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Level 5
Jun 17, 2006
load codes are one of those things that can't really be explained very well if you don't already have some idea of what needs to be done. they basically just involve matching items and numbers to letter combinations. for example say my hero is level 66, so let the letter A represent the first digit (1 if you will), and the number 3 represent the second digit (30) so what we have is the combination A3, which in my made-up base 36 number system represents 66 since 1x36 = 36 and 30x1 = 30, add them together and you get 66.

alternatively you could use a simple base 10 number system if you don't understand the concept of alternative number systems, however you won't be able to store nearly as much information and your codes will be easily hacked. say, as in the above example, you want to store a level 66 hero with a sword of awesomeness. just store the hero level as it is: 66, and let the number 35 represent the sword of awesomeness. so the load code is 6635. you can add more digits to this code depending on how much information you want to store.

load codes are easy if you know anything about alternative numbering systems like base 2, base 8, base 16, etc; they just end up being a lot of busywork. my own load codes involve base 600 (-.-) which saves me a lot of space and makes it nearly impossible to hack my codes. if you don't understand the concept, however, you're in for a rough ride.
Level 5
Jun 17, 2006
for each inventory slot, multiply by a power of 600 (so slot 3 would be the item number times 600^2), add them all together, then divide by 62 until you reach 0. the remainder of each division is converted into a 0-9,a-z,A-Z character.

it helps prevent hacking since although each item has a number associated with it, these numbers will change depending on how your inventory is arranged. it also saves a few characters because you don't waste any space on unused numbers.
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
That's not base 600 lol
"0-9,a-z,A-Z" <= That's base62 number system, with
"then divide by 62 until you reach 0." <= that much digits.

> and makes it nearly impossible to hack my codes.
Hahaha, oh wow. You must be kidding right?

I'll release a keygen for your map if i have time.
Level 5
Jun 17, 2006
um, yes it is in fact base 600. i parse it first to base 600 to find the item type then to base 62 to find the character...learn2read

also, when i said my code was almost impossible to break, i meant that it is nearly impossible to find a consistent way of breaking it to get the specific items you want. many people have gotten random items by hacking my code, but very rarely have they found a way to get what they are looking for.

low-life, please do not reply to my posts again. i come to the forums on this site for 2 reasons: 1. to get help for my own maps; and 2. to help other people if they have questions. thus far the only posts i have seen from you have been snippy and counter-productive, almost as if you are trying to cause trouble; not just when replying to my posts, but when replying to other posts as well. so please don't talk to me again, i won't talk to you again, we'll go on with our lives.
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006

> A numeral is a symbol or group of symbols that represents a number. Numerals differ from numbers just as words differ from the things they refer to. The symbols "11", "eleven" and "XI" are different numerals, all representing the same number. This article attempts to explain the various systems of numerals. See also number names.

> A numeral system (or system of numeration) is a framework where a set of numbers are represented by numerals in a consistent manner. It can be seen as the context that allows the numeral "11" to be interpreted as the binary numeral for three, the decimal numeral for eleven, or other numbers in a different bases.

Soooo. What are numerals for your "base 600" system?
Level 5
Jun 17, 2006
hahaha low-life, you are a man who does not give up, and that demands a certain amount of respect regardless of how much it annoys me.

if you will not believe me about the base 600 then there really isn't much more that i can say without giving away too much about my saving techniques, so i won't try to convince you anymore. you may believe me or not at this point.

going back to what you said earlier, i have no doubt that you can create a keygen for my map. someone is bound to do it sooner or later, so it may as well be done by you.

Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
> without giving away too much about my saving techniques
all your "secret" techniques are in .j file. It was funnyto disgustion to see the amunt of code you wrote.

set udg_num1 = ( udg_num1 + ( GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped('A03U', udg_playerHero[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) * 1 ) )
set udg_num1 = ( udg_num1 + ( GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped('A00C', udg_playerHero[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) * 10 ) )
set udg_num1 = ( udg_num1 + ( GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped('A03L', udg_playerHero[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) * 100 ) )
set udg_num1 = ( udg_num1 + ( GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped('A005', udg_playerHero[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) * 1000 ) )
set udg_num1 = ( udg_num1 + ( GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped('A004', udg_playerHero[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) * 10000 ) )
<== hahaha, oh wow. that was repetaed, like, 10 times. And i'mnot even talking about numerous "return ( GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlotBJ(udg_playerHero[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())], GetForLoopIndexA())) == 'I006' )" functions (hundreds)

But nevermind, why are you even responding? Common you're a busy man who comes to the forums on this site for 2 reasons. Behave. When someone tries to talk to you about what you don't know just call him troublemaker and don't ever speak to him again. This is the way to go.
Level 5
Jun 17, 2006
if you're willing to unprotect my map and pick through my code then i don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of stopping you. however, that code you posted will mean absolutely nothing to someone who isn't willing to go to such extremes and is only casually trying to hack the save code. those are the people i'm trying to stop, not people like you who possess the means and the will to go to extreme measures to destroy what other people have made.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
LOL hacking a code takes less time than it takes to make.
Unprotecting a map is not needed just open the map in JASSSHOPPRO and all the code is instantly infront of you.
I would give a detailed way to make a code system but I do not feel like typing 100s of words today :? .
Level 4
Feb 1, 2006
1: *sigh* you've all gone off track. Just ask for a save code demo from someone, or get some to do a step-by-step indepth instruction guide if they are willing.

2: No need to hacks save codes anyway, takes very little time to get good items and high levels in pretty much all the maps.
Level 5
Jun 17, 2006
true, yet still a surprising amount of people hack save codes. and seeing someone who got their god character in fifteen minutes will often take the motivation out of someone who wants to level their guy normally...
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