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[Altered Melee] [MOD] Four Empires

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Four Empires (super original name, I know) is a total conversion mod for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne that changes the four vanilla factions into brand-new ones. It doesn't have a campaign and is meant to only be played on melee maps. The mod is pretty much complete, but a few things still need to be done here and there, like adding proper passive icons, a few spells, etc. AI is something I would like to add, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to make any work correctly, so no AI for the time being.

The mod was originally a map, but with the help of Retera I managed to turn it into it's own mod. So I figured I'd give it it's own thread.



Four Empires is played pretty much like any other warcraft 3 map, but it does have a few things that have been altered.

The Champion is what I call the Hero. In this mod you only have access to 1 Champion and must pick him/her/it at the very start of the game. All Champions begin with 2 passives that level up as they themselves level up (one is personal and the other is aura), and can learn 4 other hero skills. They are stronger than the taditional wc3 heroes which makes up for the fact that you can only have 1.

Once you pick your hero, you will notice that under you hero's icon is a deactivated mana-shield icon. This is where you obtain your secondary resource, Krin.

Initially, the mod only use gold for anything, but this proved to be quite boring and over simplistic, which is why I brought back the second resource, but changed it to fit with the theme of the map. Krin is my answer to replace lumber. You use it just like lumber, but you gather it differently. Krin is obtained by converting gold to Krin at a rate of 10 gold for 10 Krin per second. You can do this by clicking on the icon under your hero at the top-left corner of your screen, which will change the icon to an activated state (currently it's mana shield), indicating that Krin is actively being generated at the cost of gold. Click on it again to deactivate the gradual resource swap. The system works, but is quite inelegant so if you have any alternate solutions for it, I'm all ears :)

Your builders all summon buildings Undead style, and can switch between General Buildings and Defense Infrastructure modes. All the defense-oriented buildings are in this second mode, like walls and towers.


[SIZE="+1"]Humans are the HOLY EMPIRE[/SIZE]​

The Holy Empire formed relatively recently after the Emperor clawed his way out of the Hell to reclaim his throne after his assassination before he was crowned ruling monarch of what was only a Kingdom. No one knows how he escaped the Netherworld but after he returned to the land of the living he began conquering the neighbouring kingdoms and eventually conquered the entire central continent, creating the Holy Empire. The Emperor governs atop a throne of gold that rises like a pillar from a pit of boiling lava, damned arms reaching up the edifice trying, vainly, to pull the Emperor down back to Hell. He radiates light that is said to render people speechless with awe, and his powers can be witnessed throughout the entire Empire through the Imperial Channelers that form the backbone of his civilisation.

[SIZE="+1"]Orcs are the DOOM MARCH[/SIZE]​

Demons have always been able of travel to the land of the living, but always with heavy mystical restrictions that make the task extremely difficult. With the escape of the Emperor, however, the natural wards that protected the world have weakened considerably. Not fond of having such a powerful soul escape from their realm, the Demons have massed into a colossal army and opened portals to the lands of the Emperor, marching to reclaim their prize like an ominous wave of chaos and destruction.

[SIZE="+1"]Undead are the BLACK LEGION[/SIZE]​

Off to the west of the Holy Empire lies a group of large islands that are inhabited by vampires. Decades ago, when the vampires took over and ate the last of the humans, they began to starve, and while some journeyed east to the larger continent, most stayed behind trying to master their Bloodthirst... and the answer came to them from another world. In a parallel dimension, a race of enigmatic demigods called the Eidolons were contacted by some vampires who were seeking liberation from their vampirism. The Black Cult had been formed, and eventually, as more and more vampires fell into the worship of the Eidolons, it grew into the Black Legion. Now, most vampires of the world are part of the Legion, and those that defect or resist are branded Apostates and condemned to live out their Bloodthrist until their last breath.

[SIZE="+1"]Night Elves are the SYLVAN GUARDIANS[/SIZE]​

With the arrival of the Doom March the fey kind that inhabit the continent reeled from the sheer corruption that the Demon brought with them, and promptly reacted by calling to them the denizens of the wild. Their army is whimsical, mystical, and deadly, summoning forth ancient powers of the world to cast back the demonic influence back into the Netherworld.


