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[Campaign] Malfurion's Quest

Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
I haven't checked this thread for a long long time and already I see great things as promised from Turnro
I loved the new implementation of the Backpack, it'll help greatly in the campaign. Also the cave chapter is dark which I like * It would be much better IF the creeps we kill in our way in the cave revives after a period of time, just like Rexxar campaign in TFT*
The new spell ability for Jarod is better than the one he had before because we need a hero with a silence ability. Now I will replay your previous campaigns and if I had any idea to add to them I'll notify you :)
MY questions are
When will you release the next update and is it going to be the final complete update?
Can you replace Malfurion's model with a new one if you have one that is -just to change his old warcraft model-

I may ask more after I replayed the campaigns
till that Good luck and Good job :D
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Turnro I have a suggestion for Malfurion's Quest's backpack feature to make it more challenging for all players. I know that I am gonna like this feature because there are some items that I regret not taking but in the beginning of every mission of the campaign, player have to make a choice on whether they will use the backpack or not. If they choose yes then the player can proceed like nothing has happened but if they choose no then the player will receive a bonus item that will have different effects but will get stronger in the next mission. For example if I choose not to use the backpack a player will receive an item that will increase a hero's attack speed by like 40 but in the next mission the reward will be like an item that would allow the hero to take down armies all by themselves with no help from units.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
I forgot to add that in the example I gave that if you don't want to use the backpack, the effect would also be stronger if you play in a more difficult level like the example i used as a reward item it would give 40 attack speed only in easy mode, but would give 50 in hard and 60 in insane.
Level 10
Dec 19, 2015
That is a nice thought, but don't you think it might take something away from the user's gameplay. Not that I'm against your suggestion, it is rather nice with the bonus things, but the part with the hero taking down armies all by themselves is uhm :/
And also I think that the backpack will be available starting from Chapter 1 and not just something that you pick up as you progress, so that way you can bring all the items you want :) , as long as there is space :p
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Well, for me I like to see 1 hero take out an attacking army while I will send my own army on another mission like securing a path straight to the enemy's base. Besides that was just an example and I highly doubt Turnro would make our heroes OP because that would make the difficulty choices redundant. But the idea is you get to work hard to get those rewards but the price is you will be at a great disadvantage by leaving items that could otherwise be very useful in massive fights. And it's not really taking something from the user's gameplay because you have the choice to take advantage of that or not. Or if Turnro decides to implement this that even if the player chooses he make it like if u choose to use the backpack, the reward would still be available but it will be weaker compared to acquiring it without the use of the backpack.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Turnro I have a suggestion for Malfurion's Quest's backpack feature to make it more challenging for all players. I know that I am gonna like this feature because there are some items that I regret not taking but in the beginning of every mission of the campaign, player have to make a choice on whether they will use the backpack or not. If they choose yes then the player can proceed like nothing has happened but if they choose no then the player will receive a bonus item that will have different effects but will get stronger in the next mission. For example if I choose not to use the backpack a player will receive an item that will increase a hero's attack speed by like 40 but in the next mission the reward will be like an item that would allow the hero to take down armies all by themselves with no help from units.

At this stage, I'm more concerned with making the remaining maps rather than implementing additional item features. However, I'll keep your suggestion in mind :)

I haven't checked this thread for a long long time and already I see great things as promised from Turnro
I loved the new implementation of the Backpack, it'll help greatly in the campaign. Also the cave chapter is dark which I like * It would be much better IF the creeps we kill in our way in the cave revives after a period of time, just like Rexxar campaign in TFT*
The new spell ability for Jarod is better than the one he had before because we need a hero with a silence ability. Now I will replay your previous campaigns and if I had any idea to add to them I'll notify you :)
MY questions are
When will you release the next update and is it going to be the final complete update?
Can you replace Malfurion's model with a new one if you have one that is -just to change his old warcraft model-

I may ask more after I replayed the campaigns
till that Good luck and Good job :D

Thanks Morris. In answer to your questions:

- The next update will probably be be out near the start of next year. It will unfortunately not be the final update as there are still more maps in the pipeline.
- I don't have any intention of changing Malfurion's model for the time being. There aren't any improved models of him I've seen plus his original model works fine. I guess I'm not a huge fan of replacing every unit model with a custom one.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Nice... Turnro, if you are interested, I have found many models that perhaps you would find useful in improving the campaign. These models are from WoW and perhaps you can find something that would suit your taste.
Warcraft Underground • View topic - Massive Model pack!

