of our sakes... be polite.

EDIT: OH! and the decision shall be made in 3 days taking into account what everyone has said.... this is an ultimatum.
aaannnddd... go!
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
we always had extention( I remember modeling contest 11 when I was the only one who finished in time, a second one finished after the first extention and a second one after a third one) and we should also have a extention this time. I'm really sure, that I will finish in time, but thee are always a few points that need to be fixed that I always see afterwards.

And we should not forget that those contests are only held for fun. There is nothing you can win besides a "stupid" award icon and some rep. If we could win money or whatever that would count as a rea price, then it would be another case, but the sense of our contests are only the competition against others and it would be great that as many as possible ca throw their final work into this contest, because they were spending their time.
Done, anarchian, add this to the contestant's list

I didn't want to make the filesize too big.

It's a fast scout/escort for the heavy and slow war zeppelins i made.

Have fun with them, i really enjoyed making the death animation.


Download the lastest version Here


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Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
One model in a month isn't much to ask for. Especially considering how simple wc3 models are. The contests are already ridiculously long anyway.

Regardless of how busy everyone is, a deadline is a deadline. Maybe if we made it very clear at the start that we are not going to compensate for slow modelers, people would get done faster.

We shouldn't extend just because we want more submissions. 26 or so people joined. Of course not many will finish. Dragging everyone else along just to see if they will finish is silly. Seriously, these contests are lasting forever. People aren't working as fast also because they know that there will be an extension. I know this is not true for all, it is true for a lot.

EDIT: and btw, if the number of submissions, and the need for "everyone to have a chance" and all that crap is such a big deal, just make a minimum number of submissions that if isn't met by the end of the contest, the contest gets extended. Otherwise we just end up dragging it out until everyone finally finishes their model.
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Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
This is my last Wip that I will show. I cannot really decide for a wings texture, but the chat liked the ones of the Black dragon, but I also like the bronze dragon and the frost wyrm.
But I will most likely go with the black one.


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still need to do face expression textures


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Level 5
May 13, 2010
Pyritie's pokemon for the win, they're hilarious! :D

About those extensions, I think that people should stop whining ( note : I don't really know much about modelling, but I know that it requires a lot of time )

As someone else said, a deadline is a deadline. If you can't finish your model before the deadline, why bother demanding an extension? So that when you finish it, it will be included in the poll? Well that's kind of.. unfair, don't you think ? Why can some people finish the models within the deadline, when some people with even simpler models cannot ? I leave that to you >:D
However, I do understand that these contests are held only for fun, but some people may take them seriously. Ohh man, I'm so totally going to win this contest, I'll a truckload of rep and a reward icon! *and more friends* :D

Yeah, yeah, a contest inspires wc modders to create resources and stuff for THW, but failing to finish a resource ( a model in this case ) before the deadline of the contest, doesn't mean that it cannot be finished after the whole contest. Why not finish something, which has already been started and nearly finished, right ?

Why ask for extensions, so that your model would get it's place in the poll, when it's supposedly just for fun? What do I think? I think it's because the questioned person has been thinking to himself Aww bull's brown thingies which come outta his thing on his .. thing, if I am to finish the model (as it is in this case) before the deadline, I'll have to work my ass off.. Nah chill, There's surely going to be an extension, it's been like that in most of the contests, so.. < I'm not sure about that, but from what I read in the comments, it's correct>.

A contest is a race, not some lame meeting. If you want to win that much, work your ass off, if you don't want the 1st place so much - have some fun ! :]

Sheesh, this turned out to be a loong <a person, who makes vows of sexual love with his mother> of a comment xD Anyways, I hope yall will understand my point, I'm currently having some difficulties with typing . It's 02:34 here, in Bulgaria, and I'm as sleepy as a .. uh.. as hell ! :D

Opposing everything I said, I vote for an extension :D ( 'Before the 11th hour is upon us' ) What timezone :hohum:
Anyway, I'm voting for an extension because this contest requires it, there's some very enthusiastic projects, which require a hell lot of time ( fingolfin's neltharion :cute: ) In order to achieve awesomeness, one requires a lot of time, which isn't really presented here, is it ? If you want this contest ( and the contests in general ) to be full of awesomeness, give the modders the required time.

I'll quote myself - 'people whining for an extension' . Sorry, I didn't notice the 'Do you want an extension' thingie before I started writing this :sad: . People weren't whining, they were replying an important question. Sorry :D

Sheesh, this turned out to be a loong <a person, who makes vows of sexual love with his mother> of a comment xD Anyways, I hope yall will understand my point, I'm currently having some difficulties with typing . It's 02:34 here, in Bulgaria, and I'm as sleepy as a .. uh.. as hell ! :D
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Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
The user Dratz has received negative reputation above. this post is a pointless "train of thought" that could be classified either as spam or a trolling attempt.

Dratz, it has bee requested that users refrain from the long winded posts trying to "convince" people of one point of view or another. And aside from that you are not a contestant so your vote wouldn't count. Why you even created that post is beyond my understanding. Do not do it again.

with that being said, contestants still have 2 days to vote for an extension and 8 days to finish and submit their models
Level 5
May 13, 2010
Bah, sorry, I guess I just lost my mind or something, I didn't mean to troll nor spam, but I still sprayed crap, didn't I? I'm going to delete it :)
I never paid much attention to the rules like this one for some reason.

Anyways, good luck to all contestants, especially Fingolfin as my favorite so far :smile:
I dislike those leafs. Some realism wouldn't hurt them, even though they are pokemon
Okie doke
Go for the top-right wings. They look cool. I'd also lift the wings to be placed higher on the back.
Since when do those three have weird peg tails?


Though admittedly they could probably be thicker

Oh and that was my first time texturing :D

EDIT: I have no idea how I'm gonna add team color to these :0
You could search for some in-game textures...more realistic leaves, and other things too. They would fit wc3 better.

My pokemon-modeling shameful past taught me that searching for in-game textures is always the best choice.

That might work for jumpluff's leaves but I really doubt there are any ingame textures that would work for hoppip

Plus I don't want to rewrap it :\

Am I doing it right? D:

Also shit I just realised I'm gonna have to watch some pokemon episodes of these guys so I know how they move and stuff D;


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Level 5
May 13, 2010
Also shit I just realised I'm gonna have to watch some pokemon episodes of these guys so I know how they move and stuff D;

Hahaha, That's pure torture :gg:

Anyway, Pyritie is now my second favorite because of the idea, it's just hilarious. Retarded flying onionheads with peg tails ? Oh yeah !
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