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[Campaign] Malfurion's Quest

Level 5
Sep 7, 2017
Very well, thank you for your report on this bug. We'll fix it in the next update. Let me know if there's anything else you find in your playthrough.

Actually that same thing happens everywhere. For example I'm on Azshara's mission (rescue Cenarius) there's a scene with a dreadlord and again my heroes are teleported to him and his minions with the army being elsewhere.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2017
Bug: got stuck in the ruins of Zin Azshari with 2 tablets left to collect - they seem to be on the main map. No way out :( can not continue the campaign :((
Level 5
Sep 7, 2017
Okay I figured out you may reload and try to go out with Malfurion only. It you try with other hero the runes will disappear and you end up stuck.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2017
Finished playing sentinel's version - clever thought out and implemented - loved that emerald nightmare theme - waiting for the next chapter :)

There was I time I've been making a campaign of my own would be cool if I could be of help/

Btw I've seen you're thinking about changing Malfurion's playstile. Have you thought about allowing him to transform into beasts?))
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Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
Finished playing sentinel's version - clever thought out and implemented - loved that emerald nightmare theme - waiting for the next chapter :)

There was I time I've been making a campaign of my own would be cool if I could be of help/

Btw I've seen you're thinking about changing Malfurion's playstile. Have you thought about allowing him to transform into beasts?))

Malfurion's Quest is currently undergoing a massive update that will change the Campaign. So far we've mostly improved on everything and added way more to cutscenes, story, dialogue.

There will be some new spells and interesting things in both storylines. The bugs you reported will also be fixed in the next version.

There will be no more next Chapters.

In 2018 The Campaign will be released with all chapters.

Thank you for the support and for playing. We're looking forward to play the new version of the Campaign which has so much more in it.
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Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
Can I ask for some spoilers?? Will we see Illidan again in both storylines??

I cannot spoil anything but Illidan will be slightly different in the new update. There's more added to his personality and motivations. He's present in both branches playing an important role to the story.

We will also rework his gameplay and make him fight differently with unique abilities and such.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2017
Just funished Highborne storyline... em... I mean... yeah I got a lot of pleasure gamewise.. but.. Malfurion is just bad without a reason to be :) like whyy)

God I wish all that thing of you guys was a business I would rush to join you))

Btw I wasn't able to get the 3rd key stone in the Temple of the moon. May be I'm dumb I was trying hard to come up with a solution)
Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
Come on I'm 10+ WoW death knight veteran player.. let this boring maniac come.

In the updated version there's more to Malfurion showing his change and what causes it.

But on short without spoilers. The mystic energies Malfurion absorbed triggered something within him.
There's a reason why he's becoming evil and does what he does.

You'll see everything next year in a better light.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Malfurion was really irritating in the Highborne storyline.... Playing it for me was a real pain because I already hated him when he was good and now an evil version of him appears?? It really makes me wish that there will be one chapter that we play as Illidan or someone from the Elves and our main quest is to kill Highborne Malf
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Malfurion was really irritating in the Highborne storyline.... Playing it for me was a real pain because I already hated him when he was good and now an evil version of him appears?? It really makes me wish that there will be one chapter that we play as Illidan or someone from the Elves and our main quest is to kill Highborne Malf
What a worthless post
Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
Malfurion was really irritating in the Highborne storyline.... Playing it for me was a real pain because I already hated him when he was good and now an evil version of him appears?? It really makes me wish that there will be one chapter that we play as Illidan or someone from the Elves and our main quest is to kill Highborne Malf

The new updated version will bring something new to the table that will perhaps intrigue you and other players.
It's significantly better than what's in 1.3b at the moment.

Also if you dislike Malfurion's Evil self, then that is a good thing because we got the reaction that we initially wanted.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone's feedback upon the Campaign's release.
Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
There are a lot of things that have changed recently with Malfurion's Quest and future projects in general. Turnro would like to make an announcement soon and inform everyone about it.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hey guys! It's been a while, and I have a lot of exciting news to share regarding Malfurion's Quest and the direction I wish to take moving forward.

