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[Arena] Mini-Mapping Contests: The Drums in the Dungeon ~ Poll

What are your favorite entries?

  • [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2226421-post462.html"]DeathChef[/URL]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Your task is to create a dungeon map. The map's genre has to reflect a role playing game and the objective should be anything related to the dungeon, such as killing a creature within, escaping the dungeon, etc. Machinate challenges, mythical creatures and the hero to be controlled by the player and guide us through the epic journey of your fantasy!

Vote for your favorite map! Note: This poll does not count in any way for the map's final rating, it is only to gather the community's opinion on the contest's entries.



25 reputation for the winner & every contestant shall receive 5 reputation each!



Final rating completely based on the judges' reviews.



  • Entries.rar
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Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
@HammerFist132 Yes, I played all of the maps.

I'm voting for Kino, I enjoyed his music pick, story, gameplay. It seemed to represent the highest quality for me here.

Although I did not vote for rulerofiron99, but I must say he did a very good job too in my opinion, it did give a true feeling of a dungeon.
Hello everibodi xD. I wasnt at home last few days, was hunting apples with my grandfather xD, so I gona test them now. Btw thx for support ruler and sin :)

EDIT:Here is my description:
Kino, what to say it is cool map, but one life man? Also no defeat condition, first boss impossible to me. Map terrain is done rly cool with out spamming doodads. Also like what rulerofiron99 have told, it doesnt bring me feling of some dungeon.
Matija97, map is good, including terrain, spells and systems. I also had bug to main dragon leaves area and I couldnt finish the game. Also using dragon for main boss in dungeon with so short roof is not good idea(my thinking), also last boss mostly do not chase me, he only cast spells when I get near enough. U have bring me feeling of dungeon btw xD.
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Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
I keep searching for credit lists in very unnatural places. Whoever didn't include credit list will automatically recieve -7 points from me. (Altho credits are 'a must' for all maps on the hive so a disqualification is more of a 'following the rules thing', but I guess everyone is too sloppy and doesnt care of such things anymore...it's disgusting and discouraging me to continue my entry evaluations/ If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified - Pharaoh's rules for the contest)
Thus far results are looking grim. I actually had to edit some of the entries to make them playable for my computer, which may I say is not a bad mashine.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
Now why exactly -7?

Because I find it a very (the most) important thing to do along with presentation. But removing more points would pretty much nullify a whole criteria which is not build on a single requirement.
But I am worried at how much are contests needed if nobody actually follows the rules about them (for example 'maps must be presented with screenshots and short description' is almost never done) and as it seems nobody cares to punish them...

My results will come a bit later than I previously announsed because of the hard time I am having with some of them.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
Sadly with each passing map it gets more and more hard for me to find the good sides to describe along with the negatives... Some just need A LOT of polishing, others are just made by lazy persons. I hope nobody will get my judging personal, because it's not. A few more days for my results and I will hop them here in the topic. I would like to see if someone feels he is being judged unfair or wants to open my eyes on something. ( for example credits lists, I cant find them anywhere on some of the maps... I was just hoping I might be missing them and they are somewhere there. The guys with 130+ imports should know what am I talking about)
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Sadly with each passing map it gets more and more hard for me to find the good sides to describe along with the negatives... Some just need A LOT of polishing, others are just made by lazy persons. I hope nobody will get my judging personal, because it's not. A few more days for my results and I will hop them here in the topic. I would like to see if someone feels he is being judged unfair or wants to open my eyes on something. ( for example credits lists, I cant find them anywhere on some of the maps... I was just hoping I might be missing them and they are somewhere there. The guys with 130+ imports should know what am I talking about)

From my side, feel free to be as frank as necessary. I barely worked on my entry the final two weeks of the contest, so I know it greatly lacks in polish and single-player aspects.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
You might want to actually note that in map you are meant to be near clueless about whats happening, or else it would ruin the game-play. And for anyone who wants to know the credits are at the end of my map.

