• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Finally I'm done with this guy. As the name implies this is a model of Kilrogg Deadeye. I really really hope that you like it and that people can use it, as I've worked hard and long to get it working.
There are a few people I'd like to thank;
Samwise, for making that awesome drawing of Kilrogg Deadeye which was my inspiration to make this model in the first place.
skrab, for helping me with a texture problem I had. Thanks dude ;)
And finally I'd like to thank Traxamillion for helping me get the model to work when I had lost all hope, and because he's been real supportive. And because he's simply great.
UPDATE: Reduced the file size.
UPDATE2: Made a few minor changes and gave him team-coloured shoulderpads.

kilrogg, deadeye, orc, hero, warcraft 2, hellscream

KilroggDeadeye (Model)

KilroggDeadeye (Model)

20:40, 31st Mar 2009 Dan van Ohllus: Works ingame and performs well. Looks nice and is a great addition to the orcs.




20:40, 31st Mar 2009
Dan van Ohllus:
Works ingame and performs well.
Looks nice and is a great addition to the orcs.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Finally I'm done with this guy. As the name implies this is a model of Kilrogg Deadeye. I really really hope that you like it and that people can use it, as I've worked hard and long to get it working.
There are a few people I'd like to thank;
Samwise, for making that awesome drawing of Kilrogg Deadeye which was my inspiration to make this model in the first place.
skrab, for helping me with a texture problem I had. Thanks dude ;)
And finally I'd like to thank Traxamillion for helping me get the model to work when I had lost all hope, and because he's been real supportive. And because he's simply great.
Remember to give me credit if used. And you're free to modify all you want as long as you give me credit.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
"Stand Second" makes the unit bigger.
"Stand Fourth" makes the unit smaller.

The unit is awesome but it will be good if u change the color of the special effect (who follows the sword) during the attack animations as this unit looks too much like the Blademaster. I love his shoulder pad and his grey hairs are really nice ;)

The portrait is awesome!!!!
Level 3
Nov 24, 2008
It looks good to me, but does it need a custom texture? Couldn't the Grom texture fit, or no?
I'm no good at understand all that whatnot, just wondering.
Level 6
Jul 24, 2008
ummm well, if you have read books and stories by blizzard ppl and blizzard hired writers you know that kilrogg was a warlock(note WoW eye of Kilrogg spell) and he was NOT FIGHTING AT MELEE RANGE, sooooooo the sword is wierd, but a knife at his belt and staff in his hand would of been good
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
The sword already exists, its an attachmnet fom fel orcs right?

Aye. It's from the Fel Orc Raider.

ummm well, if you have read books and stories by blizzard ppl and blizzard hired writers you know that kilrogg was a warlock(note WoW eye of Kilrogg spell) and he was NOT FIGHTING AT MELEE RANGE, sooooooo the sword is wierd, but a knife at his belt and staff in his hand would of been good

Whoops, sorry I actually didn't know that. So far he hasn't really been in any of the books I've read. He's mentioned in Rise Of The Horde, but never as a Warlock. That was a stupid mistake on my part, I should've read some more background on him first. I might change that later. Which book does he have a bigger role in? Tides Of Darkness? Beyond The Dark Portal?
The sword looks neat anyway.
Level 2
Jun 7, 2004
Looks good, although I'd like to see team-colored shoulderpads.
(Also, please do Cho'gall :p)...

There is a campaign on hiveworkshop " The Saga of Azeroth- Part 1" which has an awesome Cho'gall skin/model. He is not a playable character though but you can see him in cinematics.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
For somehow I get the old version when I download it now, the one without tc shoulders, that is.

Are you sure? Have you tried testing it ingame? It shows incorrectly in the WC3 Viewer.

what's with the staff on his back? Isn't the sword enough to kill someone?

He is based loosely on the artwork of Kilrogg Deadeye.


As you can see he has a staff on the back. Besides, I can't see a reason not to have an extra weapon?