In-Game / Resource Name / Author

Blessed Vessel / Templar / Callahan
Inquisitor Prime / HumanCrossbowWithAwesomeHat / Radagast

Krin Mirror / Window / Tranquil
Krin Mirror Brazier / Magic Brazier / Argus
Holy Tribunal Arcane Sanctum Mr.Bob

Imperial Channeler (SKIN + ICON) / Cleric / 67chrome
Crusader / Royal Captain / Tranquil
Champion / Mounted Royal Captain / Tranquil
Alchemist / Monk / Tranquil
Flying Bastion / GilneasGunship / Mephistrial
Inquisitor / Assassin / Miseracord
Valkyrie (SKIN + ICON) / Lieutenant / 67chrome
Saintess (SKIN) / Blood Elf Sorceress (Modified) / 67chrome
Chaerub / High Elf Kid / Epsilon
Holy Sentinel / Runic Object / Kirym
Magister (Tower) / Bandit Mage on Foot / Dan van Ohllus

Halo / Nimbus / RetroSexual
Chaerub Wings / Holy Shield Buff and Wing Attachment / Lord_T
Holy Sentinel Light / NagaBirth [Holy Aurora] / JetFangInferno
Blessed Wellspring Light / Ceiling Rays / Tranquil
Saintess Missile Art / GoldDragonMissile / KYTON
Human Building Animation Art / JudgementCaster / WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Hallowed Presence / DivineRing / JetFangInferno
Aegis / BlueOrb / ?

Valkyrie Weapon / Spiders Fang / Hamsta
Valkyrie Shield / Lion Shield Left Handed / perfjert
Puzzle-Wagon Glow / WagonTCGlow / Epsilon



In-Game / Resource Name / Author

Baron of Carnage / HeroMoltenOverlord / Nirvendor
Fallen Angel / Cloaked Warrior / HappyTauren
Infernal Avatar (SKIN) / HeroAvatarOfFlame / CloudWolf

Corrupted Wellspring / Chaos Fountain of Blood / MasterHaosis
Corruptor / LegionTeleporter / Mephistrial
Summoning Rift / Void / WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Summoning Rift Obelisks / Obelisk of Fire / Yayoi
Pain Cloister / Cruel Cloister / Gottfrei
Desecrated Shrine (SKIN) / HellDoor / Pins
Infernal Conduit / Altar of Terror / General Frank
Molten Orb / Molten Orb / Blizzard Entertainment (WoW Model)
Oculus / Beholder / SuPa-
Oculus Pedestal / Demonic Sanctuary / Gottfrei

Salamander / Hydralisk Revised (Modified) / Kimberly
Omen Beast / Corruptor / SuPa-
Hell Bull / ChaosTauren / Kuhneghetz
Magmar / Magma Elemental / SuPa-
Watcher / Ocula / -Grendel

Oculus Missile Art / Beholder Missile / SuPa-
Pain Ward / Chaos Banner / Pyramidhe@d
Demon Building Animation Art / Orange Pentagram Vampiric / Skizzik
Fervor Aura / Orange Pentagram Brilliance / Skizzik
Corruption Aura Flameshot Aura / Pyritie
Destroyer Aura / Flower Aura / Misha
Armageddon / Meteor / ?
Flame Pool / Srunning Flame Aura / sPy
Black Wings / Black Wings / Hanza-Ru
CurseBolt / CurseBolt / WILL THE ALMIGHTY



In-Game / Resource Name / Author

Obelisk / Avelgoth / Sheyd

Apostate Dungeon / Armory / PrMosquito
Execution / Elemental_Crossbow (Modified) / Suselishe
Oppression / Frost_Fury (Modified) / Suselishe


Soul Bleed / Locust Swarm / shamanyouranus
Darkness Ripple / CrushingWaveMissile [DeathWave] / JetFangInferno
Crippling Obscurity / Punishment Missile / PeeKay
Vampire Building Animation / Cloud of Fog [Mind Fog] / JetFangInferno
Bleeding Ward / Orb of Blood / General_Frank
Bleeding Ward Missile Art / Missile / Devine
RedVampiricAuraTarget / RedVampiricAuraTarget / JetFangInferno
Soul Armor / Soul Armor / JetFangInferno



In-Game / Resource Name / Author

Alpha Wolverine / Werewolf / Mc !

Moon Glade / Force Gem / RightField
Owl Council Bowl / Moon Bowl / Hexus
Owl Council Owl / Owl / Hexus
Owl Council Lantern / Lantern / Hexus
Barrier Lode / Mineral / Abriko
Venom Bloom / Venolia / Callahan
Sanguine Bloom / Pyrolia / Callahan
Faerie Grove Trees / Acathla Mission Pack / Abriko
Crystal Garden / Crystal Team Colored / ?
Venom & Sanguine Bloom Base / Fungovor / Callahan
Venerable Tree / HTTree [Wind Blown Tree] / HappyTauren

Pixie Snail / Purple Snail / Gottfrei
Sea Drake / Sea Drake / Tarrasque
Old World Behemoth / Ancient Turtle / WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Lycantrauma / Ancient of Life (+ Corrupted) / Suselishe
Shard Saurus / Bronze Dragon / Pinachet
Crystal Walker / Crystal Golem / Mc !

