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Kings - The Crusade

Would you play this map if it was released?

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Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
Last edited:
Nothing against massivemaster or you, but he should prioritize his information. I also don't see how having two good coders makes your project unique.

To critique the map itself:
The individual systems are somewhat unique (with the exception of squads), but overall the premise seems boring. eg. maybe set it in a steampunk universe, or add different races etc. How about heroes in the techtree, special ingame events? What I picture this right now is default wc3 with walls and hd trees.
Terrain imo is messy, b2m's hd models don't go well with wc3 cartoony tilesets/doodads.



Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
If you wish to submit critism, please provide a way to improve. Simply saying that it looks bad without telling me how or providing resources to make the map look better will not be accepted.

I will see what i can do about the gameplay description, but i assure you, this is NOT regular WC3 with hd trees and walls. On another note, I mention MassiveMaster, defskull, and ThisPOT because i am very greatful for their help they have given me on my first project. If you find proper recognition unessecary, then please take your comments elsewhere.

However, even if it was slightly rude, I am greatful for your comments, as no one else had commented yet.
If you wish to submit critism, please provide a way to improve. Simply saying that it looks bad without telling me how or providing resources to make the map look better will not be accepted.
maybe set it in a steampunk universe, or add different races etc. How about heroes in the techtree, special ingame events? What I picture this right now is default wc3 with walls and hd trees.
Terrain imo is messy, b2m's hd models don't go well with wc3 cartoony tilesets/doodads.

If you cannot get any criticism from that, here:
-list gameplay, listing how good your team is seems like a waste of time, or you could always do that afterwards.
-listing/advertising team members shouldn't be in 'what makes this unique', that just looks to me like you ran out of things to say about how unique the map actually is. you can put that stuff in a 'team members' section
-am I to assume this is not default wc3 with hd trees and walls? plz prove your 'assurance' by puttin up more screenies and information
-use all hd or no hd doodads, a mix up looks messy imo



Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
If you have a link to some better tiles/doodads, feel free to link it here.

But anyways, I have updated the combat/gameplay section and the "What makes this map unique" section as well, so i hope they are up to your standards now.



Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
Hmm, I will take a look at the trees in the UTM. Thank you for the suggestion.

As for the villager/food systems, they are just about 99% automatic and require little to no micro whatsoever. And to answer your question, once you run out of food you won't be able to feed your people untill you accuire more. If you can't supply food quick enough, then your people will start to starve and eventaully die (represented by mana points).
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
What happens when you run out of food? Will the food and villager system be easily manageable or will it be boring/too micro-intensive?
What do you meant by "manageable" ?
Is it like if you don't like the current value, you want to change it on your own or something ?
Like Settings Per Player ?
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.
@defskull: ndh has explained it, nvm.

@ndh: hey I have an idea for farmhouses. Rather than automatically generating farm animals, perhaps you could allow a farmhouse to train them as units. Each farmhouse can only train X amount of farm animals. These farm animals generate extra food, but also periodically cost gold. They can be used for scouting, but enemies can kill them, steal them with a specific unit, or poison them (when poisoned, they could use up food rather than generate it, forcing you to choose between keeping them alive for the long run or killing them to save food in the short term).

Also to expand on the tax system, what about you can choose to Raise or Lower taxes? Raising taxes will get more gold, but affect you negatively. Lowering taxes will get you less gold, but affect you positively (in some way you can think of).



Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
You have mentioned a few ideas that sound interesting, mostly the tax one. However, we are keeping the farmhouses the same (we have already tested the training part). As it stands, each farmhouse may only support up to 8 livestock.

Edit: By the way, we will be releasing the Beta today! I will be playing it throuh Garena, and depending on the time, so will most of the team. Also, during this time, please post any and all bugs you may find here. We will be updating ths map frequently to fix them. Afterall, what good is a Beta if you can't break anything? :p



Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
Ugh... well if push comes to shove, i will just release an unprotected version.