Video topics include:
  • Current progress with Malfurion's Quest and answers to common questions
  • Announcement of a Patreon page to help support the project. This page is not available yet, as this is more to let you guys know what I'm looking to do and to get your feedback on my ideas

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Way I see it, he just now offers a chance to support the project monetarily.
No one forces you to become a patreon, you can still play the campaign for free.

Nothing wrong here, especially since @Turnro has been asked several times about a way to support him or just send a small thank you to him.
I personally am pessimistic about him reaching the goals for his monthly patreon money, but nothing wrong with him trying.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
Turnro's been making campaigns for years only out of love for WC3. It is only a suggestion after all these years that fans help him financially a little bit so he can continue making more content. Nobody forces you to pay anything, but you can still play them for free as Shar Dundred said. So its not about money at all.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
@Shar Dundred
I share the same feeling with you. His goal is a bit too much ambitious and a very hoping step, but then again as you said, there is no wrong with that, but I really hope that he can succeed. Having suggested, and insisted on him doing the Donating section, I would feel really bad for him if it fails. There are so many fans, indeed, but I fear the worst might happen about this thing...
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hey guys. I received a lot of feedback in the last two weeks in regards to a Patreon page to support the development of Malfurion's Quest and future campaigns. While the ideas I have for Patreon excite me, some have informed me that there may not be enough people willing to support me in order to make Patreon worthwhile, especially in regards to reaching monthly goals. As a result, I am currently deciding what to do next and would like your feedback.

What I have been suggested as an alternative is to offer a simple donate button through PayPal. For those of you who would like to support me, do you agree with me doing this instead of Patreon?
Level 5
Sep 13, 2016
Hey guys. I received a lot of feedback in the last two weeks in regards to a Patreon page to support the development of Malfurion's Quest and future campaigns. While the ideas I have for Patreon excite me, some have informed me that there may not be enough people willing to support me in order to make Patreon worthwhile, especially in regards to reaching monthly goals. As a result, I am currently deciding what to do next and would like your feedback.

What I have been suggested as an alternative is to offer a simple donate button through PayPal. For those of you who would like to support me, do you agree with me doing this instead of Patreon?

Honestly I think if you don't put large sums for your Patreon you should be okay. You are one of the best campaign makers in this site, I doubt the idea that people will no donate to your Patreon. But a Paypal button is simpler and it makes it easier for you to collect as well.
Level 11
Sep 12, 2015
Hey guys. I received a lot of feedback in the last two weeks in regards to a Patreon page to support the development of Malfurion's Quest and future campaigns. While the ideas I have for Patreon excite me, some have informed me that there may not be enough people willing to support me in order to make Patreon worthwhile, especially in regards to reaching monthly goals. As a result, I am currently deciding what to do next and would like your feedback.

What I have been suggested as an alternative is to offer a simple donate button through PayPal. For those of you who would like to support me, do you agree with me doing this instead of Patreon?
Yup, I agree with @WarcraftLiterature. A PayPal button would be easier for people to donate. :) Lord of the Clans - In this campaign for example you can see a PayPal button, in which people help @OutsiderXE in future projects. You decide...
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hey guys! After enough feedback and considerations, I have decided to leave the Patreon idea for now and offer a simple PayPal button for those who wish to donate. The button is available below, as well as on the Malfurion's Quest Official Forum page.

Due to the Warcraft 3 community being small, there is a lack of people who would be willing to donate to make Patreon worthwhile, especially since maintaining the page would be extra work that could be better spent on Malfurion's Quest. I would be interested in revisiting Patreon in the future if enough funds are received, but at this stage the PayPal button will suffice.

