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Large Bubbles

I understand this is a very simple edit, but this model can also be very useful for underwater terrains/maps.

Large Bubbles that flow upwards in a column.

-I made this for my submission in the Mini Terraining contest.

Edit: Fixed the unnecessary textures
Edit: Put up better screen shot - changing internal name will come next
Edit: Changed internal name

Bubbles, Water, Water Effects, Underwater

Large Bubbles (Model)

19:35, 24th Jan 2010 shamanyouranus: Seems very useful for underwater maps and what-not. Change the internal name and I'll approve it. Approved




19:35, 24th Jan 2010
shamanyouranus: Seems very useful for underwater maps and what-not. Change the internal name and I'll approve it.

yes they already exist ... under water doodads.
could it be, that you just took them and resized'em? :/
If not then they are nice. :D

Well they are particle emitters. From my experience with particle emitters, enlargening the doodad doesn't effect the particle size, just how far they are dispersed.

Also they only have a short lifespan, I increased that so they flow in an upwards path, like bubbles do

These are also much larger then the in game ones - I was thinking sort of like the bubbles from the old underwater levels in Sonic games

ah I see, you took the wc3 model and removed those, steam and water shockwaves.
well I think it could be useful.

Yes, the steam wasn't necessary for things like underwater terrains

Also this pic doesn't show how high they go very well, here's them in action
great picture wherewolf!

this could be very useful

you should also put that terrain screenshot as your preview up top, it would look a lot better

I didn't know If i should, since that is also my submission for the Mini Terraining contest - I didn't want to be advertising my entry, I'll change it after the contest is over (since I made it for that, its the only in game image I have of that)
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
lol someone finally made bubbles that don't just disappear... As if bubbles could pop underwater... ha.

And guys, if you resize the normal bubbles ingame, it only makes them spread out. The particle size won't change. The only way to get it to be able to be altered in the WE is to set it like that in magos.
lol SizeX2 = Done!

Well not to say that all of this was hard, but I did more then increase the size. I also increased the lifespan and altered it a bit more so they flow upwards a bit instead of just dissapearing making it more desirable for undersea terrains and maps.

And since the deadline is over, I'll put up the pic for the contest as the preview image now since it demonstrates this a bit better.

hmmmm, seems like it doesn't want to take the new preview image

Image fixed, internal name changed
Last edited:
Level 4
Jul 8, 2009

Very nice, and seeing as i have NO idea how to use magos, nor will it work on my Comp for some reason, nor do i really care, i giveth thou rep!