Crystal Impale / Crystal Impale + Crystal Impale Hit / Marcelo Hossomi
Sprites / Navi / Elenai
Moonbeam / Starfall (Caster) / Pyritie
Feral Aura / Guardian Aura / EnetheruAnuon
Stonemight Aura / Feast Aura / eXciTe
Sylph Missile Art / Prismatic Missile / The Swamp Warrior

GUI-Friendly Damage Detection -- v1.2.1 -- by Weep


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  • Four Empires 01.rar
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i like the some of the models but it looks nothing like a total conversion
Granted, the humans look a bit similar and use most of their existing models but a LOT has been changed, like the gryphon is now a flying siege unit, the rifleman has been replaced by a caster unit, the towers now need to be garrisoned to work (you can put Magisters/Inquisitors/Alchemists in them for long-ranged splash damage/enhanced ranged attacks/long-distance repair respectively). The Footman's replacement is stronger and can learn an AoE attack, you no longer need to build a little village of farms to have food, etc.

There are many, many changes to the humans - they mine gold and build like the undead for instance.

The Orcs are completely gone, the Undead have been turned into pious vampires and the Night Elves are woodland animals and feyfolk on steroids.

If this isn't a total conversion, idk what is.
Level 2
Jan 26, 2012
this mod looks very cool, and its holy empire story and the black legion both reminds me very much about warhammer 40k :p, i'll downloaded and check it =) nice work my friend.
Yeah the holy emperor thing is extremely similar to the Emperor of Mankind, although believe it or not, this idea was something I had at the back of my mind years before I knew anything about Warhammer. As far as Black Legion similarity goes, are you referring to the Necron'tyr and the C'Tan? Because the similarities never crossed my mind until now @_@
Level 2
Jan 26, 2012
yep the black legion story is a little similar to necrons and c'tan but its really awesome story you made =), only problem is i can't seem to be able to make the mod work @_@, (its my first mode ever btw :p)
Well it should work just by running Four Empires.exe

If it tells you it can't locate target patch, patch your game to the latest patch (1.26a)

- Try 'Run as Administrator'. Sometimes a program won't run properly if it doesn't have the necessary privileges.

- Four Empires.exe can't locate War3.exe. This can happen if you didn't reinstall the game traditionally and copy-pasted it from, eg, a backup on another hard drive. Try putting Four Empires.exe in the same place as the War3.exe.

- A virus protection program is preventing Four Empires from running because it's detecting the process as opening another file (war3.exe) and may think it's a malicious software, therefore bypassing it. Try switching off your firewall/antivirus and run the mod to see if that fixes things. Create an except in your antivirus software if this happens to work.

I should point out that it will look just like Frozen Throne when you get in the game via the exe. You will only notice it's a mod when you play a melee game.
Level 2
Jan 26, 2012
thank you =), from what i read in the link you gave me it appears that modding takes a lot of time @_@, so i'll stick to map making/campaign creation xD
Daffa the Mage Review for [MOD] FOUR EMPIRES


this mod is a massive modification of Warcraft 3 by Spellbound, it mostly contains dozens of new units and has a well altered gameplay.

I must say that you retain the main aspect of melee well. I like it, in fact, your new way of playing is interesting, I like the way of having 2 Builders Form, Manipulate able Resources [Krin in your Mod], 1 Hero Rule and a Nice New Set of Armies.
However, I don't really see any big changes which removes the original Atmosphere [unlike Heaven's Fall Mod], but I did feel a new atmosphere in game. I recommend UI for each races, and more custom spells and such.
Note that I use Humans for my race in this review.

  • a mysterious "Unholy Aura" is affecting my whole army at my base o_O
  • I can't find "War Horse" anywhere for my Crusader
  • the message "Must Haunt Gold Mine" appears when I want to harvest unblessed wells
  • no message stating when I haven't enough Krin
  • Empty Wellspring never get destroyed.

Overall, it's a Great modification like Heaven's Fall, good job :goblin_good_job:

If you have suggestions, complaints or anything regarding my review, you can directly contact me by any of these :
PM Daffa the Mage
Leave a Visitor Message for Daffa the Mage (Requires Friendship)
Note that I recommend sending the message directly to my PM as I will prioritize them over the rest.

~Daffa the Mage
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