In regards to my future ideas previously announced (such as new campaigns and voice acting), that will also depend on the amount of funds I receive over the next year or so. In the meantime, I will continue to work on Malfurion's Quest and find ways to allow myself to spend more time on making great content over the long term :)

Level 3
Mar 6, 2016
Hey guys! It's been a while, and I have a lot of exciting news to share regarding Malfurion's Quest and the direction I wish to take moving forward.

Video topics include:
  • Current progress with Malfurion's Quest and answers to common questions
  • Announcement of a Patreon page to help support the project. This page is not available yet, as this is more to let you guys know what I'm looking to do and to get your feedback on my ideas

Hello, Turnro, I've seen your video, those are very good goals, even though we played your campaign, I'm not sure if everyone will help with the donation, so I guess we have to wait a bit more. About your goals:
-Two bonus maps (one for each storyline), with what you had until now is OK, but would be great to find more items and interesting enemies and boss fight.
-About Resurection of the Scourge, I would call it a Remake for those changes and addition. If is possible, I want to know what role Arthas will play in there and also the legendary items that, at the end, only 2 dreadlords will wear them, or will you include another hero to make them 3 in the final chapter?.
-The prologe about Illidan sound fascinating and interesting because some of the players are wondering when Illidan will have some leadership.
-The voice acting, well, I can wait, it was interesting and funny in The Adventures of Rowan The Wise, but for the others it would be the last thing in your list, just take your time.
-I'm not sure about this co-op mode for your campaigns, it would be too much and, for me, a bit confusing. Also because you can't use the codes, can you?

In Malfurion's Highbourne storyline:
-I'm not sure about the red color, it makes them look more like Blood Elves, the other color suited them.
-Units. buildings, maps are great, but Malfurion's aura I'm not sure about using decimals, why not using number like 1 to 3?
-Is there a chance a melee-strengh hero will appear and join Malfurion because: 1)I guess they need a tank heroe with melee attack. 2)We are going to need 1 more inventory for the items and future ones.
-The cleric's 'mass heal' spell, 10 mana point for 10 healing point? I'm not very comfortable, I though it was going to be more, at least 40 or 50 healing points.

In Malfurion's Sentinel storyline:
-I know this one id for both storyines but in the boss fight against Kath'Ranis, in some parts he makes appear fire but he has a 'frost ability' so probably in the boss fight, he can make appear fire and ice.
-I was hoping this 'transformation spell' will give him more HP, damage and armor, including an aura and more time duration.
-I was expecting you will add the druid of the jaw, I know it was an april fool but, it was a fantastic unit.
-The rest are OK, only I was hoping if you will add a new unit for the Chimera Roost.

Keep working with the campaign, I'm a little impatient but I'll try to wait until the release of the newest version.
Good Luck for you two!!!
Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
Hello, Turnro, I've seen your video, those are very good goals, even though we played your campaign, I'm not sure if everyone will help with the donation, so I guess we have to wait a bit more. About your goals:
-Two bonus maps (one for each storyline), with what you had until now is OK, but would be great to find more items and interesting enemies and boss fight.
-About Resurection of the Scourge, I would call it a Remake for those changes and addition. If is possible, I want to know what role Arthas will play in there and also the legendary items that, at the end, only 2 dreadlords will wear them, or will you include another hero to make them 3 in the final chapter?.
-The prologe about Illidan sound fascinating and interesting because some of the players are wondering when Illidan will have some leadership.
-The voice acting, well, I can wait, it was interesting and funny in The Adventures of Rowan The Wise, but for the others it would be the last thing in your list, just take your time.
-I'm not sure about this co-op mode for your campaigns, it would be too much and, for me, a bit confusing. Also because you can't use the codes, can you?