These models look like they are straight-up rips from WOW. I'm not a model editor so I won't be able to use the models nor do their animations fit Warcraft 3.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
HI Turnro i really love what you have done with this campaign map it looks really good & perfectly edited my only question is well.......when will or to better put it the near time will it take you to Fully make the entire campaign??? no rush im just curious to know:)
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
@Hand of Magnus, please use the edit button since "double posting" is against the rules. And he also said in posts long ago that the next update will be as soon as the start of next year and the completion is undetermined, so it will take more(sure) or less(nope) than a year.

ok will keep that in mind.
i just wish it was finished sooner!!! :( well its still ok i understand how hard it is to make such maps :)

in any case is there anyway for people that can help in building of such campaign maps (ME or any other) or dose this project only belong to him ?? if it was possible i wolde like to help
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
ok will keep that in mind.
i just wish it was finished sooner!!! :( well its still ok i understand how hard it is to make such maps :)

in any case is there anyway for people that can help in building of such campaign maps (ME or any other) or dose this project only belong to him ?? if it was possible i wolde like to help

Hi Hand of Magnus,

It is only me working on Malfurion's Quest. What areas of map making interest you?
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Hand of Magnus, I think Turnro has a page called Malfurion Quest recruitment where you can go and help him but I am not sure if it is still active or not.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
Hi Hand of Magnus,

It is only me working on Malfurion's Quest. What areas of map making interest you?

(storyline), (spells), terrain , but i mostly like (units) (Heros)

in any case i think in the Sentinels side it wolde be wise to actually bring (medivh the last guardian) cuz so far malfurion is still struggling to know of the ligions plans & it wolde be nice to see the old crow can lend a hand to inform our arch druid of the true power of the coming invasion :D

& it wolde be good to see more natural units like the Crab Giants in chapter 5 to have an option to join malfurion this time maybe something more Ancient (The Giants of Ashenvale) Excluded

i also think that bringing the nightelves royal guard wolde be excellent (will give link to model if you want):)

i have yet to play the high born campaign so i will tell of what i think about it later :p
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Turnro just out of curiosity, if you are gonna give us some kind of code to skip directly to chapter 6 (if that is the one in the next update), then don't you think that would make the backpack redundant because many players (i think) would play the new chapter directly and would not start from the beginning and gather useful items?? This is nothing against that feature just out of curiosity.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
i still stand with my word medivh shooed come with the Sentinels :D cuz as far as i can see the highborne dont care about the nightelves & demons all they want is to reach the well at the world tree so the Prophet might be a epic help to the good guys not the evil side :)
in any case 1 questions still bothers me !!!!!! is the legion going to be defeated on both campaigns ?????
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
(storyline), (spells), terrain , but i mostly like (units) (Heros)

I'm interested to see what you can do in terms of terraining. Is there a map you can show me? Also do you make your own spells?

In answer to your last question, that's for me to know and you to find out ;)

Turnro just out of curiosity, if you are gonna give us some kind of code to skip directly to chapter 6 (if that is the one in the next update), then don't you think that would make the backpack redundant because many players (i think) would play the new chapter directly and would not start from the beginning and gather useful items?? This is nothing against that feature just out of curiosity.

Considering the backpack is a new feature and this campaign is still in development, I don't think it will be redundant at all. At the very least, codes will not be available in the final version of Malfurion's Quest.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Ah ok now I see. I thought that every time you would update the campaign you would give us some chapter skip codes but its nice to hear that there won't be any mission skipping in the final version. :D
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
I'm interested to see what you can do in terms of terraining. Is there a map you can show me? Also do you make your own spells?

In answer to your last question, that's for me to know and you to find out ;)

Considering the backpack is a new feature and this campaign is still in development, I don't think it will be redundant at all. At the very least, codes will not be available in the final version of Malfurion's Quest.

i will give you a link in wednesday that will show an example of both my map & spells

& please dont make the Sentinels fall just cuz they dont choose to side with highborne

and do think on bringing medivh to the story[/QUOTE]
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
HI Turnro i wanted to know if there is any way i can give you my map privetly idk?? email maybe ??? in any case do inform me of any wy i can give you this map privetly & i will do :D
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
I have a question thats Terrorising my mind :mad: o_O :confused: can anyone tell me whats the small GEM icon in the Very buttom right corner of the map editor whats the def if its acctive or not PLEASE TELL :)
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
HI to all hive members or new ones ( Dose anyone know how to make a Save/load system for a map if so please tell,, i want someones help to make a Save/load system for a Rpg Map) please help if can ;)
Level 10
Dec 19, 2015
You should try to wander around the hive, tutorials for almost anything are found here :) , there are tutorials for different fields, there are lot's of help in the World Editor Help zone :D The Map development threads aren't really the place for that as said....somewhere. :D Lot's of help are found outside of here, and chances of finding your answer is bigger :)
Level 21
May 29, 2013
Guys I know this is not the place to ask but how do I create a thread??
Find the correct forum, open it and click on
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hey guys! I have finally finished the "Cave of Shadows" chapter for the Sentinel story. I will now work on the Highborne equivalent map titled "A World Transformed". Some details and screenshots about this new map will be available soon.

As I've been testing Malfurion's Quest, I have felt that Archers are under-powered in the later chapters. Therefore, I have replaced the Marksmanship upgrade available to Archers with the following:



Once research, Archers are permanently upgraded into Lunar Archers, granting them 100 additional health and increasing damage by 3. This new unit will also possess the Moon Arrows ability, which allows their attacks to deal area-of-effect damage.