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Kawaii Spell Workshop

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Level 18
Sep 14, 2012
Guys dem off topic xD !
Anyway suing lightning.slk can be an idea if you know what you're doing (I did this in the past to have a dark version of the chain heal ^^) !
Otherwise a model can be used too.

Now back to business :
- @BunnyAng -> Dunnooooo
- @kenegeneget13 -> Don't double post please. This thread is long enough :)
Level 21
May 29, 2013
Here is my first request:

DDS: None or any
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Single Target
Area of Effect: None
Number of Levels: 4
Range: 600
Duration: 7
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 14
In-game Description: Forces an enemy unit to move slower and take more damage from attacks and spells.
How the spell works: When cast on a unit any kind of special effect should appear on it. Movement slow: 8%/16%/24%/32%
Bonus damage received: 8%/16%/24%/32%
More details here.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Lack mana count per sec and a little information !

Requested from Edge45 done !

There's something wrong, when i import, it shows this
could you try with GUI setup (this is what i forgot)
I don't know what problem is this, I use JNGP


  • tEMP.jpg
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Level 5
Jul 17, 2013
Random Spells!

Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Unit
Target Type: Instant
Area of Effect: No need
Number of Levels: 1
Range: No need
Duration: No need
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: No need
In-game Description: Give you random spells!
How the spell works: Hero will click on this spell, meanwhile this spell will be deleted and hero will get 7 random spells from all hero spells ingame (original WC3).
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
I'm giving up on makai's request. I'm just having a hard time replicating dodge without faking it in a DDS. I'm really sorry makai for making you wait without any useful results. :((

Random Spells!

Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Unit
Target Type: Instant
Area of Effect: No need
Number of Levels: 1
Range: No need
Duration: No need
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: No need
In-game Description: Give you random spells!
How the spell works: Hero will click on this spell, meanwhile this spell will be deleted and hero will get 7 random spells from all hero spells ingame (original WC3).

I'll take this once Zero Go clears up Malhorne's question. I want this as a compensation for failing to do makai's request.
Level 3
Feb 9, 2008
you guys still accept request? if so then


DDS: probably GUI-Friendly Damage Detection v1.2.1 by weep cause i use this....but please determine whether its needed or not.
Code Type: GUI or vJass (wherever easier for you guys)
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Instant/Seft (based on battle roar preferably)
Area of Effect: na
Number of Levels: 3
Range: na
Duration: as long as there is mana or until caster dies or damage is receive
Mana Cost: need atleast 10% of mana to activate
Cooldown: na
In-game Description: Creates an image of yourself to fight for you and mimic your actions. Doppelganger consumes 6%/4%/2% of mana per second and dies after caster receives 300/400/500 damage. Doppelganger is in sync to caster in all aspects of movement and attack but has a 1 sec. delay when casting spell.Spell can be de-activated anytime.
How the spell works: additional details:
1.Doppelganger has locust so he cannot be clicked.
2.it is in sync with the casters movements and attack (basically mimics casters actions) but has a 1 second delay in mimicking the casters spells.
3.dies after caster receives 300/400/500 damage or until mana runs out or caster dies whichever comes first
4.damage receive mean after the doppelganger is summoned not as HP loss
sample: caster has 500/1000 HP when he summoned doppel level 1 - caster receives 200 damage (so 300/1000 HP left) - uses full heal - caster receives another 100 damage (so 900/1000 HP) - doppel dies.
5.can be deactivated anytime and if deactivated damage counter resets.
so thats it...sorry for being ultra specific...tell me if it still lacks info or if theres any loose ends i still need to cover.
thanks and more power guys
Level 6
Dec 27, 2013
I Want Something for my Fps Maps.

Here it goes.

Right-Click Shoot Toggle

Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Instant
Area of Effect: N/A
Number of Levels: 5
Range: N/A
Duration: Instant
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
How the spell works: Toggles to Free Attack or Right-Click Attack.
Right-Click Shoot (Base)

Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Target Point
Area of Effect: N/A
Number of Levels: 5 (Depends on your level on to the Toggle)
Range: Range of the Ranged Unit (Choose Rifleman as a Example)
Duration: N/A
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: Attack rate of unit (Lets say 1 sec.)
How the spell works:
0. To Activate this ablity press the toggle to Right Click Attack.
1.To Fire Right-Click to the enemy or the ground.
2a.Deals (Type of a Attack) (Damage of the unit) Damage to the unit.
2b.Or Deals (AOE Damage) Damage in the Area
3.Cooldown Depend to the Attack rate of unit
4.Disables when you toggle Again.
Others:Lets the unit to 0 Speed.
Level 6
Dec 27, 2013
Its Simple!
Just take the attack type from a Unit
Rifleman Deals Pircing Damage Right? So Copy it from the Spell.

And the Attack Rate
Lets say that the Rifleman has 1.50 sec. of Cooldown, So Copy That too

And the Damage about 26 Damage (Not From Rifleman)
Level 6
Dec 27, 2013

The Damage In this Spell are:
Level 1 26
Level 2 28
Level 3 30
Level 4 35
Level 5 39
Damage Type:pircing
the Cooldown is 1.50 sec.
Range 400
No Aoe (well if your gonna Chose Motar Team Then)
Stats from Rifleman.

Note: I Got this from the Object Editor.
There's something wrong, when i import, it shows this
could you try with GUI setup (this is what i forgot)
I don't know what problem is this, I use JNGP

Hmm, weird >.<, i'll check it right now!

EDIT: Sorry but after checked, i can't see wrong with it even i am using JNPG to save this code 0.0....


  • Mana Curse.w3x
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  • Deep Wound.w3x
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Level 7
Jun 15, 2010
Rock Chain

DDS: i have no damage detection system and dont want to use one
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Target Point
Area of Effect: 300*
Number of Levels: 3*
Range: 800*
Duration: 8* sec - a little bit for each damage done*
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 12
In-game Description: Trows a rock towards target point and puts a chain between the closest unit (max 300 range) and the rock. If chained unit moves out of 300 range from the rock then he drags the rock wich makes him slow and take damage.
How the spell works: Trows a rock towards target point and puts a chain between the closest unit (max 300 range) and the rock. The rock has 300 lives* (as floating tekst). Every 0.04 second it drains 1 live (so 25 per sec) and if the chained unit moves out of 300 range from the rock then he should be moved slowed, taking damage and dragging the rock with him. Also the rock live decreases (so taking damage will also shorten the duration of the effect). If he gets back in the 300 range of the rock then he moves normaly again without taking damage. At all time there must be some sort of chain (as dummy) between target and rock

* = if possible make it easy to chance:)
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