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Melee Map Making Contest #1

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Level 15
Apr 5, 2009

  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • Several screenshots of terrain and gameplay.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that its yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be bug free.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
    • Finding testers to help you with your submission is not considered teamwork.
  • Imports may be used in the map, however they must all be credited.
  • All multiplayer maps must be under 5mb.

The Judge:

The Participants:
*Blood Raven
*Shadow Fury

Map originality - 30
The map must be original, CnP of terrain from another map is not allowed. Map mirroring is allowed

Terrain/Layout- 25
The map layout must be balance, also the design and the overall outcome of the terrain must follow the contest theme

Creep camp and neutral buildings - 20
Placement of hostile creep camps and neutral buildings must be balance to all players. The creep consistency may fall to this category and smarter neutral buildings are better.

Item drops - 15
Must be complex and most of all balance, green creep camps are not suppose to drop Level 8 items right?

Map presentation - 10
Efforts are given to map presentation, screenshots, lore and etc.

Total of 100
And remember, it's always Gameplay>Terrain

NOTE: That criteria description and quantity may be subject to change depending on judge and majority of contestants.

Currently awaiting for the replies of other potential contestant. The reward will be definitely be + rep and have their names on a ranking lists.
Top 3 winners will receive a commendation or merit ribbon from the Melee Nation which would entitle their map with pride, quality and awesomeness.

Contest will start: October 16th and end after: November 14th
Take a look of the possible award banner for you and your map!


Level 5
Dec 10, 2012
Nice job getting this setup, looking forward to playing/testing some well-made balanced and beautiful player made melee maps.
Level 5
Dec 10, 2012
Gameplay, as in competitive gameplay where high skilled level players could play the map and his/her opponent doesn't have an advantage over him/her, and vice versa. Must be balanced in that aspect, like a blizzard map. But you can make yours more appealing, different scenario, however you would like it to be. You can make your point of interest for your map terrain, but that doesn't make up for the map lacking in other forms, if it is. The main focus is overall balance, keep that in mind when making your map. Contact me if you have further questions! You can contact Ken-E as well.
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
October 16th would be great, then deadline would be on November 14th. Still rounding up some people to compete. And remember people, 1v1 only, any tileset is allowed and imports are allowed as long as credits are given.

EDIT: eubz has entered the contest!
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
I'll just leave your name just in case. I think map mirroring is a method that editor use to create a perfect symmetric copy of one landscape to another, it's basically CnP terrain of the first of land then copy it to another side of the map to create a mirror.

Example would be when Red Player island is CnP to create Blue Player island, this way it creates a fair and exact copy of the land.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I'll try to come up with something. But the time deadline isn't really favoring me. November is always a busy day for me and my family(lots of b-days and stuffs).


Also about the rewards since there isn't anything specified yet. Instead of the cliche +rep reward we should probably make a thread and put the contest winners inside it and just update the list for further contest winners.


Melee Map Contest #1

Rank 1 - X
Rank 2 - Y
Rank 3 - Z

Melee Map Contest #2

Rank 1 - X
Rank 2 - Y
Rank 3 - Z

At this point of hiveworkshop. I don't really like competing just for the petty reps.

Hidden to not stretch the page.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Welp. I already have a solid idea of what I want to do for my entry. It will be the 5th LP themed melee map that I'll be making and I'm actually kinda excited to work on it since I'll try a new technique and style that I haven't tried yet on my previous melee maps. It won't be filesize heavy but still heavily reliant to custom resources.
Level 16
Feb 20, 2013
Another WiP screenshot.


Properly gna do some adjusments to base to make it more open and to be able to add more trees. Also want the merc camp area more jungle/trolly, gna do some pathing changes there, and still need to figure out how to best do the temple thingy in the middle.


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Am I allowed to review other contestant maps? ;D

By the way sonofjay:
Anyway about the gameplay, I really love the Swampling guy, I trained a few knights and some riflemen and attacked it with my level 7 Blood Mage and thought I can take it down until the moment when he summoned some Thunder Lizard that raped my army.

And fuck orcy for reviewing this first. I was here for a good damn 30 minutes writing my sexy review. ;p


He might just make a comeback, not exactly sure yet.
Level 5
Dec 10, 2012
Yeah... not surprised Filmting would be done already... Even though you are done I will NOT judge until the time is up for creators to make/finish their maps. This way it is fair for all contestants. I will however give you a tip, just by judging off that screenshot I see what might be a pathing problem with your two mercenary camps. If you click to see the image you will see that I drew a line for the pathing if a player went that certain direction. I believe the units would run in close proximity to agro the creeps - now where I circled the areas in red if you added some trees there that should fix the problem. (if this is actually a problem, I could be wrong, once again just judging this off the screenshot.)

Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
wont sight blockers block vision from higher height aswell?
I think you could make everything a bit smoother and just leave it as raised terrain, then block with trees or something (in my opinion)
cool concept btw

Not yet finished, but i have a playable-ish version of the map now, link to the pastebin (many things still may change, terain, creeps, items..)

Level 13
Mar 13, 2013
um, for the WIP portion, I just saved an earlier version of the map, after the initial terraining and neutral building placement. Is that okay? I'm nearly done with it now..

I 'think' i sent a message to PKcrafty asking how to send it to him, but if a simple screenshot will do, I can do that instead..
Level 5
Dec 10, 2012
Hello guys. Every contestant can post a screenshot of their WIP, and I will give every contestant one tip based off of that WIP screenshot on how you can improve your map. It does not matter what stage the map is in. Just remember I will only give one tip to help improve your map before final review. (When time is up.) When you post your WIP screenshot, let me know that screenshot is the one you want me to give you your tip on.

Sorry for just now informing you of this, it came to mind when I saw you guys posting your WIPs, and the fact I had already given Filmting a tip. Just seems fair everyone gets 1 tip solely based of a screenshot before final review. Remember the tip could be useful, and then again it could not be. Because I'm just judging from a screenshot, so the tip could try to solve a problem I think is there, but may not be.

I'd suggest having me give you your tip when you think your finished with your map. But your tip expires the day time is up for making your map. Nov. 14th
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
WiP is WiP so as long as the judge see this as a proof of your creation, I think it's okay.
Fair enough. Tips are useful indeed, it is really up to the creators themselves whether to take it or not.
@A Void
Since this is a group dedicated contest, I think its best to stick it here for a while.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2013
Here is a preview. some things to head off so I don't waste my 'tip' on them:
-there is plenty of building area in the starting locations. It doesn't quite look like it, but I was able to build to tier 3 and 100 night elf army with the space given
-a later rendition of the map allows space for lumber mills (or equivalents) next to high-density tree areas in the corners
-a later rendition of the map does not put 'natural' pathing between bases through creep camps (i.e. it's possible to run from base to base hands-free, without worrying about creeps interfering).
-obviously, what is shown is the initial creep camp 'template'. It has been symmetrically filled and slightly revised since then.

also, does this meet the "WIP" requirement?
Level 7
Jun 24, 2013
Hi, just a quick question: If I want to join the contest, is posting my WIP here enough or I must do something else ?

If it's ok, here is my WIP:


If it's not, what shoud i do ? (Also sorry for my english)
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