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Leraux 1.07

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
* A challenging single-player puzzle-adventure game, including a wide variety of original puzzles.
* Around 2-3 hours of gameplay (and dialogue).
* Developed plot and characters.
* Custom soundtrack!

* Only about 60% of the intended content was implemented (the game still has proper endings and such, but there's a notable gap in continuity).
* Difficulty might be a bit much for some people, but feel free to PM me if you're stuck.
* It has a large filesize, which might be a problem if you have a bad connection.
* Has some lingering bugs; but it's possible to play through. Let me know if you find any and I'll fix them asap.

Leraux was originally submitted to the Hive's Solo Mapping Competition #3 in February, a contest which was abandoned after long delays and annoyances (actually, the results came out the day after I submitted this!). I was under a lot of time pressure while making it (there having been a deadline), so not all of my ideas could be included in the game. I decided to polish it up a bit and release it properly to the general public, and I hope some of you will enjoy playing as much as I enjoyed making it.

Credits are displayed at the end of the map (they contain spoilers). I am not sure if I will ever add the missing scenes, but I don't get your hopes up.

Please do not post spoilers/solutions in this topic!
You can PM me directly if you have any concerns or questions.

Leraux, puzzle, adventure, mystery, riddle

Leraux 1.07 (Map)

23:20, 11th Nov 2010 ap0calypse: Approved Update: Giving the map its intended rating from the contest results:




23:20, 11th Nov 2010
ap0calypse: Approved
Update: Giving the map its intended rating from the contest results:
- Opening cinematic well done, authentic dialogue.
- Nice lighting.
- You should warn about turning up your light setting to "High".
- Loved the grue reference.
- Very nice dialogue system.
- Mushroom puzzle was very nice.

Art [x/5] - 4.5/5. Really was wonderful. The use of lighting was great. The main character's portrait model did thow me off just a bit though. Creative, and effective. A wonderful piece of art all round. Also, you left the tooltips on lumber/gold as lumber/gold which was a tad offsetting. However, just wonderful overall.

Gameplay [x/10] - 8.5/10. This was actually a puzzle game, which is something of a rarity apperently. The gameplay and use of common sense in interesting ways was great. The levels of immersion and wonderful dialogue really tied the game together.A little more direction might be needed in some parts of the game. While it is good to have your player confused, what you don't want them to be confused about what puzzle they are supposed to be solving.

Overall - 13/15. This game was marvelous. I had fun, and I felt as if I was engaged. More direction to the player would be a good idea, to keep them more engaged. However, I didn't have too hard a time with it. However, I have played quite a few of these mystery style games, and I think this game would be a hard break-in for a novice player. This certainly doesn't take away from the game in a serious manner, and it was still a wonderful piece of game design. I thoughourly enjoyed playing, and that is what matters.



Level 2
Dec 31, 2008
Great map, though it moves a little slow at times and can be frustrating. In particular, the rune puzzle is VERY tedious. I'm a bit lost as to what to do now, I've got five tiles and have solved the rune puzzle but there doesn't seem to be another puzzle to get a sixth tile and the rune puzzle didn't open anything that I can see.
Level 3
Jan 8, 2010
seems like everyone got the same problem with the last tile...
its something to be changed the author said at the moment it seems that one have to focus on the wrong thing, the important part is to find the tiles not what you think :)

i used every item i had on every object to get hints, and there is one for the last tile (but not very obvious...) hmm u shouldnt post solutions so i give some general hints:
- think about how often you used the items you have to figure out what could be used next
- are there objects that didnt do anything until now?
- don't only look for things that are hidden, try the obvious things
- what is the main goal? sometimes the first impression can be wrong...
- search your enviroment what happend after doing something, e.g. pulling switches (dont do everything at once, do it step for step to understand what each object is doing)

when you follow those hints you could find the last tile :)


the conversation with the spirit is bugged if you try to abort speech ("nevermind" or something like this), he says: as you wish and jumps back to where you were before >.<

another thing with it, pls check if the conversation is in the right order, i really got confused at the first part, but could be my mistake...
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Level 2
Dec 31, 2008
Actually, I realized what I was missing. I'd completely forgotten about it because it's the first thing the game shows you when you get into that room. Unfortunately, I'm stuck again there. I know I need the egg, I just don't know WHAT to do with it. I've used every item I have left on everything, nothing seems to work.

EDIT: I got it. Oh yeah, i tried everything on everything alright. I just didn't try everything on NOTHING. Didn't even realize I could do that at first.
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Level 1
Apr 19, 2008
Daaamn, that first riddle just crushed me. Probably thinking too deeply into it. I guess thats what the first hint implied. A second hint would be much appreciated. :[
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Level 1
Apr 19, 2008
Can anyone tell me the answer for the first riddle please? I tried 100 things already.
Lol I solved it now, the answer is literally on the screen, you just need to find what it is.
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Level 1
Apr 19, 2008
Sorry, didnt mean to leave spoilers all over the place. ^^;
Loving the map so far, been stuck in the room with the runes and levers for a few hours now. x.x
Level 5
Mar 7, 2009
Hi! Thank you for the great map, i'm really enjoying it.
However, there are some bugs i found :
-The game crashed once when i activated the very last level of the first part of the game (right before a cinematic).
-When you drop your lantern, take it back and get away, the light still exists where you droped the lantern.
-One item that is "linked" to the water could be stucked so you cannot get the tile... maybe there is a way to get it back but not sure?
-If you save and load during the runes riddle, it won't work

And now a terrible bug for me :(
I did the rune thing, i have a cinematic where runes disapear and then... the cinematic mode doesnt turn off and i'm stucked. Tried several time but still stucked...
Level 2
Jul 9, 2007
my game bug, i've finish the quest about the 7 blood runes, and after the animation, my hero is block, i can't control him ! can you help me?

does the save mod bug the game ?
Level 2
Jul 26, 2010
I'm frustated by the first riddle LOL :ogre_rage:
Anyway, is the typing is <(riddle)>, <(space)(riddle)(space)>,or -(riddle)?:ogre_frown:
Level 10
Mar 6, 2010
Well, i think it is a great map. But, i have a couple of questions, does upper and lower case letters make any difference? And do you need to type full sentences, like: I am *Correct answer*?
Level 10
Oct 26, 2008
It's too dark.
and thats prolly all i will see from this map...

i am not dumb and i walked throug all of the small cell. nothing to find to brake this lantern free.

the game looks very well made, but i am very disappionted that i cant see more of it than the intro.