In Malfurion's Highbourne storyline:
-I'm not sure about the red color, it makes them look more like Blood Elves, the other color suited them.
-Units. buildings, maps are great, but Malfurion's aura I'm not sure about using decimals, why not using number like 1 to 3?
-Is there a chance a melee-strengh hero will appear and join Malfurion because: 1)I guess they need a tank heroe with melee attack. 2)We are going to need 1 more inventory for the items and future ones.
-The cleric's 'mass heal' spell, 10 mana point for 10 healing point? I'm not very comfortable, I though it was going to be more, at least 40 or 50 healing points.

In Malfurion's Sentinel storyline:
-I know this one id for both storyines but in the boss fight against Kath'Ranis, in some parts he makes appear fire but he has a 'frost ability' so probably in the boss fight, he can make appear fire and ice.
-I was hoping this 'transformation spell' will give him more HP, damage and armor, including an aura and more time duration.
-I was expecting you will add the druid of the jaw, I know it was an april fool but, it was a fantastic unit.
-The rest are OK, only I was hoping if you will add a new unit for the Chimera Roost.

Keep working with the campaign, I'm a little impatient but I'll try to wait until the release of the newest version.
Good Luck for you two!!!

Hey Riper, while I cannot answer for Tunro all of your questions and suggestions, I will answer those related to the Campaigns as much as I can.

" About Resurrection of the Scourge, I would call it a Remake for those changes and addition. It is possible, I want to know what role Arthas will play in there and also the legendary items that, at the end, only 2 dreadlords will wear them, or will you include another hero to make them 3 in the final chapter?. "

-To explain what we mean by the Remastered version is that we want to start most of these maps from scratch in some instances. Gameplay will be heavily affected as well as the storyline itself. While the main plot will follow a similar direction there will be a lot more added while revamping every dialogue and each line. Resurrection of the Scourge will fall within a similar pattern as Malfurion's Quest.
Turnro and I haven't thought too much into it as we're currently focused on this Campaign but if we are to remake an older Campaign, we'd make sure it would be worth anyone's time even if they had played it before.

"The prologe about Illidan sound fascinating and interesting because some of the players are wondering when Illidan will have some leadership."

-We will begin our work on Illidan's prologue shortly after the release of the full version for Malfurion's Quest. The elements within Illidan's Campaign will focus more on gameplay, granting Illidan unique abilities and skills. We want players to have a blast with him while explaining some backstory to how Illidan got to the point in Chapter 1 in Malfurion's Quest.

"I'm not sure about this co-op mode for your campaigns, it would be too much and, for me, a bit confusing. Also because you can't use the codes, can you?"

-Turnro will not replace the singleplayer version of the Campaign where you can play it alone with cheat codes if that's what you desire. Turnro will release a Co-Op mode which is a secondary download. You will most likely be able to download the Co-Op Campaign from the same page as the singleplayer one. It is an optional inclusion for those who wish to share the experience of the Campaign with a friend.

I'm not sure about the red color, it makes them look more like Blood Elves, the other color suited them.

I would disagree with you here. Turnro considered this idea but that's not what Highbourne Malfurion stands for. The Red color has a meaning in this Campaign which stands against everything that Sentinel Malfurion stands for(Blue). I wanted to show an obvious contrast between the choice that players have taken in the Campaign.
As for red color being similar to the Blood Elves, that's sort of irrelevant. This is not a Blood Elf Campaign, but a Highbourne one. We don't need to showcase a difference between two races when they're obviously different as presented in the story as well.

"I know this one id for both storyines but in the boss fight against Kath'Ranis, in some parts he makes appear fire but he has a 'frost ability' so probably in the boss fight, he can make appear fire and ice."

The magic of the Highbourne uses various elements. Kath'ranis is not necessarily specialized on one. It is true that in the boss fight with Kath'ranis, he does use a fire ability, but he's only capable of doing so because he's using the powers of the Corrupted Well. If you choose to absorb the powers and eventually get to control Kath'ranis as a hero, he doesn't have those powers available since he does not have the powers of the corrupted well anymore.

"Is there a chance a melee-strengh hero will appear and join Malfurion because: 1)I guess they need a tank heroe with melee attack. 2)We are going to need 1 more inventory for the items and future ones."

