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Modeling Contest #12 - Females

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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
AR said:
Elenai, quite cool model but it does have some flaws.
Aww, now my gushing makes me look silly. :p


I just realized that I couldn't see the arms in your showcase picture. I thought it was just her positioning... But yeah, the arms should be thicker. And if everything purple on the model (picture) is Team Color, then that is too much team-color.

Still, I congratulate you on stretching the boundaries. :p

Elenai said:
But I'll have to make a brand new presentation picture....presentation is everything.
Bah, presentation isn't everything. A simple grey-background collage of different anims is infinitely better in showing more detail, and much easier to create and show.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
and much easier to create and show.

But then how can I shamelessly show off my photoshop skills? D:

New WIP ^_^

I didn't use the elf villager texture...I considered it, but the dress is rather ugly I think, especially for a mage who should be wearing armour, and war clothes (more protection than the skimpy stripperfit the sorceress wears).


This is to show the colour...I'm still working on the limbs, but the arms are better I guess...
I haven't stopped yet.

Started working on her face, texture wise.
And yes, I'm aware about the need of more contrast and more undead-ish colors, but that will be fixed later.
And yes, I've got inspired from Afronight's Flesh Warlock skin, when I made the jaw.
Left pic is in Viewport mode and right pic is in Rendered mode (though the shadow effects are kinda odd).

Other changes are:
- Shoulderpads.
- Some slightly proportion fixes.


  • wip_femaledeathknight_rider2.jpg
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Level 35
May 22, 2007
Unfortunately guys, I cannot make her a medivh equivelent, since I had to remove the morph animations, and also remove the transformation, and model completely (bones and all) since...when she would transform into her alternate form, she would deform really badly. (the bird stretched across the screen)

She unfortunately, but still usefully, is now a Jaina(esque) Archmage replacement.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
But then how can I shamelessly show off my photoshop skills? D:
Lawl, I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity for that. :p

Elenai said:
New WIP ^_^
Much nicer. The new texture for her "under-the-robe" clothes gives off a nice feel (although I normally wouldn't classify the Archmage as a 'war mage').

Gilles said:
I thought it was a man - woman, not woman - woman?
Bah, the contest just states "make a female version of an existing unit". It needn't originally be not a female for that to happen. :p

Dionesiist said:
Seeing how Jaina is basically a female archmage, I don't see any trouble.
^Teh answer to cries of "she needs a horse!!".
Mowe pwogwess!

(Ignore the Box01 on the right as I did a little mistake when I screencapped the model)


I will start on basic definitions before I add things like skull and and such.
Oh, and I will add a tail-like thingy for her hair.
Plus I forgot to add ears. =((


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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
sry to say DVO but i thinks the mouth is ugly o_O no offence xD but it looks like an thing wit tooth cut out of a paper xD. but thats a matter of an opinion.

Good luck to all! (again)
Argh. Seeing as deadline is on February 28th, I'm not able to make it in time due to travelling to New York starting in Saturday.

Anyway, here is what I've done so far.

- Added tail-like hair.
- Added ears.
- Added a horse. I took the Chaos Warlord horse due to being lazy.
- The lady is rigged and cleaned, using Chaos Warlord animations.
- More texturing, shading and definition (not finished yet).
- The lady's buttcrack is less exaggerated (there will be no more changes on that part).

- The lady's butt size will remain unchanged.
- I also fixed the hole-issue with the horse's front legs.
- The fugly club will be replaced with sword.
- The lady will have a shield for her left arm.
- All red parts are team color.
- Female Deathknight is just a codename, so I will probably give her a different name in the final version, so she won't get confused with the female WoW Deathknight.



  • WIP_new.jpg
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Level 11
Aug 3, 2004
Okay, here's my first WIP shot. I couldn't really think of anything else except for a druid or a necromancer or something interesting since my Alexstraza idea wouldn't work. And I decided not to do those two ideas since it appears there isn't much time left.


  • ogrefem1.JPG
    11.3 KB · Views: 210
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Okay, here's my first WIP shot. I couldn't really think of anything else except for a druid or a necromancer or something interesting since my Alexstraza idea wouldn't work. And I decided not to do those two ideas since it appears there isn't much time left.
... Oh please no... Save us from a female Ogre...

Wait, what happened to the Alexstraza idea? I'm sure there's something you can do, though...
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