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Magic Staff Variations

All icons are slight edits of each other and were made from scratch through direct-size editing.
UPDATE: Tried to fix some icons, but due to the lack of skill this is the best I could do, so I guess substandard it is.

All items share the same base and have two variations - normal and active, the only difference is magic glow.
The color theme of each item was picked to match already existing icons (see in-game screenshots), except for AllianceStaff and OrcFoulStaff (I couldn't find standart icons with similar color theme, so they might stand out next to other icons).

The list of icons:

  • OrcRageStaff - a staff, that matches a theme of my other bundle - Horde-Themed Items. An initial icon I made, the rest of icons in the list are it's edits;
  • OrcRageStaffUpgrade - a glowing version of OrcRageStaff, combining red-yellow glow with red parts of the item made it kinda messy, but still recognizable in-game;
  • OrcFoulStaff - a version with a swamp-like green color theme;
  • OrcFoulStaffUpgrade - an upgraded version of OrcFoulStaff with a less noticable magic effects, then with OrcRageStaff;
  • OrcDoubleAxe - an axe. This is not a staff, but still a variation of OrcRageStaff;
  • OrcDoubleAxeUpgrade - an OrcDoubleAxe with magic glow;
  • AllianceStaff - a more human-themed variation of OrcRageStaff;
  • AllianceStaffUpgrade - an upgraded version of AllianceStaff, the glow is not as intense as in other items;
  • ScourgeStaff - a more undead-themed variation of OrcRageStaff;
  • ScourgeStaffUpgrade - an upgraded version of ScourgeStaff, tried to make green web stand out on top of a green backround, not the best idea to begin with, but I decided to give it a try;
  • UndeadStaff - another undead-themed variation of OrcRageStaff;
  • UndeadStaffUpgrade - an upgraded version of UndeadStaff.


Ingame screenshots (next to standard wc3 icons):


BTNAllianceStaff (Icon)

BTNAllianceStaffUpgrade (Icon)

BTNOrcDoubleAxe (Icon)

BTNOrcDoubleAxeUpgrade (Icon)

BTNOrcFoulStaff (Icon)

BTNOrcFoulStaffUpgrade (Icon)

BTNOrcRageStaff (Icon)

BTNOrcRageStaffUpgrade (Icon)

BTNScourgeStaff (Icon)

BTNScourgeStaffUpgrade (Icon)

BTNUndeadStaff (Icon)

BTNUndeadStaffUpgrade (Icon)

Level 21
Jan 11, 2019
Can I see some proof, or a big image of some of these icons to validate please.
As stated in the description, all icons were made direct-size, I drew them 64x64 from the start. I can send you a photoshop file where I edited them, if this helps, although I'm not sure if this counts as a proof. It also contains other unfinished icons, if that's ok.
Other than that I'm pretty sure you won't be able to find these anywhere else.



Level 32
Sep 23, 2012
It's great to see you working on useful varieties of icon with your own unique design, but I'm afraid most of these would require proper shadings before they can get approved. The Orc Double Axe would need a major update in terms of texture and shaping, as it looks like a flat-cut paper with the shape of an axe now.
You will need to place the sfx highlight carefully but not everywhere, give them different level of depth instead of clashing everything together, this especially applies to OrcRageStaffUpg and ScourgeStaffUpg.