-The Chapters themselves that will be made are for the most part concrete, about which hero joins or leaves the party, either melee or ranged. But I'm confident that Turnro will include an optional hero at some point in the Campaign that might focus more on melee attacks. However, I cannot promise anything regarding that. Wait for the Campaign to be released and see who's going to join up with Malfurion or go against him.
I hope some of my answers cleared a few things.

For those who are curious on the progress of the Campaign, we'll be moving to Chapter 8, "Ysera's Heartbeat" as soon as we are done with "Unexpected Measures" which should not take very long.
Level 3
Mar 6, 2016
Hey Riper, while I cannot answer for Tunro all of your questions and suggestions, I will answer those related to the Campaigns as much as I can.

" About Resurrection of the Scourge, I would call it a Remake for those changes and addition. It is possible, I want to know what role Arthas will play in there and also the legendary items that, at the end, only 2 dreadlords will wear them, or will you include another hero to make them 3 in the final chapter?. "

-To explain what we mean by the Remastered version is that we want to start most of these maps from scratch in some instances. Gameplay will be heavily affected as well as the storyline itself. While the main plot will follow a similar direction there will be a lot more added while revamping every dialogue and each line. Resurrection of the Scourge will fall within a similar pattern as Malfurion's Quest.
Turnro and I haven't thought too much into it as we're currently focused on this Campaign but if we are to remake an older Campaign, we'd make sure it would be worth anyone's time even if they had played it before.

"The prologe about Illidan sound fascinating and interesting because some of the players are wondering when Illidan will have some leadership."

-We will begin our work on Illidan's prologue shortly after the release of the full version for Malfurion's Quest. The elements within Illidan's Campaign will focus more on gameplay, granting Illidan unique abilities and skills. We want players to have a blast with him while explaining some backstory to how Illidan got to the point in Chapter 1 in Malfurion's Quest.

"I'm not sure about this co-op mode for your campaigns, it would be too much and, for me, a bit confusing. Also because you can't use the codes, can you?"

-Turnro will not replace the singleplayer version of the Campaign where you can play it alone with cheat codes if that's what you desire. Turnro will release a Co-Op mode which is a secondary download. You will most likely be able to download the Co-Op Campaign from the same page as the singleplayer one. It is an optional inclusion for those who wish to share the experience of the Campaign with a friend.

I'm not sure about the red color, it makes them look more like Blood Elves, the other color suited them.

I would disagree with you here. Turnro considered this idea but that's not what Highbourne Malfurion stands for. The Red color has a meaning in this Campaign which stands against everything that Sentinel Malfurion stands for(Blue). I wanted to show an obvious contrast between the choice that players have taken in the Campaign.
As for red color being similar to the Blood Elves, that's sort of irrelevant. This is not a Blood Elf Campaign, but a Highbourne one. We don't need to showcase a difference between two races when they're obviously different as presented in the story as well.

"I know this one id for both storyines but in the boss fight against Kath'Ranis, in some parts he makes appear fire but he has a 'frost ability' so probably in the boss fight, he can make appear fire and ice."

The magic of the Highbourne uses various elements. Kath'ranis is not necessarily specialized on one. It is true that in the boss fight with Kath'ranis, he does use a fire ability, but he's only capable of doing so because he's using the powers of the Corrupted Well. If you choose to absorb the powers and eventually get to control Kath'ranis as a hero, he doesn't have those powers available since he does not have the powers of the corrupted well anymore.

"Is there a chance a melee-strengh hero will appear and join Malfurion because: 1)I guess they need a tank heroe with melee attack. 2)We are going to need 1 more inventory for the items and future ones."

