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Model Submissions

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Currently there is a problem with a couple of people spamming models, that doesn't mean the models aren't good, but most of them have no downloads or comments/ratings, maybe there should be a limmit of how many you can upload per day, probably 2 or 3 models can be uploaded per day, just to help prevent spam and releave a huge workload from the mods.

This may not work, but can prevent alot of hassle.

As an example I have a model that I'm hessitant to upload due to the fact that there is 2 pages of pending models.
Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
What Deep sea Kraken is trying to say is to limit the number of recourses added a day to take teh work off of mods.
I personly don't agree with this, but it might help the mods.

As for packs, why not make it so that is a model has another model attatched to it in the mdl/mdx that the attatchment has to be uploaded with the same model aswell, like skins.
Attachment "Weapon Ref" {
	ObjectId 54,
	Parent 46,	// "Bone_Hand_R"
	Path "Effects1.mdx",
	Visibility 3 {
		26667: 1,
		86100: 0,
		100000: 0,

note the Path "Effects1.mdx", line.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
I sent mufuc a message the day he submitted them that he wait patiently till ralle implements the m pack system. I mainly referred to his rock models which are all just different variations.
Altough I slowly nawed at the models he submitted, I really cant be bothered testing and moderation like 10 diff variations of rocks, and other variations of things he submitted like several flowers and shrubs.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
The new sections will be compatible with the pack system which I am going to make.
The pack system will not change any of this though.

Whenever you make a pack. You select which resources (that you already submitted) you want to add to the pack. You will then have an option to hide the resources in the sections and only have them shown in the pack.
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