Edit: Going to fix a few more bugs and balance some more things out. Will try to get a working map link out soon though.
Last edited:
Just tested it for some minutes. The weather and food things are really nice. :)
But why do you show two timers (food and income) which expire simultaneously? One would be enough...
And for the animals: Either make it selectable in some way which animals you want to spawn or give them all the same income/food, the way it's now doesn't make that much sense I think. Also you could make the farmhouse upgradeable too, like the housing, giving each upgrade a bigger animal count. And in my opinion the villagers age/die a bit too fast at the moment.
Level 3
Nov 8, 2009
I tried it out a bit, and here are a few quick observations:

1. It takes a looong time for the economy to get rolling. Three things you could do to fix this would be upping tax income as you've mentioned, making it so the increasing market trade values decay back down to their baseline level over time, and adding an option to trade food for gold.

2. Unit costs seem really high, and as such it's difficult to really take advantage of the huge battalion size. I think a mild nerf to unit costs (accompanying the econ buffs I suggested above) would go a long way towards improving pacing.

3. Add hotkeys for switching builder modes!

My overall goal would be to get the player doing fun stuff (like assembling huge armies and building fortifications) sooner rather than later. I hope these suggestions help! :wink:
Level 9
Dec 21, 2011
Yes. I viewed this thread a few times (5 at least) and made a few notes. Now for the suggestions :


Credit : 67chrome
Nightwatcher - Moonlight starts to beam towards the earth, and soldiers have lesser eyesight, this unit however can see very far in the night but cannot attack nor see very well at daytime.
Credit : kola
Full Moon - The moon is reaching the earth, making wolves rise and hunt for preys. Wolves will randomly attack buildings/units in random times at night. This icon will serve as buffs on every unit.
Credit : JollyD
Faith - Every unit will have faith when the cathedral is finished. + MP and MP Regeneration.
Credit : JollyD
Mechanic Mastery - Increases Speed of repairs and Building stuff. Also increases HP.
That's all. Not sure if this is included already in the game, for I haven't downloaded the map.

-Da Fist-



Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
Thanks for responding! It's great to know that there are still a few people that are interested in the map :)

Just earlier today, i greatly reduced the cost of all units (with the exception of most seige units) and reduced the cost of many buidlings significantly. I also changed a lot of the models so they all fit better together. Just a few more minor fixes, and i will release an updated version.
Here you go; this bunch might come in handy.
I decided to upload them publicly so that anyone who wants them could have them.

Here's a sample screen:


The original grass tile of mine is a bit more colorful, i tinted and desaturated it here a bit to fit with the trees. if anyone wans to check out the original, let me know.


  • CobbleStones.blp
    66.3 KB · Views: 190
  • GrassBrightPale.blp
    126.7 KB · Views: 227
  • GarvelDark.blp
    105.2 KB · Views: 191
  • DirtRough.blp
    130.5 KB · Views: 185
  • RocksLarge.mdx
    7.4 KB · Views: 191
  • RockTexture.blp
    42.1 KB · Views: 189
  • NewSnow.blp
    46.8 KB · Views: 192
  • NewRock2.blp
    61.2 KB · Views: 210
  • Sample.png
    991 KB · Views: 850
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
Interesting map.
This will be serious competition against mine XD

This looks more like Stronghold Crusader while mine is more like Age of Empires 2.
I can't wait to see it released!

2012 is the year of wc3 rts maps!
Import to any tile? Or specific ones?

You can import them to any tile really, as long as it has the same number of tile slots as the textures.

The cobble and the rock texture take one slot, the others take two.
If you click advanced>edit tileset, you will see the number of tile slots next to each texture there. You can find the paths to all the wc3 tiles in the mpq editor of the war3 model editor (also known as magos model editor).



Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
Back in action!

Hello to all 5 of you interested in this project! I'm back from an unexpected brake and have started working again on the map. As always your support will be greatly appreciated and will help motivate me to finish this thing.

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