-The Chapters themselves that will be made are for the most part concrete, about which hero joins or leaves the party, either melee or ranged. But I'm confident that Turnro will include an optional hero at some point in the Campaign that might focus more on melee attacks. However, I cannot promise anything regarding that. Wait for the Campaign to be released and see who's going to join up with Malfurion or go against him.
I hope some of my answers cleared a few things.

For those who are curious on the progress of the Campaign, we'll be moving to Chapter 8, "Ysera's Heartbeat" as soon as we are done with "Unexpected Measures" which should not take very long.

OK, I get it now, I forgot to ask to confirm: Will there be Legendary Items on Hard and Insane difficult?
And, can you give me a tip on how I can pass the first chapter on Insane difficult?
Anyway, Good Luck with the campaign and I'll be waiting for the release.
Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
OK, I get it now, I forgot to ask to confirm: Will there be Legendary Items on Hard and Insane difficult?
And, can you give me a tip on how I can pass the first chapter on Insane difficult?
Anyway, Good Luck with the campaign and I'll be waiting for the release.

Hey Ripper, regarding your first question. My purpose is to work with the story, characters, gameplay changes, dialogue and some other ideas regarding Malfurion's Quest. However, I am not managing anything regarding difficulties. That's all Turnro. But rest assured I'm confident there will be some sweet rewards for those who wish to play the Campaign on a harder difficulty.
I do have a couple of ideas, including the Legendary Items, but something even better for the future regarding Malfurion's Quest on a harder difficulty. I will try and pitch a few ideas to Turnro about this, rewarding the players in a unique way that hopefully hasn't happened before in Warcraft 3. We'll see how it works out and experiment with it after Malfurion's Quest is complete.
I won't spoil what it is though, not yet anyway.

Tips on how you can get over the first chapter on Insane difficulty?
I believe that one of Malfurion's most useful spells is the ability to create trees. Make sure they soak up the damage while your main units inflict it. Take your time and look closely for items, runes, or fountains of health. Backtracking sometimes can be useful. Always create trees and let them go in first before moving your own troops to battle. Also, you can select troops individually and use shortcuts for them. Malfurion is also a pretty good hero to tank up some damage early on before you get more useful items.
For the record, we do plan on making some slight changes to earlier chapters once we get to polish the Campaign one last time before release, so we'll try to balance things out properly on all difficulties.
Level 3
Mar 6, 2016
Hey Ripper, regarding your first question. My purpose is to work with the story, characters, gameplay changes, dialogue and some other ideas regarding Malfurion's Quest. However, I am not managing anything regarding difficulties. That's all Turnro. But rest assured I'm confident there will be some sweet rewards for those who wish to play the Campaign on a harder difficulty.
I do have a couple of ideas, including the Legendary Items, but something even better for the future regarding Malfurion's Quest on a harder difficulty. I will try and pitch a few ideas to Turnro about this, rewarding the players in a unique way that hopefully hasn't happened before in Warcraft 3. We'll see how it works out and experiment with it after Malfurion's Quest is complete.
I won't spoil what it is though, not yet anyway.

Tips on how you can get over the first chapter on Insane difficulty?
I believe that one of Malfurion's most useful spells is the ability to create trees. Make sure they soak up the damage while your main units inflict it. Take your time and look closely for items, runes, or fountains of health. Backtracking sometimes can be useful. Always create trees and let them go in first before moving your own troops to battle. Also, you can select troops individually and use shortcuts for them. Malfurion is also a pretty good hero to tank up some damage early on before you get more useful items.
For the record, we do plan on making some slight changes to earlier chapters once we get to polish the Campaign one last time before release, so we'll try to balance things out properly on all difficulties.