If you check the terraining map packs(UTM) you will notice each import is having its creator in the triggers menu. ''Credits: -Kobas- for the terraining map pack is just like leaving me a phone number to your secretary...'' It's like writing credits to Ralle for having this site to host the imports...

2 days later I am still completely clueless about your map. Can you give me some hints? The atmosphere is great and the filters are used nicely but no instruction, no quest log, no nothing... I am supposed to be clueless about whats going on? I think it's too much.
I can't believe people consider 1-2 tiny rooms to be labled as dungeons.

Q for Aeroblyctos: How do I start the fights in your map? Pathing blockers at start? Do I have to open in world editor and put heroes next to bosses and save/test it? You just can't be that lazy...it's impossible. I hope I am missing something.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Q for Aeroblyctos: How do I start the fights in your map? Pathing blockers at start? Do I have to open in world editor and put heroes next to bosses and save/test it? You just can't be that lazy...it's impossible. I hope I am missing something.
It is being said by text messages, you have to type certain word to start it. Open log for it or restart the map to see the text.
If you check the terraining map packs(UTM) you will notice each import is having its creator in the triggers menu. ''Credits: -Kobas- for the terraining map pack is just like leaving me a phone number to your secretary...'' It's like writing credits to Ralle for having this site to host the imports...
Actually I did check for import credits. I know that half of the imports I used where from WoW, so I also thought that you didn't need to credit blizzard(guess I should off for such imports like this). The other half.. Well idk the models where never realy properly credited, and yes I checked triggers, the page where I downloaded the map and any other possibly places and I found no such thing.
I only credited -Kobas- because he was the only credible one that I could find to actually add to the credits for imports....

2 days later I am still completely clueless about your map. Can you give me some hints? The atmosphere is great and the filters are used nicely but no instruction, no quest log, no nothing... I am supposed to be clueless about whats going on? I think it's too much.
I can't believe people consider 1-2 tiny rooms to be labled as dungeons.
Use your claws. Useful for soft spots. ;)
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
In the beginning of game there's a text read it. It clearly says "-next" to start.

Sorry about that. I must have missed it. Your bosses sure have a habit of returning to their original location... Guard Distance, return distance, needed to be increased quite a lot.

Ok DeathChef, didn't you use the Ultimate terraining map , apart from the blizz dragon (which in order to be used has to be ripped by someone, who should be credited; after all there are websites focusing entirely on wow rips for their projects, but some of them are dead now so it could be impossible to credit anyway).
Nope all of the models are from a pack or two from -Kobas- that are WoW models and one from -Kobas- from one of his terraining contest entries(was a playable mapping contest) which he didn't credit. I also couldn't find any of the models that he used in that map. No UTM work here.

edit: @Aeroblyctos: doesn't the gaurd range just use acquisition range?
You can change this value in the object editor to under the combat section.
And can be used in GUI
  • Actions
    • Unit - Set UNIT acquisition range to 9001.00
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
Nope all of the models are from a pack or two from -Kobas- that are WoW models and one from -Kobas- from one of his terraining contest entries(was a playable mapping contest) which he didn't credit. I also couldn't find any of the models that he used in that map. No UTM work here.

edit: @Aeroblyctos: doesn't the gaurd range just use acquisition range?
You can change this value in the object editor to under the combat section.
And can be used in GUI
  • Actions
    • Unit - Set UNIT acquisition range to 9001.00

Units will still return to their positinos.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
One more entry remaining. That of Kino. The problem I have with it is that it is SO DAMN HARD that I have to give the hero some tweaks to solve bosses. The dynamic is like taken from ninja vs samuraj or some map like that that takes enormos amount of time to skill and master.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
I am sorry you feel this way Matija97 but some of the maps are too large in content/imports/trigger bases/gameplay challanges and we need to play through ALL of them. I must confess the notes I take took me days to collect on some of the entries. While others are just too bad and make it hard for me just to think of the words to express it. My results will be ready within the next 2-3 days, I just need to add some reccomendations or notes on some of them but currently have no time to do so.
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