I've already tried in the Insane difficult and I gotta say your tips were really helpfull. Even though, I want to ask: Can you make possible that we can use the codes in the Insane difficult? At least, the one that gives an amount of gold and wood. (that's the only one I mostly use when there is a goldmine and to create buildings and warriors)
Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
I've already tried in the Insane difficult and I gotta say your tips were really helpfull. Even though, I want to ask: Can you make possible that we can use the codes in the Insane difficult? At least, the one that gives an amount of gold and wood. (that's the only one I mostly use when there is a goldmine and to create buildings and warriors)

Unfortunately, there will be no cheat codes allowed past the Normal difficulty. We will, however, include rewards for playing the Campaign on a higher difficulty, varying from items and perhaps future unlockables.
Level 3
Mar 6, 2016
Unfortunately, there will be no cheat codes allowed past the Normal difficulty. We will, however, include rewards for playing the Campaign on a higher difficulty, varying from items and perhaps future unlockables.

Really? Oh, too bad, I was hoping you could at least allow that code, like it was allowed in the previous campaigns on the Hard difficult, I think, that's what I remember. But in this campaign, it will be allowed in the Normal and Hard difficult, right? As it was in your recent version?
And those rewards, futures items and unlockables, will those be as much in the Hard difficult as in the Insane difficult?
Level 7
Mar 1, 2012
Really? Oh, too bad, I was hoping you could at least allow that code, like it was allowed in the previous campaigns on the Hard difficult, I think, that's what I remember. But in this campaign, it will be allowed in the Normal and Hard difficult, right? As it was in your recent version?
And those rewards, futures items and unlockables, will those be as much in the Hard difficult as in the Insane difficult?

The Insane difficulty will probably have one more additional reward.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
@AssasinRiper386 MalFurion's Quest on insane difficulty isn't that difficult to finish, as long as you not miss good items and secrets that will assist you as you move on. Chapter 1 is full of these secrets, items and tomes, so make sure to get them. The insane difficulty of this campaign is nowhere close to that of previous ones, or other campaigns like Legends of Arakain.
I think that if there are any changes regarding the difficulty, it will be making it harder:ogre_love::ogre_love: so be prepared for that.
Another good idea for you to be able to win on either hard or insane difficulties, I would recommend you to finish the campaign on the easier difficulty before it. For example if you want to play on hard, first try out normal. If it is Insane that you want, try out hard first and so on. Overall, I had no hard time finishing the current version on insane, as I did in ressurection of the scourge and the adventures of Rowan the wise's final chapter.
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Unfortunately, there will be no cheat codes allowed past the Normal difficulty. We will, however, include rewards for playing the Campaign on a higher difficulty, varying from items and perhaps future unlockables.

So iseedeadpeople won't work on Hard at least anymore? how unfortunate.

thats already the dealbreaker with playing Insane :(

am I going to have to wait several years like Rowan the Wise to play HM with Map Reveal without Game Over Screen? :(

I guess I don't understand the idea of anti cheat.

Rowan and Jeopardy didn't suffer on HM because of the lack of anti cheat and offered a VERY hard experience for those who wanted it. It only creates barrier for people like me who want full map and no fog but still want to deal with difficult AI and Higher numbers. Now I have to force fog of war on myself to not get super easy enemy AI.

just my opinion maybe some exceptions will be able to be made instead of flagging everything

Whosyourdaddy is overkill for sure
Last edited:
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
So iseedeadpeople won't work on Hard at least anymore? how unfortunate.

thats already the dealbreaker with playing Insane :(

am I going to have to wait several years like Rowan the Wise to play HM with Map Reveal without Game Over Screen? :(

I guess I don't understand the idea of anti cheat.

Rowan and Jeopardy didn't suffer on HM because of the lack of anti cheat and offered a VERY hard experience for those who wanted it. It only creates barrier for people like me who want full map and no fog but still want to deal with difficult AI and Higher numbers. Now I have to force fog of war on myself to not get super easy enemy AI.

just my opinion maybe some exceptions will be able to be made instead of flagging everything

Whosyourdaddy is overkill for sure

You will still be able to use most cheats in Hard difficulty, just not WhosYourDaddy. The anti-cheat setup will stay consistent with the other campaigns, with the only difference being the Insane difficulty.